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Changing Vets - Am I Too Anal?


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I love my vets - they work with me and when I told them about Mac's 'herbal tea' for his dementia they were very supportive. They also are not pressuring me into vaccinations for the old boy (nor my old cat for that matter). They only recommend vaccinations for my insured dogs as otherwise claims can be rejected.

So go see Christine or Derek on the Parade... I'll be surprised if you aren't happier there... :)

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Not remotely anal I would say. I actually dread going to my vets. Doesn't matter who I see, they always manage to make me feel inadequate. For instance, my girl is beautifully proportioned. I've been told that by everyone except the vets...I am sure they have a vested interest in weight control products...sorry, but I too envy you guys who have a great relationship with your vets. I must add, we are currently up to vets number four...so no luck so far.

Perhaps it is me...??

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Not at all.

The vet is a very important person in your life, especially for a breeder. You must feel comfortable & that you trust them.

There are some good ones around but there may be a time when they make a mistake.

They are human & therefore not infallible. So I guess when this happens you consider how understandable was it, how serious was it & what was their attitude.

Then decide if you change or not.

I am very happy with my current vet of several years & have had a few good long term vets in the past. Only one very traumatic experience in a lifetime.

Keep trying until you find what you want. We all have to do that, there is no other option.

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vets are very important and i don't think you are in any way being anal.

in perth we had 3 different vets. (i have rats and cats also) the dog and the cats saw the same female vet very close to my house brilliant with my boy when we first got him as he was afraid of men and over three years he got to love her to the point you could say lets go see tessa(vets name) and he would be very happy about it.

we saw 2 different vets for the rats. one VERY experience but also charged a bucket! and the other not as experienced but very willing to learn and would assist in any way he possibly could (down to charging $10 some trips) so we would see the experienced vet for more serious issues and the not so experienced vet for everything else.

having just moved to country victoria we are now facing the issue again of seeking vets we like. already been to 3 since being here - 1. cat had UTI treated etc but staff were rude and i wont be returning, 2. pound puppy Luna had her spey and vacc done there, seemed great with the dogs but will not be going there for the rats - we'll see what they are like if we have to return before the next lot of vacc. 3. took a dog in as a favour for someone (this vet is supposedly the great rattie vet in the area) first impression- the vet didn't know what he was doing- took him 15 mins to go and find the vacc. place smelled awful. and seemed unclean. im wondering if it has changed hands recently.

the perils of finding a vet you know and trust to see your animals! these are the things we face in a world that seems to be pumping out a load of vets that are very opinionated and set in THEIR ways.

My pet. My way.

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Even though I posted in the euth thread about how good my vets were it hasn't always been like that.

I used to use a local vet & they USED me. They would ring me for wildlife, mainly reptiles so I'd help them out. There were a few things that contributed to me leaving them, after having spent thousands there.

One was when I received a phone call about a reptile they had needing care, I say yes & go & collect it. Now these vets have always been reluctant to have anything to do with reptiles, when I had a Sand Goanna in care once I had to do all the handling, medicating etc. Anyway I got to the vets, picked up the Blue Tongue only for them to say 'it needs antibiotics too, that'll be $8 thanks!' Now I was doing THEM a favour, then they have the cheek to charge me $8. I paid for it, got it home, see it needs wounds flushed & has dirt etc. all over it. Then I open it's mouth to see most of it's tongue is necrotic & along with numerous other issues, it has to be euthd. So back to the vet.

About 2 weeks later I go back to the vet with Tashi for a dental. Now I had always been able to pay off vet bills & had done so quickly. Anyway we're sitting in the consult room when the vet comes in, takes a look & says 'has anyone discussed prices with you?' I say no & she says I'll be back in a minute & leaves the room. Half an houur later the admin manager walks in & says the cost will be around $600 if not more. Me recovering from mild shock says 'well there is no way I can pay all of that today, I say I can pay $250 & the rest in installments as I have done before. I can't remember exactly what she said but basically belittled me, made me feel absolutely terrible, said I could come back when/if I had the money. Once I had got back in my car I started bawling, not something I usually do.

