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Wishing To Purchase A Westie Or A Cavalier


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I am interested in purchasing a westie or a cavalier but would like to hear from westie and cavalier owners first before I/we commit ourselves. I suppose I could obtain info through doing a search on the internet but I would prefer to hear it straight from a horse's mouth so to speak :cry: I have been reading posts from this forum for quite some time and have enjoyed every minute of it and I don't doubt that I will be provided with valuable information. Thanks everyone :confused:

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What attracts you to each of these breeds?

They are VERY different in temperament.

Agree with above,do you want indoor/outdoor.

Which coat would you prefer to deal with ??

Westies are terriers & can have that spunky terrier nature that one must be prepared for

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Hi poodlefan...well, I guess I like the look of both the westie and the cavalier although I realise that there is no resemblance whatsoever, lol.

Do you know what the difference in temperament is? and if so...I would be most interested to hear. I can fathom that there is a difference as I have found out from googling information but as I said....I would much prefer to hear from westie/cavalier owners. Then again....we may end up buying one of each.

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I believe that dogs ought to be part of the family so therefore we will be allowing the dog/s indoor during the night and indoor/outdoor during the day.

Charles.....basically, I am wanting to know the temperament of the cavalier....given that you happen to own one or two, etc etc....how prevalent is mitral valve heart disease in cavaliers here in Oz....any other prevalent health problems that one ought to know about?

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Hi poodlefan...well, I guess I like the look of both the westie and the cavalier although I realise that there is no resemblance whatsoever, lol.

Do you know what the difference in temperament is? and if so...I would be most interested to hear. I can fathom that there is a difference as I have found out from googling information but as I said....I would much prefer to hear from westie/cavalier owners. Then again....we may end up buying one of each.

these dogs are so different it may not be possible for people to answer such a broad question so you might need to help by giving some more information like what is your lifestyle? are you active? what do you want to do with the dog? what do you like in a dog personality wise?

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Hi poodlefan...well, I guess I like the look of both the westie and the cavalier although I realise that there is no resemblance whatsoever, lol.

Do you know what the difference in temperament is? and if so...I would be most interested to hear. I can fathom that there is a difference as I have found out from googling information but as I said....I would much prefer to hear from westie/cavalier owners. Then again....we may end up buying one of each.

these dogs are so different it may not be possible for people to answer such a broad question so you might need to help by giving some more information like what is your lifestyle? are you active? what do you want to do with the dog? what do you like in a dog personality wise?

I do have a very large property so therefore there would be ample space for the dogs to run around in so I am not really obliged to have to take them for a walk if I should not want to on any particular day; I am also wanting dogs that don't require to be on the move 24/7 and that are quite happy to be couch potatoes some of the time and sit beside me whilst I watch a good dvd with a nice glass of red....basically, a dog that is affectionate and not one that is aloof....I am not interested in a dog that is content to do its own thing, one that is reasonably obedient. :confused:

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Hi poodlefan...well, I guess I like the look of both the westie and the cavalier although I realise that there is no resemblance whatsoever, lol.

Do you know what the difference in temperament is? and if so...I would be most interested to hear. I can fathom that there is a difference as I have found out from googling information but as I said....I would much prefer to hear from westie/cavalier owners. Then again....we may end up buying one of each.

Help us out by telling us a little more about yourself and what sorts of characteristics you're looking for in a dog.

Both look "cute" but thats about where the similarity ends apart from size.

CKCS is a toy breed, its a small spaniel that retains some instinct, tends to be very people focussed, often soft in nature and has a silky coat that requires regular brushing to keep tangle free.

WHWT is a terrier, developed to hunt and kill vermin. They tend to be independent, feisty and their wire coats require a fair bit of stripping to look as good as the ones you see on breeders websites or the My Dog ads. They can be challenging to train and feisty with other dogs.

Both breeds can be active and thrive on regular long walks (when grown up).

ETA: Based on what you've said in the previous post, I think the CKCS would suit you better. However there are probably a heap of other toy breeds you might like to consider.

