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Crate Training


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wow - that playpen is amazing! I would still put a toilet in there though - you don't want to encourage him to go just anywhere.

Also - I'm with the others - I'd take training advice on here over a vets most days. Even though most vets are wonderful, training isn't always their strong point. Did you already say you'd asked your breeder?

Everything I've read has said that toileting in the crate a) shouldn't happen, but b) if it does should be discouraged asap.

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Just remember puppies poop and wee a lot. After food, after/during play and exercise, after sleep, after training. It was much easier taking Nova out BEFORE he started showing signs he needed to go rather than waiting for the signs.

Now he goes to the back door and barks, let me oooout!

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About 5-10 minutes after Tyrion has eaten I take him outside on the leash to poo / wee. We don't go back inside Until he has gone. It doesn't take very long for food to move from mouth to bowels with puppies often only 5mins - 30 mins. For the first 4 weeks of Tyrion being home I'd take him out after a play, after eating and after waking, and before crating, at night I set my alarm every 2 hours to take him out to relieve himself. Yesterday, he started standing at the front door whenever he needs to go loo.

It takes a while but you'll get there!

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I also take him out all the time, everytime he stands up LOL, but had 4 wees inside yesterday as well as countless outside...

What are you cleaning up his accidents with?

4 sounds pretty good, he'll eventually get the connection that outside means wees/poos

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Bailey poops about 4 times a day at the moment. The older two are like Lisa's and only poop once or twice a day depending on the food they are on. Advance is always straight after morning and night feed. BH only one poop around lunch. Funny how different foods can make them poop more or less.

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Well, I stood outside until i was late for school and no poop, so he ate at 6 am ( when he pooed in ther crate) then NOTHING ate at 11 am nothing, I left at 2.30 pm, nothing. Came home to poop in the crate and him sat next to it, he had his kong in front of him and had been eating out of it, depsite his poo being right near him ?????

part of the problem could be he cant hold it when he has to go so has no choice but to go in his crate. Once tyrion learnt more bladder control he hasn't had an accident. I use vinegar too great stuff :)

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Yep just 2 poos, he was having more about 4 a day on Eukanuba the breeders food. But now he is on Pro Plan Large puppy and doing well. Also with a 1/3- 1/2 of a turkey neck for lunch.

EDIT: I meant Turkey neck not chicken!

Edited by LisaCC
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he had his kong in front of him and had been eating out of it, depsite his poo being right near him ?????

He's a puppy , and you said he'd been in a pen . Most likely the pups pooed and ate in the same space there ..so he wouldn't know any different. ;)

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