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Have we already got a blooper thread? apologies if we have, I feel like there might be, anyway here's a couple from today. I wanted to get Tag clearing the rail but Pucky was busy disrespecting other peoples property.


and this would've been a good action shot of Feather giving Tag a hiding except (once again) Pucky had to spoil it. :rofl: I see a pattern here.


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Here is one of Sash... we'd finally gained some momentum with her jumping shots, I was learning the best time to catch her in action... and then, for our big finale she approached for the best shot... then decided she'd had enough of that game for the day.

The second shot... well, as you can see, Sash doesn't need anyone to mess up her shots. She does a fine job by herself :laugh:



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This is me trying to get a photo of the big scary dog sleeping with her teddy - but alas I must've made an exciting noise because what I got was a rabid green-eyed dog with a floppy ear and a loose tongue. Sigh.

Or trying to get a nice shot of me and my girl - until she decided it was time for kisses.

I think my girl is a bit spheschul. :)

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