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Spin Off: What Age Best To Desex? Confused


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As a pet owner who has quite a few dogs over the years I've always had them desexed about 6 months and usually before a females first season.

This has suited me well and I've not had any problems at all. If I ever get another pup (heaven forbid :rainbowbridge: ) it will be desexed around 6 months.

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As soon as I can as I don't intend to breed. Gypsy was all booked into to go at six months and then went into heat.... So she was done at seven months.

I'd do it again in an instant, unfortunately with shift work I found it really hard to monitor her when she was on heat.

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After reading the last thread on early de-sexing, I am confused about what is best for my goldie girl, what age is it best to desex a female golden retriever? or dog in general.



Search the forum for threads on desexing - there are plenty, and they make for some interesting reading. It can be quite a heated topic.

Personally, we've decided that our Gypsy won't be getting done until she's finished growing due to concern about growth plates and because I plan to do agility with her. She's just come into season now dead on 6 months (annoyingly), but most goldens seem to come in a bit later - 8 months onwards. She just wanted a longer holiday from formal training I think :rofl:

There are health benefits and drawbacks to relatively early desexing (bit hard to get most reproductive system cancers when those organs are no longer there), but there are issues with growth plates taking longer to close (a significant issue if you're planning to do dog sports/lots of active exercise). Of course it's easier for the owners to get them desexed early - no need to worry about the mess from seasons, or keeping them at home safe and the backyard secure from male dogs and escape attempts.

Anyway, so far it hasn't been any trouble for us (touch wood) with her in season, despite having a fully carpeted house. No drips, no mess. Our backyard is as secure as it could possibly be, so, for us it isn't a problem so far, the most annoying part is just not being able to take her out for 3 weeks or so and having to miss training.

My OH was very reluctant to wait to get her desexed, concerned about the mess and other things, but so far he hasn't even noticed she's in season :) (he doesn't take her out or walk her, so no mistakes are going to happen due to him not realising yet)

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I always let mine have at least one season before I desex them. Always felt they need those hormones to complete their growth to mature them. I have never had any problems with mess or with male dogs.

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I too used to always get my dogs spay/neutered at 6 mths old. Never had a dog on heat either that was until I did some research on the internet.

I had decided to wait until Tilba had her 1st heat b4 spaying because of the reasons already given. Lucky for me she was 10 mths old. Not much trouble with the occasional spotting, she didn't have access to the carpet so easy to wipe up on the hard floors. It only seemed to be every other day for a couple of weeks. Didn't have male dogs hanging around, something my mother always told me would happen, & she didn't want to escape & find a mate. She was also happy to spend most of the time inside on her bed, only going outside for toilet breaks.

I had also been told & read that if you want to take them out for walks to carry them to the car, drive to a secluded park for walks, drive home & carry inside, so as not to leave a trail for male dogs to follow. Although I didn't walk her for 4 weeks from onset of the spotting.

Let me know if you want the links that I found while doing my research.

ETA If you can't guarantee that she won't get pregnant because your yard isn't secure or you can't watch her I would get her done at 6 mths, but waiting is more beneficial for the larger breeds from what I've learned through research.

Edited by luvsdogs
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