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Bastian My Beautiful Boy...


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Well, its been just over three months and I feel like I can finally type this without losing it.

On January 29 this year I said goodbye to my beloved Rottweiler, Bastian. He was 9yrs 9mths old.

He meant the world to me. I got him at 6 weeks and the bond we had was unbelievable. He was the one who never let me down. I went through some very tough times and I can't count the number of times I sat on the ground and cried, and Bastian would always come and sit on my lap - he always knew when I needed him.

He protected me, loved me, made me laugh and challenged me. He was my heart.

When my OH came into my life Bastian loved him too and my OH loved Bastian. But my boy would always make sure Chris knew who was number 1 in my heart!!

When we adopted a 10 mth old sibe husky bitch - Bastian was 5 - he took her in without a single grumble and helped her learn to trust and love us.

No-one who met Bastian walked away without loving him. I have non-dog friends who say Bastian converted them. He was patient, gentle, smart and generous.

In Dec 09, he suddenly developed severe arthritis in his hips; the vet then pointed out his thigh muscles had lost condition - I'll never forgive myself for not noticing that.

With the help of medication, he was good for about 6 weeks but then started to show signs of pain and struggle again. He started to favour one of his hind legs and I made an appointment on the Monday to see the vet again, for the Wednesday.

Tuesday was Australia Day and we went out for the day. I hate myself for leaving him that day. He seemed fine but I should have spent the day with him.

Wednesday we got home and he couldn't get up - his back legs wouldn't hold him. I rang the vet and we went straight there ... the meds were no longer working and she suspected nerve failure in his spine / hips. She wanted to keep him overnight to give him meds via IV so we left him there and crossed our fingers.

Next morning got the phonecall - he's improved a little but not much. I went to the vet at 1pm and though it broke my heart, I could see only the tiniest bit of improvement. He was happy enough but he could hardly walk, his back legs were so weak. My big, beautiful, strong boy could only half hop, half walk along :) :D

The vet said she could keep him another night, try again, but I said no, I want to take him home. I asked her to come to the house the following night, if there was still no improvement, to PTS my amazing boy. She was flat out the next day but made time, made an appointment for 6.

So I took Bastian home Thursday avo and spent every minute with him. Thursday night, he slept inside on a couch cushion and I slept beside him on the floor. I had to be with him. Friday was our golden day. He was so happy, so alert, my head kept screaming "He's OK", but he struggled to get up and he was constantly losing control of his bladder ... my heart told me it was not fair to keep him with me. So Friday we hung out on the back lawn in the sun, in the lounge watching TV... I sat with him while he slept and we took as many photo's as we could.

At 6pm Nicole, our vet, came by and Bastian was so happy to see her (he loved everyone) that he struggled to stand, I helped him up so he could greet her properly, then he sat back down on my lap.

And there, curled into my lap, my giant, beautiful, best friend said goodbye to me. I hope he knew that the arms that held him as he passed loved him more than anything. I hope and pray that he's now playing over the rainbow bridge, chasing shadows and digging trenches to his hearts content... but I worry that he will be missing me and wondering where I am. THen again, he was always patient and is probably just laying in the sun, content and secure in the knowledge I WILL come to get him. One day. One beautiful day.

Bastian - no person or dog will ever, ever, take your place in my heart. That piece is locked to you forever. Thank you for every day you gave me, I was the luckiest person on earth to be blessed with you and your love. I miss you every day.

Love you babyman xxxxxxx

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What an absolutely amazing tribute to an amazing dog! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. It made me cry, but I am so glad to have read about your beautiful boy.

RIP Bastian! :) Be a good boy and wait for your mum, she loves you so much! :p

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I am crying with you too, what a beautiful tribute, I'm so sorry for your loss but so happy that you had 9 amazing years with this spectacular dog.

Shed your broken down shell Bastian and run free beautiful boy :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy. He sounds a lot like my rotty who I was so fortunate enough to have until he was nearly 13. There were days when I thought maybe it was his time but he just kept on keeping on, then one night he passed in his sleep. He was my perfect dog, such a gentle boy and for this reason I will never own another rotty - no dog could ever be to me what he was, if I did get another I think I would just expect the same and chances are I would be dissapointed.

It has just gone 5 years since I lost ICE and he is never far from my thoughts.

Precious memories last forever.

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