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Correct Positioning


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Positioning is everything.

Some Vets just don't get that we have only one go at getting the score on our dogs and we want the best score we can get. Using a Vet who understands the importance of correct postioning is worth so very much to us, it is in some cases make or break.

I wish you the best of luck Risyntira in resolving this. :rolleyes:

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Definently your dog was rotated towards the right (right side down left side up). This gives such a different impression on the two hips. The left hip would have definently scored better than the right...

Goodluck with this - please let us know the outcome.

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Thanks guys.

The scorer sent me an email yesterday afternoon, although I don't think his explaination is good enough I called the vet and read the email to them and they requested me to forward it onto them.

Within that email I attached the poorly positioned scanned xrays, the score sheet along with the website link Allerzeit, mentioned! :confused:

We made an appointment to rexray for Thursday at no cost. ;)

I really hope they get it right this time. :rolleyes:

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I hope it works out for you this time but I think I would have cut my losses and tried a vet that knows what they are doing. It takes years of practice to get hip x-rays consistenty in the right position and only a few vets do enough to get it right. At the practice we go to there is only one vet among the 10 or so that work there that will do hip x-rays and in most dogs he can get them right without a ga. It is not just something any vet can do and get it right.

That x-ray isn't even close to correct. With the dog under ga the legs should be rotated until the patellas are centrally placed at the stifle joint, apart from the fact the pelvis is obviously tilted.

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Thanks. I know that they are no where near corect, the scorer said that the pelvis and spine are in position :rofl: it's only the right leg is slightly out. I'd hate to see what xrays they will reject! :rofl:

If Im not happy with the new xrays on Thursday I will be taking her to Calamvale vets, but that wont happen for another 5 months when I get my other girl done. I wont be going to this vet ever again for hip xrays.

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That first exray was shocking!! there was little if anything correct about the positioning....you can clearly see on the second, how much more correct this one is. One tip, those dark spots beside the spine on the indide of the pelvic bones should give the same look as the TV/Movie alien eyes like on Close Encounters. (that was my former vet that gave me that one! haha) They should be the same and any deviation from that is one of the first indications that positioning isn't right.

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