So I ring the vets I used to use for Kaspa when he was a pup, it was owned by other people but I knew their relations. I spoke with the lady vet who was absolutely lovely & said they charge $250-$300 for the same operation!! :eek: So I have been using them ever since. Find them a lovely, small, country practice. After a while I was able to have an account there. Their consult fees are less (they often don't charge me at all), they don't charge me for things like stitch removal ($66 at my old vets!) & once gave an antihistamine shot free. I could go on & on about it :D I applied for a job when they were asking for a vet nurse & even though I know I was close I know they did the right thing by not hiring me, they knew I'd be too much of a sook! The thing that made me love using them even more was phone call I received the other Sunday, I still had a small amount owing on a bill & the vet says to me it's not a phone call reminding you about that, just wondering how you're going with work & have you managed to find any? If not you know we can always sort something out with your account. & the conversation just continued casually & it was basically a 'just checking in' phone call. They know I refer lots of people onto them too & I believe they appreciate that.

The only trouble I've had there was with one of the male vets, I took Kaspa there as I knew he had a heart problem & that vet dismissed it & said he just had a cough. One week later I tookhim back & the other vet diagnosed him with a heart murmur straight away & says he doesn't know how the other vet missed it. But apart from that, I'll keep using them :)

I'd rather drive 45-50mins to see an awesome vet then use the local one who are rude & wayyy too over priced & know it but do nothing because they're the only vet for miles around. Oh & it's just a bonus that my vets have an awesome little bakery in their town too :laugh:

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My vets are very good.

They are expensive, but I have pet insurance for two of the dogs so it doesn't sorry me too much.

There are different vets adn sometimes they can do a swap on you, but you are advised before going in (the old receptionist didn't but it is all good now she has left). There is one vet who is very good with horses and alrge animals, but I wouldn't like to have that one for a complex small animal issue.

They still do yearly vacc's and it was a pain to egt mine done with the trienniel as they wanted me to get enough people that they would not waste vaccines, but they didn't tell me I had no idea or anything. I have never had desexing pushed on me, or anythign else that I can think of either.

There are a couple of the vets in particular who always take note of what I am saying and take it on board. I had Rommi witha sore leg/toe once, I thought toe, they sedated her and said maybe but her knee is sore. I kept her confined etc as instructed and still thought toe. Two weeks after her being allowed to return to normal activity she fully dislocated the toe she had partially dislocated the first time while walking in a semi circle, so even though yes her knee was sore I thought the toe was causing more of an issue, and I atill think that. However she did have a sore knee as well.

One of the vets says as a client I keep them on their toes as I am very knowledgable and will tell them if I am not convinced or agree with what they are saying. He says it helps him to make sure he has a good explanation as to why he thinks what he does.

It also helps that I worked for them for nearly 5 years as well :)

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Good vets are worth their weight in gold. :D

Many years ago, we had a great young vet that worked at the practice we went to, always asked for her when we made an appointment. She had grown up with our breed and was very knowledgable. But then she went overseas to work and we lost track of her until a few years later, she was briefly back at the practice before setting up her own surgery about 15 mins aways from our new house. :thumbsup: So we started going to her and she was (and is) a fantastic vet, very caring, always listened to you, loved our dogs.

But she sold her practice after many years and the new vets, while nice people, started to give me the shits with chopping and changing opening hours because they were more interested in going to Mudgee for wine tastings than running their surgery, their locums were idiots who could not even microchip a puppy properly and then I was very unhappy with them when I took my bitch in labour distress to them and they were noncholant about her to the point of not caring, or seeming to care, so we dumped them.

We had always also had our breeder vet that we used for GSD specific things or repro issues, but we go there for everything now, even though they are 45 mins away. All of the vets are great, but I still bookin for the expert when I need to! And they listen to me because they know I know more than their average pet owner customer. I have never been hassled to vaccinate annually or had them try to switch me onto another food. My opinion and knowledge is respected.

I now just tell my puppy buyers to go there, regardless of where they live in Sydney, because there are too many vets out there that are substandard.

Many years ago, at a different vet, I had a locum/student that was clearly frightened of my dogs and she told me that she had never personally owned ANY animal, she had become a vet because that's what her family told her to do! :eek:

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