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Crate Training


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I really feel your pain :( Nixon would go psycho when left in his playpen initially. There were days he didn't sleep because he was whining and barking and crying, and throwing himself at the playpen walls trying to break out... He settled a LOT better when he had his crate in there also, but still wasn't great. Now he's outside during the day, and very happy about it, but you've said that's not an option for your pup?

Nixon was completely ignoring all the toys and kongs in his playpen in favour of getting stirred up and wanting to come find me. They do settle better eventually over time I think.

It sounds like maybe you need to work on his independence more. Make sure he has alone time, even when you're home?

I think trying to mix up your schedule a bit is good, but others might not agree. If the same thing happens at the same time every day, then they're getting set up to fail when anything different happens. Get him used to change and variety.

Maybe you could try some kind of soothing toy like a snuggle puppy when you go out too?

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I have a puppy who is 12 weeks old now and she was crazy like your little one when left alone in a pen with a crate, chew toys etc...

I initially tried to build her up to being left alone in her pen slowly and we got up to one minute, then had a day where she did 20 mins. Then the next day it regressed back to 30 seconds...

I was basically putting her in and leaving her then waiting for her to stop crying then returning with a treat, then leaving again and repeating this process over and over. It helped a little but did not get us to where we needed to be considering I was to return to work after a couple of weeks.

I then ditched the pen and left her in a room rather than the pen and this helped her a little in that she no longer pushed the pen around trying to get out she would still whine and cry like we were hitting her though. It was so loud it scared my other dogs :(

I spoke to the breeder about this as I was due back at work in a couple of days and was worried she would be traumatized by the extended period alone. The breeder advised me I need to give her some tough love and just leave her and she would get it in a few days that being left alone was not the end of the world and I would be back for more fun times.

I did this and yes the first couple of days were pretty bad with her being whiny and crying for a lot of the day but now on the 4th day she has been quiet most of the day and will settle and play with her toys, treat balls and then when tired go into her crate for a nap.

Now the thing that made it easier to do this was that I set my laptop up in the room on a dresser so she could not get to it or the power supply and opened Skype and set it to auto answer so I could video call my laptop on my mobile and see what she was doing when at home alone through the webcam. Make sure you mute your end though as if they hear you it will set them off and they will frantically look for you.

Also I make sure I get up earlier than usual so I can train her and play with so she will be almost ready for a nap when I leave to go to work and I find this helps too.

Hope it gets better soon as I know it can be quite nerve racking and draining at the same time, Good Luck :)

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After all of these pages and great advice you probably do not need any more!

I have house trained lots of dogs and find the 'tricky' ones are those often easily distracted when taken outside. They fluff about for ages and if there is any distraction (at all) they forget about toileting (even though they are ready and I know they need to go).

At times I have to wait until new dogs wee and poo more than once, which does take a while to begin with though it is ok :) a good start and you build up from there.

Pers mentioned early on that he may be stressed once you leave. If he is stressed (crate poos) the poos will be runny or not in normal form.

Also I know it is difficult, though the more relaxed and laid back you in crating, toileting and training the more stable your dog will feel. If you are stressed he will pick up on that.

I would look into SA. If you have the time pm SAS who is a member and has great advice re SA.

Good luck! Your little boy is lucky to have such a devoted owner :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there :)

We have two pups (15wk old SBT bitch & 5mth old Mini Schnauzer dog) who took to their crates like ducks to water. We love that they are secure all night, sleeping, and not wrestling or getting up to mischief! My staffy has been in her crate since we got her home at 8wks, the schnauzer had a month of the bed but became acquainted with his crate just before the SBT came on the scene.

I only have one 'issue'...

HOW do I make them sleep in?? The SBT wakes anywhere from 5am to 7am... (and starts her staffy cry like shes being beaten!) I made the mistake a couple of times of ignoring her - to find she'd pee'd in her crate :( Shes restricted to half the space anyway while shes little.

Im sure our mini schnauzer would sleep in all morning if it wasnt for her!

Mamma needs some sleep! Haha

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