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Litters Due In July


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Totally exhausted, but we had whelping day today - right on our due date, and starting at 9am - how civilised!

4 girls and 3 boys later.....

All pups very strong and healthy, one bitch very confused.

She wants to have them, and she's interested in them, but if you put any of them on her she turns very aggressive towards them. She will toilet and clean them if you hold them for her, she is only aggressive towards them when they are feeding.

So, at the moment they are living on hot water bottles in a box next to the whelping box, and we are putting them on her every few hours to feed, hoping she will settle down.

Thoughts? What would you do in this situation?

Also, in 20 odd years I have never had to supplement - how often do I put the pups on her? Every 2 hours? When they start to cry?

She has had calcium, oxytocin and I am going to give her rescue remedy before each feed as well. Any other suggestions? Any help VERY greatly received.

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Allerzeit - being Mia's first litter I was a little worried about this happening, our 'bible' The Whelping and Rearing of puppies by Muriel P Lee says that if the mum fails to accept the pups to put them with her to nurse 5-6 times a day, it says you will probably have to hold her head and hold her in place. You're supposed ot show her the pup (bottom first!) before you put them on and let her sniff it. It also suggests to squeeze some milk from her nipple onto the pup to see if she licks it or some liver. Apparently some take 3-4 days to come around. (in the mean time you've gone completely mad and are wondering why on earth you wanted to do this in the first place!) It says if you put the pups on her every three to four hours during the day then you can go 6 hours at night.

I have no personal experience but this is just what it says in the book - maybe it's helpful? Hopefully someone who has had this problem before might be able to help you out.

Congrats on the litter by the way!!! Hope to see some piccies when everything is going the way it should. I remember our first 24hrs - It wasn't easy and I barely slept but we've made it to 2.5weeks and we're doing just fine, i'm sure you'll get there too although I do remember the 'how on earth am I going to handraise these puppies - what have I done??? feelings that were going on that night, especially at 2am and trying to convince Mia she should be in with the pups!

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Congrats Allerzeit!

We have 4 baby pointers so far. 3 girls and a boy. Range in weight from 400 to 590.

A liver white girl, orange/lemon girl and a blackwhite boy & girl. Yay for a mix of colours!

Still more to come... Poor Aida is so tiered!

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Congrats Allerzeit!

We have 4 baby pointers so far. 3 girls and a boy. Range in weight from 400 to 590.

A liver white girl, orange/lemon girl and a blackwhite boy & girl. Yay for a mix of colours!

Still more to come... Poor Aida is so tiered!

Hope you get some sleep. :) :) :)

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Congrats Allerzeit!

We have 4 baby pointers so far. 3 girls and a boy. Range in weight from 400 to 590.

A liver white girl, orange/lemon girl and a blackwhite boy & girl. Yay for a mix of colours!

Still more to come... Poor Aida is so tiered!

Way to go Marinapoint on your new brood so far :thumbsup: And a nice mix of colours too :D

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Allerzeit congratulations. As you are doing. Lots of rescue remedy.

Someone said the other day about after pains when they are feeding as the uterus is contracting.

Feeding also releases endorphins which make gher relax.

Thanks BB :) Feonix recognises the Rescue Remedy bottle now :laugh: And clenches her jaw - not that doing that ever works, I'm a bit too persistant to be fooled by that ;)

Interesting to know about the endorphins, thanks for that! :)

Congrats Allerzeit!

We have 4 baby pointers so far. 3 girls and a boy. Range in weight from 400 to 590.

A liver white girl, orange/lemon girl and a blackwhite boy & girl. Yay for a mix of colours!

Still more to come... Poor Aida is so tiered!

Congrats to you too, marinapoint! :thumbsup:

I dont think Cynda has long to go...SHe is giving me the same look, I gave my ex when I was just about to deliver our first son :eek: :eek:

Good luck! :)

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Wow! Puppies everywhere!!

Congratulations Allerziet!! What a lovely sized litter and balance of sexes! Maybe Fee has tender or sensitive boobs as well? Hopefully she'll settle soon.

And Marinapoint your babies sound gorgeous!! Poor Aida, I hope she's finished and had some rest.

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She's not growling today, and is much more relaxed while they're feeding - conversely, she's a little bit growly when she's cleaning them, but I think that's because she finds it totally offensive when they poo in her face :laugh: Do a poo, and they are left to me and she doesn't want to know about them :laugh:

Still only allowed to feed with us there, with a hand on her head, she's still too freaky to leave them with her all the time, but I don't think it will be long before we can. She is far more interested and concerned in their cries today, so it looks like more maternal feelings are starting to kick in, fingers crossed :)

Photos - boys are blue, green and white; girls are purple, yellow, red and gold. Loving the IdentaPup collars!!! All gained weight overnight - no losses at all, so that's really good news given that they aren't on Feonix constantly.







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Ok, temp chech at 7:30 - 36.6, temp check at 9am - 35.8, temp check at 9.30, 36.7 :confused: Can someone enlighten me on what she might be doing....Has doen a little nesting, has relieved herself twice, and has wanted grass and nothing else...

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Loving the bubbas allerzeit!! They are adorable - you've done well!! Mine are progressing by the day - they are playing and biting at each other today and one is trying to run and then spin around (hilarious to watch because she can't quite figure out why it's not working!!) I keep getting this look from her when she falls over and it's quite cute. Also loving the fact that they are moving away from where they sleep to poo but they have no objection to peeing on their siblings!!

Can't wait to see the Pointer pups and am hoping that all went well and they've had a rest!

SBT - this is why i didn't do temps, tried it with horses once and I drove myself mad!! Mia didnt do much to indicate she was going to whelp but I still knew when something was up when she wouldn't let me go to bed one night and sure enough from about 4:30am she got really restless and wanted out thank you very much (wasn't interested in the whelping box thanks very much!!) bag at 5:30 and pup at 6!! Bottom line is - you know your girl - you'll know when it's going to happen!!

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Awww! Allerzeit they're just gorgeous!! Love their squooshy faces!! And so lovely and glossy.

Hopefully Fee is settling now and you might be able to start relaxing and enjoy them!!

SBT - I had to limit tempt to twice a day or I would've gone nuts too. :laugh: They'll arrive when they do. We didn't have much noticeable first stage - I just had a feeling about her and stayed home from work, and temp had been down the night before and that morning. Then by midday I was kicking myself for wasting a day off as she seemed so content and relaxed. :o First pup arrived at 1.30pm. :D

Edited by Alyosha
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Ok we have had the same ol, same ol here today too. Hasn't wanted to eat until now. Has emptied her bowels quite alot. And we have milk, the minutest amount but milk nonetheless. And in the front and back teats only. Oh she is a weired one is our Cyndalu :laugh: :laugh:

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