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What Breed Would You Recommend?


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Thanks everyone for your input, it looks like Golden Retriever be it a puppy or adult might be a resonable recommendation. Maybe a Finnish Laphund or bernese mountain dog also might be a good idea but less common . Also just a question what age classifies as an adult in say a golden retriever? AS some websites say 3 years and some younger? :)

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A well bred Labrador, Goldie, or Rottie pup would be fine IMHO - check out some of the breeders on the DOL breeder pages for listings... call them and have a chat about what you are looking for, and they may have something to suit that particular family's needs...

I can't speak highly enoough of the folk at Goldir Rescue also - they match dogs to families very carefully, and have heaps of very happy forever families. Check them out at http://www.grr.org.au/ - give them a call, and I reckon they will be able to find you a match...


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according to the brocuhes from DogsSA at the show yesterday - a shetland sheepdog would be ideal in this situation.

(But then, according to the brochure - the shetland sheepdog is the ideal dog for everyone and every size house).

(I've always known that ;) but it was really funny seeing it in the brochure.) They have produces little pamphlets on each breed at the show for the general public to take. A really great idea. Would be interesting to know what the brochures on other breeds said. They were really well set out - talking a bit about the breed, its background then had a really clear little table saying what size house they would be suited in, what type of dog sports they were suited for and what types of households (singles, couples, families young children, families old children, retires) they would be best in.

In all seriousness though - A shetland sheepdog, although on the smaller size of what they want might be ideal. Or a BC.

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I have two year old and have been doing some research into a good breed, as my last dog was as Deerhound and just constantly knocked him over :( A few I have come across that I thought would be great with small kids, are Boston Terrier and Keeshond. I LOVE the Keeshonds, everything I have read about them, they sound EXACTLY what I am after, easy to train, friendly, great with kids, however my OH thinks they are ugly! But maybe have a look at them and see what you think? A Golden or Lab is still going to knock a toddler over, and off lead excercising if toddler is around will be an issue with 'zoomies'!

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I Think the goldens are a great idea young or old.

I have 3 at the moment we got them all as puppies and the oldest is 4. My kids are now 6 and 7 year, our first was a girl. the golden wasn't our first dogs while the kids were growing up we had a grown shepherd and a grown rottie then brought a shepherd pup.

I really recommend them and defiantly from an experience sociable breeder, 2 of my goldens Chaos a yr old male and Ruby a 4 mth old female both go to Obedience training and my kids soccer games. Chaos was also invited to a childs birthday party because the child 6 yr old had a fear of dogs after being bitten on the face as a child by the grandmothers shit zu.

(owner error of course)

My kids were never dog shy as we have owned and been around shepherds, rotties, wolfhoud x, cattle ddgs and x. My son loves tackling and running with our goldens and even with this as the usual, Chaos was very mindful of the smaller kids at the party and soccer and especially the kids that screamed and backed off he just turned and walked away until they were interested again. this he was never trained to do just in his nature as with Ruby.

these some photos of Of the 2 with a friends 2 yr old boy.



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