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For instance, as great as they are I would never own a beagle as I have constantly heard that once their nose in on the ground they develop selective hearing. I don't want to offend anyone that happens to own a beagle but I am just giving an example of what I do not want in a dog.

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Hi poodlefan...well, I guess I like the look of both the westie and the cavalier although I realise that there is no resemblance whatsoever, lol.

Do you know what the difference in temperament is? and if so...I would be most interested to hear. I can fathom that there is a difference as I have found out from googling information but as I said....I would much prefer to hear from westie/cavalier owners. Then again....we may end up buying one of each.

Help us out by telling us a little more about yourself and what sorts of characteristics you're looking for in a dog.

Both look "cute" but thats about where the similarity ends apart from size.

CKCS is a toy breed, its a small spaniel that retains some instinct, tends to be very people focussed, often soft in nature and has a silky coat that requires regular brushing to keep tangle free.

WHWT is a terrier, developed to hunt and kill vermin. They tend to be independent, feisty and their wire coats require a fair bit of stripping to look as good as the ones you see on breeders websites or the My Dog ads. They can be challenging to train and feisty with other dogs.

Both breeds can be active and thrive on regular long walks (when grown up).

ETA: Based on what you've said in the previous post, I think the CKCS would suit you better. However there are probably a heap of other toy breeds you might like to consider.

Thanks PF. I don't mind the grooming that accompanies either the cavalier or the westie. From your description I would be opting for a cavalier given that you say that they are more "people focused". I had spoken to westie breeders ages ago and was told that they are just as affectionate as a cavalier and love attention and being close to their owners. You say that they can be a challenge to train - is that to say that they are stubborn? To be honest, I am not one to go on extended walks but I can certainly teach them to play "fetch" when they are old enough to exercise extensively without risking bone problems, but as I said earlier - if they should want to run till they are puffed there is more than enough room here for them to do just that, lol.

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Get the Cavalier if you want:

* A dog that will give you non stop loving, follow you around everywhere and basically just want to be with you and cuddle all the time.

* A dog that will want to sleep most of the time, but still likes a bit of a play

* A dog that loves going for daily walks, but will not make a fuss or display bored behaviour when they dont get a walk. They are just as happy to laze around, as long as you are there.

* A dog that gets along with all other animals , is fearless but is not vicious at all

* A dog that is easy to housetrain

* A dog that is easy to groom - just brush a few times a week

* A dog that would be great to have around children

This is my experience after owning a Cavalier for 8 months now - he is the best little guy! So obviously I am biased, but I say Cavalier from a reputable, registered breeder.

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Thanks PF. I don't mind the grooming that accompanies either the cavalier or the westie. From your description I would be opting for a cavalier given that you say that they are more "people focused". I had spoken to westie breeders ages ago and was told that they are just as affectionate as a cavalier and love attention and being close to their owners. You say that they can be a challenge to train - is that to say that they are stubborn? To be honest, I am not one to go on extended walks but I can certainly teach them to play "fetch" when they are old enough to exercise extensively without risking bone problems, but as I said earlier - if they should want to run till they are puffed there is more than enough room here for them to do just that, lol.

Unless you want your dog to be fearful of new places and people, I'd strongly recommend you make an effort to get it out of the yard and about the place on a regular basis.

Dogs need the stimulation of the new sights and smells that walks give them. Its not just about the exercise.

I would strongly suggest you visit a dog show and Groups 1 (Toys) and 2 (Terriers) to see these dogs for yourself. Hard to explain but I'd describe the temperaments as very different. Terriers tend to have more of their own agenda, which when you consider they were bred to think for themselves when hunting is hardly surprising.

Both of these breeds are popular and there are some unscrupulous types breeding them. Choose your breeder CAREFULLY.

You might also like to visit the threads for each of these breeds in the Dog Breeds 101 forum here. Lots of good information there.

