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Pancreatic Encephalopathy


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Hi everyone, as a follow up to my query last week, unfortunately things got so bad I had to make the decision to put Molly to sleep. After building a ramp for the stairs; arranging her bed closer to the floor, she still had so much trouble, and was hurting herself whilst trying to get around; falling often etc. Even the high dose of cortisone was not keeping the brain injury at bay.

As I said, she was my first ever dog and had her only 3 months. I cannot get over how easily it was to love that girl and miss her so much. I have cried a lot, actually am still crying!

Thank you everyone again for your comments and support. What a wonderful site this is, and I have learnt that you 'dog' people are pretty special.

Thank you again


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:cry: So sorry that you had to make that very hard decision so soon into your dog-owning experience. It is probably the worst part of living with and loving a dog. You know there are many here who are sharing your sadness.


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I am so sorry .

Molly was lucky ,in that she had an owner who gave her love & so much care in her last months -

You will cry- lots, probably , after the intense feelings lately - its OK :)

When you are ready to once again vacuum dog hair and have something to cuddle , perhaps we can help you meet a suitable dog?

Take care ... Molly is happy now over the rainbow bridge ....no more pain or confusion .... :grouphug:

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I am so sorry you had to make this heart wrenching decision so soon. Please take care of yourself and know that you did your best for Molly.

RIP Molly, run free over the Rainbow Bridge where all our dogs can be happy and healthy again :rainbowbridge:

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hugs and comfort heading your way.... you are the one left with the heart break .. thanks to your love and care Molly enjoyed and revelled in love and having her very own human to accompany her as she completed her time here on earth. Whether your dog has had a place in your heart for three days or three decades the leaving is oh so painful.

Molly is now at that place where all dogs go.. happy, at peace and healthy watching over you until it is time for you to meet again.

hold the love in your heart



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