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Help - I Have A Snake In My Yard


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And I thought catching "Huntsmen" (spider) was tricky!!! And I freaked when one was on my wardrobe door last night....still put him outside though.

Glad it all went well, probably be years before you see another one. :D

So glad you could actually get a snake man to come take it away.... no such luck for me when we had a python in the house, had to get it myself... put it ina box and take it for a drive to the national park... tell you its freaky driving around with a snake in a box... in your car.....

course... id take a snake ANY DAY over a spider.

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And I thought catching "Huntsmen" (spider) was tricky!!! And I freaked when one was on my wardrobe door last night....still put him outside though.

Glad it all went well, probably be years before you see another one. :D

So glad you could actually get a snake man to come take it away.... no such luck for me when we had a python in the house, had to get it myself... put it ina box and take it for a drive to the national park... tell you its freaky driving around with a snake in a box... in your car.....

course... id take a snake ANY DAY over a spider.

I would be too scared to try and get it away myself, I guess that is the good thing about living in the Sydney basin. As for spiders, I hate them too, especially the huntsman even though I know they are the least of my worries. I found a huge redback on Monday that I drowned in fly spray. We also found one a few weeks ago when we were cleaning out the drain, it had a sac full of babies on it. From past experience I will never spray a spider with a sac on it, we ended up trying to drown it in a bucket, well the sac came off but the redback can survive in water. Once the sac was off we killed it the old fashion way.

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I'm the only one in my family who catches the huntsman and releases it! Always have. A plastic jug and an ice cream container lid are my equipment of choice. They are the spiders that eat the nasty little venomous ones.

Squish those redbacks, best method EVER...

We tried to catch a Red bellied Black once, kept picking him up with spade and putting him in horse feed bucket but kept getting out before we could get lid on. After 4 attempts we decided it was getting dangerous and snake was getting annoyed. Sadly it was off with his head. When snake catcher FINALLY arrived he was very understanding about it.

Wouldn't worry quite as much about a python. Although it too can bite, a very painful bite with possible infection.

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id take a snake ANY DAY over a spider.

oh NO WAY - I would rather have 50 spiders in my house than even half a dead snake :cheer:

we probably do have 50 spiders come to think about it :) the only ones I ever kill are redbacks and white tails (i think thats what they are)

OT - I was driving one night to go get some take out and I slowed down coming up to a roundabout and then hit the brake so hard and screamed the loudest girly scream imaginable :thumbsup: - and im not a girly screamer - there was a HUGE huntsman on the windscreen level with my eyes (on the outside).

I pulled over into the car park and got out of the car (more of a jump tho) I made my partner help me find this spider as it had now dissapeared from the windscreen down near my door.

standing about a metre or so from the car I watch it squeeze in the gap in my door it was so creepy it kind of went in one leg at a time real slow until it had all disappeared and head down to the accelerator and brake :laugh: Im in the carpark doing a little jump up and down on the spot "babe get it ouuuuuuuuuuut" I didnt want it dead but I also didnt want to have it crawl on me while driving. my partner managed to get it out of the car and we drove off and after all that when I had reversed out of the carpark - the back wheel had run over it :rofl:

I felt so bad for the poor thing even though I swear it was the size of my hand and it had the biggest ugliest bum on it eeeerrrgh, i still shudder thinking about it - and I prefer spiders over snakes :cheer: I dont even know how i would react if I saw a snake in our yard.

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