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Whatever their exercise requirements, most dogs need to be walked every day. It is the mental stimulation from different sights and sounds that they need too - not jsut the physical exercise. Walks don't need to be long, but they do need to be interesting.

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Hi Abigail and welcome to DOL :cry:

We own 2 Cavs, Renae and her son Joey.

Joey being young still is quite active, and enjoys long walks with my Husband, however his Mother prefers to slow short walks and tends to sleep a fair bit these days (bit like me!) lol

You have to watch they don't over eat, even when they are pleading with their beautiful big brown eyes! :rofl:

They can develop a few known genetic issues, so you will need to do your research carefully with the breed itself, and the breeders. Very important !

You can find more info in this section on both breeds u are interested in (and other breeds) ..


Most Cavs have a very gentle, friendly and loving nature, altho our Renae can get territorial around kids and people she doesn't know..

Joey has a brilliant temperament and loves everyone, and is such a happy go lucky Cav!

All the best with your research, and whatever breed you end up getting ! :confused:

Edited by JulesLuvsCavs
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ps.. well secured fencing is a must with Cavaliers, as they can be escape artists, and they are known for not having good road sense ..:confused:

They love being around people, and do not do well if left alone for too many hours. They are a indoor type dog, that will take over your bed, lounge, heart etc LOL

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Only get a cavalier if you can handle the massive amount of shedding they do too. We have two cavs and the hair they leave around the place is enough to keep you warm for many many winters. Cavs are friendly, loveable, dont require a massive amount of exercise and are great around kids. You have to really watch their weight, they can be greedy little buggers and their coat can be high maintainance (we don't get our clipped, hence the reason I say this). They are very food obsessed which can make training a breeze. They love love love to be around people too. Good luck!

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Terriers don't sound like they would suit you.

Most require a fair bit of exercise and some are more independent.

In my experience terriers left in a backyard with no other exercise quickly become destructive and bark a lot.

Cavaliers are lovely little dogs; extremely friendly, I have never met an aggressive one.

Also, all of the westies I have seen hhave been lovely dogs too, but not quite as people-loving as cavaliers.

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Hmmmm - one of my westies mustn't be normal - he LOVES people!! :)

Some entertaining westie threads:



My opinion may be biased but westies are great dogs :D

When I got my first two westies, I lived in a townhouse and everything I read about westies suggested that I should not have westies livign in a townhouse situation - apparantly they bark, dig, are fiesty and independant. I committed to ensuring my westies got out every day - went on walks, went to the park and were socialised with all sorts of situations. They were never a problem while I was in the townhouse for 4 years - neighbours never complained (I checked in with them regularly).

Bottom line is - whether you get a cav or a westie - it's the amount of effort you put into that dog which will determine how the dog turns out. Like with everything in life - it all depends on the effort you put it into things. Dogs don't train themselves - nor do they come pre-programmed. They do come with traits but it's all about the effort!

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Hi Abigail and welcome to DOL :D

We own 2 Cavs, Renae and her son Joey.

Joey being young still is quite active, and enjoys long walks with my Husband, however his Mother prefers to slow short walks and tends to sleep a fair bit these days (bit like me!) lol

You have to watch they don't over eat, even when they are pleading with their beautiful big brown eyes! :D

They can develop a few known genetic issues, so you will need to do your research carefully with the breed itself, and the breeders. Very important !

You can find more info in this section on both breeds u are interested in (and other breeds) ..


Most Cavs have a very gentle, friendly and loving nature, altho our Renae can get territorial around kids and people she doesn't know..

Joey has a brilliant temperament and loves everyone, and is such a happy go lucky Cav!

All the best with your research, and whatever breed you end up getting ! :)

Thanks Jules! Sounds like the cavalier is the breed for me although my partner may object to the profuse shedding but I am prepared to vacuum the place every day and use my brushomatic to keep hair on the furniture to a bare minimum. I know that my partner loves the westies as a mate of his owns one and he has become fond of that little dog. I will have to wait and see how adamant my partner is in wanting a westie all for himself.

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