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Revolution Vs. Stronghold?


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Hi everyone,

I have a question for you all.

Do any of you know of the flea control product 'Stronghold"?

My online supplier said they don't stock revolution but did stock stronghold. They said it was the same thing but cheaper?

The packet is virtually the same, but the only thing that makes me wary is that it is cheaper.

If it were exactly the same why would it be cheaper in cost?

So do any of you have experience with this alternative product.

I think for the time being i will stick to revolution.

I previously used comfortis, but it is not proving effective anymore, so I am trying a different active ingredient to see if that kills the fleas :)

My poor itchy boys. I hope it works!

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..are you sure it's fleas making your dogs itch?

Well i assume so, Considering I have seen fleas on the dogs :)

And the itching stops once the fleas are no longer to be found.

They are both raw fed and haven't had any issues with that so far, so I doubt it's anything but the little buggers!

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It is the identical Pfizer product. I have nlbought it over the past year and use it in Sydney. Its judt a different name.

Thanks Meea :thumbsup:

Fyi. The dates have always been good as well - I initially wondered if short date was why so cheap but not so far.

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