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Joint Supplements


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I use Joint Guard on both my BC's. Sonny had an injured pastern & Stella hurt her foot. Both had been running on hard, dry ground. I have them both on a maintence dose ATM & found this product excellent. Yes it is expensive but

lasts my about 60 days for the 2 of them. Around $1 a day. I ordered it online form VETNPET,found them to be the cheapest & they have great service too. Both dogs symptoms were gone in 2 days & have not returned. Hope I was of

some help. :)

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Another vote for Joint Guard.

I have used it over the years for Mum's old Labrador, and now have my cat on it and have noticed a massive change in both Mum's lab & our cat.

I have recommended it to a heap of friends & family with older animals and they all have seen fantastic results.

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I would say fish oil and some GLM powder (or GLM itself if you can find it for cheap). I don't have a dog with problems but my 6mo kitten has joint inflammation and I don't want to give her something that's too strong (have heard how glucosamine isn't good for youngins, not sure how true it is). She also gets ester c.

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Don't give a puppy anything with calcium! That will throw out the calcium:phosphorus ratio in his diet.

Vitamin C promotes calcium uptake and Fish Oil should be fine.

Meh I have given calcium in the form of bones and goat's milk to puppies and they were fine. You sort of have to give bones on a raw diet. So are you saying don't give vit c cos it promotes calcium uptake?

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Don't give a puppy anything with calcium! That will throw out the calcium:phosphorus ratio in his diet.

Vitamin C promotes calcium uptake and Fish Oil should be fine.

Meh I have given calcium in the form of bones and goat's milk to puppies and they were fine. You sort of have to give bones on a raw diet. So are you saying don't give vit c cos it promotes calcium uptake?

Natural calcium is fine, calcium supplements are bad. I should have made that more clear - don't give joint formulas containing calcium or calcium tablets.

I give vitamin C because it helps promote calcium uptake from the dogs diet but does not alter the amount of calcium. It's especially good when pups are "knuckling over".

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Don't give a puppy anything with calcium! That will throw out the calcium:phosphorus ratio in his diet.

Vitamin C promotes calcium uptake and Fish Oil should be fine.

Meh I have given calcium in the form of bones and goat's milk to puppies and they were fine. You sort of have to give bones on a raw diet. So are you saying don't give vit c cos it promotes calcium uptake?

Natural calcium is fine, calcium supplements are bad. I should have made that more clear - don't give joint formulas containing calcium or calcium tablets.

I give vitamin C because it helps promote calcium uptake from the dogs diet but does not alter the amount of calcium. It's especially good when pups are "knuckling over".

Natural calcium also will change the Ca:P ratio though. Just add more meat will do. Vitamin C is a good anti-inflammatory, but pick the best form to give, be it ascorbic acid or ester c.

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