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Walking The Dog Log


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Ok, well OH and I were walking the dogs Monday night and a house in the street had 3 cop cars and 2 ambulances outside :D No idea what had happened, the couple there are our age and lovely. THeir ACD was 'helping' the uniform people.

Last night we walked them after OH took Monah for a bike ride. She needs more exercise than Roisin, then on our walk it POURED and I FROZE. I am thinking of moving back to SA. How will I cope, I was sure the temp must have been about 10, but, news said we had a low of twenty something ;)

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it was so cold when i got up this morning :eek:

but with the help of trackies, some thick woolly socks and a scarf, Hugo and I still made it out for a walk :heart:

eta, weather.com.au says it is 0 degrees here at the moment :mad

Hi all.

Daisy I thank you for your kind welcome last week. Abby and I are still walking morning and night and I agreeit is certainly getting cooler. I had her spayed last week and was told to keep her quiet. How do you keep a six month old Gsd quiet???

I thought by only taking her to onlead areas we would avoid mishaps; but of course not! A lot of people don't take notice of signs do they? Never mind; stitches come out Monday so hopefully that will be one less stress on our walks.

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Keeping her quiet would be very difficult I'm sure! Roll on Monday :heart:

we didn't walk today, I have a nasty cold and just really didn't want to go out at all, but will try to make the effort tomorrow, especially if it is another nice day :eek:

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c25k week 2 day 3 done, yay!

I have actually found the last 2 runs somewhat easier cardio-wise than I had expected, I am still definitely working up a sweat but I am doing it comfortably now and not feeling like I am pushing myself too hard, which is great :)

My poor knees are aching tonight though :(

The malinut is definitely enjoying the extra activity and higher pace, too.

Hope we can all manage to keep up the motivation to get some excercise in over winter, and Daisy good luck shaking that cold! :)

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Hello Dogloggers,

We have been M.I.A for a while, my older boy hurt his leg a few weeks ago, possibly playing with his i-squeak, so he has been kept quiet for the last couple of weeks, not much walking and no crazy stuff with balls.

Then on Friday my younger boy had to have surgery for a bowel obstruction, he had a peach stone removed, no idea where he found it. Anyway he is home tonight and will have to also be kept quiet until he heals. He is doing okay, eating and drinking and I have never been so relieved to see to poo as I was tonight :D

Enjoy your walks ,hopefully we will be back in full swing soon

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Sorry guys, we've been AWOL on the forum for a bit. I've been really busy but Max and I have been walking on average 3 times a week on the roads and pavements (30 minutes or so, morning and evening) and twice a week on the beach (only one walk on beach days LOL). I'm probably going to cut back on the 2nd walk in the winter as the days are too short to fit it in - I'm planning on doing more obedience training though because I can fit several short sessions in during the day (between jobs - the joy of being self-employed)

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nice to see you guys back :laugh:

I am rushing to go off to work early today as I have a lot on, but will endeavour to walk tonight - although I wish we had daylight savings all year round as it is dark now by the time I get home :D The cold is getting better and I did get Dozer out for a short walk yesterday :D

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HOpe everyone, including dogs, are feeling better!!

I did flyball 'instead' of a walk yesterday. :D Pouring this morning, so will have to get 'wet weather gear' out :D We had an early morning play in the garden (2 acres so lots of running) and the girls are asleep, but we will go for a short 30 min walk.

Do your dogs have 'friends' on their walks? I try to do different walks but the girls really miss the meet and greets with their

friends and if a 'friend' is not outside they will look for them. :rofl:

Glad I dont have to face the cold :laugh:

Cuchulain, more MAX pics! :D

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*pants* c25k week 3 day 1 done, didn't think I was going to get through the last run but we made it! Every time I slow to a walk the malinut gives me a dirty look LOL he wants to keep jogging (an easy trot for him).

I decided to have an extra day or so break as my knees have been aching, and then I found out I'm going to be out of a job very soon through no fault of my own >_< so that put a big downer on things and the last thing I felt like doing was excercise :(

As for friends on walks we haven't really been walking much when not at work, and we've been doing our c25k runs doing laps of the work site, so don't encounter any one else along the way... The malinut isn't allowed play time with others yet though, he is just tooooo excited to play, so until he can learn to calm down and be gentle we just keep to ourselves when in public anyway...

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well done :)

I have walked every day this week, except this morning, I am not going to have time now before work as I had a bit of a sleepin.... may be when I get home, although much as I dislike walking in the mornings sometimes, it is even worse in the dark!

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I've been getting up at 6am instead of 7am to take JJ the precious maltese x (shit) for walk before I leave for work by 7.30 as JJ thinks he's too precious to go outside to toilet early in the morning will just go outside and stand in carport and as I leave him and my old girl lady inside while I'm at work JJ was coming back inside and doing his business on carpet instead so if I take him for walk in morning he then goes to toilet, Hmmm maybe he's not as silly as I thought he was he's making sure mum takes him for walk. :laugh: I have seen a lady and her children down the road from me walking their dog late in the afternoon I must ask her if she'd mind if JJ and I tag along as I think it motivates you more if you have someone to go walking with every night and I can sleep in an extra hour. :laugh:

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Hi Everyone!!! :thumbsup:

I'm definately another who needs to join the dog log if you don't mind..... so tomorrow is day one, and I see a long walk along sandgate beach happening.... (i've been SLACK lately with taking Lottie for walks, me and my housemate usually just drive the dogs places.....).

It'll also hopefully help me get back into shape (which DEFINATELY needs to happen!!!!!!)

Beth and Lottie....

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Thanks for the welcome!! I didn't manage to get to the beach, but went for a nice big walk around my suburb (lots of bush track type things), with Lottie (my dog), and Dexta and Astro (my sisters dogs), and they all walked REALLY well, no pulling, no playing on Lotties half, she thinks every second of every day is play time, haha!!! and they all stayed in their own spots!!! :thumbsup: Now to go to obedience tonight.....

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c25k week 3 day 3 done, yay... though I cheated a bit this run, as I went down the road from home and had to stop at traffic lights in the middle of my last run :( Plus it's all up-hill on the way back home so I was totally buggered :( I walked an extra 10mins or so and then ran the last little bit down-hill to home. Be interesting to see how I go with week 4... I think i might find a nice flat sports field to do laps of!

Good to see there are still people out and about during winter, too, well done guys! :)

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I did get out for a walk yesterday, even though it was pretty cold and I have a rotten tooth which seems to be making the whole side of my face and ear ache. I wore a nice warm beanie and scarf though! And we have dog training this afternoon, I usually do that instead of a walk.

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