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The Mating And Migratory Patterns Of The Kong


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For a while there we had to really hunt to find enough Kongs each morning - we have a multi-dog household on 2 acres and it felt like we were always hunting the damn things down to clean and refill.

Now, perhaps because spring is in the air, I've found heaps of them - 10 in total! :(

I suppose one thing to be grateful for is that I haven't found a old full one :laugh:

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When we were leaving our last house, we hunted for ages for Elbie's puppy kong. Found it JUST before we left. Elbie's kongs still disappear in our current yard which should have far less hiding spots!!! I find it weirder when they just reappear out of the blue!

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James is forever dropping his Kong and treat ball off the edge of the deck. When one eventually crawls under to retrieve said Kong, you'll also find any number of balls and shreds of stuffed elephant :(

I have contemplated buying him another Kong or two, but I just know that I'll be even less inclined to find it from whatever hole they've rolled into if there's another one I could use instead.

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Trying to find the missing kong is the number 1 reason I run late for work in the mornings.

He has it out the back during the day and I swear I never see him bring it into the lounge but somehow it ends up under the couch.

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Mr M came home from a business trip last week and commented that our bedroom smelled funny. Cursory inspection didn't reveal anything... the smell worsened over the next couple of days until he couldn't even sleep in there (I can't smell so wasn't bothered in the slightest). Moving the furniture around for a thorough search revealed a rancid half full kong from (I think) a kangaroo mince and yoghurt day. :laugh:

I am generally pretty careful about where she takes bones/kongs as I can't track them afterward but this one obviously slipped right by me.

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I live in a unit, 3 bedrooms, and a small back yard, the amount of toys the dogs lose here is amazing! i have ones I know i had here, and i know they have not been killed... but where are they?

I am getting new toys though... new neighbours, kids have so far kicked 5 balls over, dogs are loving them :laugh:

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Oddly - every day when we come home from work the kongs are neatly piled in the far end of the yard in a small space between the kennel and a big pot plant. The dogs eat them throughout the course of the day on the deck but for some reason always deposit them at the other end of the yard when they are empty. On the other hand, it does make them easier to find at the crack of dawn!!

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I found one that used to be full of banana and yoghurt....five or six weeks ago.

Stuffed behind my rosebush and smelling like a dead body

Wow, that would have been, um, fragrant. :laugh:

I picked it up, and it was so rotten it came tumbling out in black flakes and white chunks that looked like yellow cottage cheese.

I can't eat cheesecake now, it looked exactly like that :laugh:

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My dear jake was a Kong fanatic. he had various kongs all heavy duty and he delighted in sitting besdie me on teh bed and clamping his jaws down on them and they would sport og sproing back.. often resulting in me confoscating said kong and hiding it under my pillow till morning ( note the kong was unstuffed LOL. The kongs would rotate about.. then they all disappeared and when Jake crossed to The Bridge not a kong was tyo be found..BUT lately five years later in fact they have started reappearing... i now have 7 accounted for.. hmmm strange.


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Our nextdoor neighbours puppy used to push his full Kongs under the fence, then Riley would grab them, eat the filling and leave on our deck!

I would return it, only for the pup to put it back under our fence again the next day :p I guess he liked to share!

Edited by wagsalot
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Jager tends to be pretty good. All his toys end up in the same place.

In the morning i put everything in his play pen (left open during the day as he has access to the lounge, dining and kitchen areas) when i come home everything gets dragged out and ends up at the top of the stairs (the first place he sees us when we come home), then during the course of the night everything migrates into the lounge room, he drags them in one by one. Once i go to bed and my boyfriend works on the computer in the second bedroom, Jager brings the toys in there. And thats where i find them in the morning when i dump them all back into his pen.

Where ever we are, Jager is and where ever Jager is, his toys are :laugh:

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Our nextdoor neighbours puppy used to push his full Kongs under the fence, then Riley would grab them, eat the filling and leave on our deck!

I would return it, only for the pup to put it back under our fence again the next day :laugh: I guess he liked to share!


That is soo cute!

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