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F A Q (food, Fleas, Worming, Shopping, Etc)


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Common topics I've found useful since joining the DOL forums. I tried to include topics which are most frequently asked by new owners. :laugh:

Premium Dry Dog Foods


DOL topics

External links



DOL topics


Fleas & Ticks & Worms & Heartworms. Oh my!

By Brand

Comparison chart attached below.

Online shopping


Do not feed cooked bones to dogs.

Toxic! (Not the Britney Spears Song)

Pet Insurance

DOL topics


Holidaying with dogs


Edited by 16Paws
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Perhaps you could also add a feedback rating for the online stores? I know a lot of people have had issues dealing with Petitude (I've bought from them once and it was an awful experience) and I'm sure enough people have purchased from most of those stores to establish some basic numbers or an idea of what kind of experience you can expect.

It'll be a bit of work but.. we know you love it :laugh:

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Awesome compilation!!! :laugh: How about a few more topics like crafts, or popular toys ratings, etc etc.

You should add Uncle Albers/Great Barko to the foods list--I have heard amazing things, it's Aussie food, and it's CHEAP!

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