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Fido's Everyday Shampoo


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It seems that everytime I use this, my dog gets very very itchy. She will be fine and then when I wash her a few days afterwards she starts.

When i use aloveen she doesnt get itchy and her diet never changes so i'm putting it down to possibly being the shampoo.

Does anyone else get problems with it? It might be just a coincedence and not the shampoo at all.

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If I were you I would stay away from any Fido's products, I used to think they were great and used their shampoo on all my grooming dogs until I had numerous owners saying the same thing.

I also know of one dog that ended up losing an eye, it had dry eye and when the owner was washing it she got a tiny bit in it's eye without realising, the damage was irreparable.

I was grooming a poodle at work and got some in it's eye I flushed it straight away, by the next day the owner came back and the eye had ulcerated, luckily it cleared with drops.

My hands ended up so bad while using it, I lost half the skin on the palm of my right hand, I had to have skin scrapings done because the doctors thought it was some sort of bacteria, turned out it was a bad reaction to the shampoo, since I stopped using it they have cleared up.

The feedback has become so bad on their shamppos that our clinic is no longer stocking them.

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I don't like Fidos stuff at all. The fumes make my eyes burn but it also gives me terrible eczema on my hands. In the past their flea rinses had made me feel a little congested in the lungs even with a mask on. I can't stand the smell of any of the products.

I had run out of Permoxin a few weeks back to give a dog a flea rinse and found some Fidos in the back of the cupboard. I used it and had my first ever asthma attack. It was awful. :)

They also did themselves a disservice at Pet Expo a few years back when their reps were telling people how much better it is than Aloveen as Aloveen has soooo much soap in it. ;) Aloveen is soap free, I thought it was very sneaky and underhanded of them, probably illegal too.

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:rofl: Holy crap, really?? i used to use the everyday on my Tuckyboo, but have since changed over to their oatmeal shampoo because he's itchy a lot of the time (he hasn't had any hot spots or irritations, but i made the switch regardless). i still use it on Bambi without any problems.

The first salon i ever worked at used Fido's on all the dogs (unless the dogs had very sensitive skin and bought their own shampoo, or we used the oatmeal) and we never had a problem...

That's so mean, Clyde! At the moment i'm using the Fuzzyard range at work and the client's feedback has been very positive. i guess i'm a bit of a hippie in that regard, i really like using the all-natural stuff! Their ear cleaner is ace! We do not stock it at work tho (Petstock) so i can't really pimp it, and usually recommend the Fidos oatmeal or the Aloveen.

It can be hard sometimes... i'm sure there's a dog out there somewhere that has had a reaction to everything under the sun. Bambi vomits unless she eats one brand of food, and only one flavour. She can't stomach raw or cooked food, or anything else, and i'm so scared of the recipe being changed... :laugh:

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I use Fidos Everyday when my dogs need a good wash and then follow it up with malaseb. If I didn't do this I found I'd have to use a lot more malaseb to get a decent lather and fully cover their bodies to get the 10 minute effect. With the pre-wash, the malaseb goes on them much more smoothly. Fidos is gentle and cheaper than malaseb so it's work out more economical for me.

This combo seems to work really well on my lot.

Note that my dally's have never needed washing all that often tho.

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