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Possible Breeder Problems For My Cousin..


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My cousin recently bought a puppy from a registered breeder in QLD (where she lives). At the time the pup was 13 weeks old. The breeder said she didn't have her registration papers yet so she would send them out when they arrived. It's been 3 weeks now and there's no sign of them and the breeder won't respond to emails which is her only way of being contacted. It seems a little suss to me..

Also, my cousin has booked the pup into the vet to get what she thought would be her third lot of vaccinations. Upon looking over the paperwork it appears the second lot weren't given, although the puppy was in the breeders care when they were due, my cousin didn't get the puppy until a week afterwards. I suggested this may just be a mistake in the paperwork, but with no way to contact the breeder doesn't she run the risk of having to start them all over again? :thumbsup:

Does anyone have any suggestions on what she could do?

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Contact the CCCQ and make sure the paperwork was done/the breeder is registered. Surely they have a name - can they look her up on the white pages on line?

As for having to start the vaccinations again - don't get conned into that. The pup will be fine with a single vaccination now.

Edited by Sandra777
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In Qld, a puppy is registered straight into the new owners name (while other states make breeders register to themselves first and then transfer) so many breeder wait until all pups in a litter are sold before registering the whole litter. If this was the last pup then the papers might have only been submitted a few days after he was bought and it takes a number of weeks for DogsQld to process (they say it can take 6-8 weeks). Then the papers are all sent to the breeder who has to check they are correct and then post out to each owner.

There is no "starting over" with vaccinations. Just give the next whenever and then the last (if your vet does 3).

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Thanks guys. I did tell her to look her up in the phonebook and also to contact the CCCQ.

That makes more sense with the papers then. I was going off my last pup which we got in the NT, who came at 8 weeks with his papers. I didn't realise it was a different process in QLD.

As far as the vaccs, I was thinking she may have to start over because that's what happened with my cat. Maybe it's different with cats and dogs, then? Or did my vet take me for a ride? lol Anyway, I'll let her know...

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Or did my vet take me for a ride? lol Anyway, I'll let her know...

Yep, I'd say you went for a short ride around the block. :rolleyes:

Multiple vaccinations are given to young animals because there is no way of telling without titre testing (and perhaps not even then) when the maternal immunity wears off, and this varies from animal to animal in the same litter.

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The paperwork may be a bit slow because most Canine Councils have time off over the Christmas period. I had a litter born in December and my paperwork only came through 2 weeks ago, which I forwarded off to the new owners as soon as it arrived (I am in NSW). Hopefully the breeder will respond to the emails sent...maybe they are having internet problems!!! How long has your cousin been emailing with no response?

As for the vaccination, just get one more done. I only ever get 2 shots for puppies.

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