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I keep getting asked about Pommie, who was from Renbury and had suspected neurological issues, so figured I'd put a thread up here with an update. We had him checked over and he has a dead nerve in his back right leg. If effects him in that he wobbles and, sometimes, gets caught off balance, but he is mastering his co-ordination very quickly.

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He actually surprises me with how active he is. And if he falls down, he takes a second, and gets right back up. He'll even break out into runs here and there and was jumping over the rocks when we went to the beach for his photoshoot the other day (video below).

He's a very easy dog to have in the house, doesn't (can't) jump up, quiet, and generally just a pleasure. I've definitely fallen in love with him and am dreading any applications we have for him... as I'd love to be able to have him for a very, very long time!

Profile: Here.

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I know exactly how you feel Plan B... my Pickles has mobility issues too, and when it came time for her to be up for adoption, I had to formally make her my own. Her complete disregard for the fact that she walks funny and love of every minute of life made me fall completely in love with her.

It won't be a bad thing if Pommie becomes a foster failure you know... *grin*


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