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3m/o Golden Retriever Heartworm Product


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Hello, it's time for cookie's monthly heartworm flea and tick prevention. What kind of product do you guys recommend? I heard advocate can do multi-things. So is it a good product for the prevention? Thanks.


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I used advocate when my pup was that age. It's hard with dogs that grow so fast because you can't buy in bulk! I think some vets will sell advocate singly, or you can sometimes find 3 packs. It is a good product. You also need additional tapeworm treatment though, and tick treatments if you live in a tick paralysis area. I think you only need a tapeworm treatment every 3 months (though cookie might still be young enough to need it more often - I can't remember). Your vet should sell single treatments of the right dosage too - you can just pop in to buy it as needed.

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I used advocate when my pup was that age. It's hard with dogs that grow so fast because you can't buy in bulk! I think some vets will sell advocate singly, or you can sometimes find 3 packs. It is a good product. You also need additional tapeworm treatment though, and tick treatments if you live in a tick paralysis area. I think you only need a tapeworm treatment every 3 months (though cookie might still be young enough to need it more often - I can't remember). Your vet should sell single treatments of the right dosage too - you can just pop in to buy it as needed.

Hi aliwake, I read the description on advocate. "Advantix Large Dog is a topical once a month treatment for the prevention and control of fleas, ticks and mosquitoes in dogs over 7 weeks of age."

And here is another description of advocate. "Advocate does not treat ticks or tapeworm. It is recommended to worm with a tapewormer tablet once every 3 months." <- This time does not treat ticks.

A bit confuse here, does it means the advocate included heartworm,flea and tick(or not) prevention 3 in 1? If so, I don't need to buy front-line flea prevention as advocate included it already?

So what I need to buy today- advocate 3packs + tapeworm treatment(could you provide the name if still remember?)

Correct me if I getting wrong.


Edited by ka89
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advocate definitely covers flea prevention.

all you will need is:

- advocate (monthly)

- tapeworm treatments every 3 months

- tick treatments if needed (I think I heard someone say you don't have paralysis ticks in WA - check with your vet though!)

if you buy advocate and tapeworm treatment today you should be fine - just ask about ticks while you're there too.

Advantix (your first quote) does covers ticks, but is a different product to advocate, and it doesn't do any worming.

You were quoting descriptions for different products, which is why you were confused I think - the names are similar, but they do very different things!

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Use an ordinary worming tablet to treat for worms. I wouldn't use heartworm meds until the pup is 6 months old. Heartworm is transmitted by mosquito's, the weather is not right for mosquito's at this time of year. You would need to ask your vet about ticks. No need to treat for ticks unless you are in a tick area. Same for flea's. Be careful of using all in one's, it's overkill in my opinion, way too many chemicals at one time, and often for things that do not need treating.

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Use an ordinary worming tablet to treat for worms. I wouldn't use heartworm meds until the pup is 6 months old. Heartworm is transmitted by mosquito's, the weather is not right for mosquito's at this time of year. You would need to ask your vet about ticks. No need to treat for ticks unless you are in a tick area. Same for flea's. Be careful of using all in one's, it's overkill in my opinion, way too many chemicals at one time, and often for things that do not need treating.


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Advocate is a good 3 in one product, I use it monthly for my Goldie. I also keep supplies of Advantix to use additionally whenever we go to a tick prone area.

Personally, unless you live in a tick prone area, I wouldn't use Advantix as the only product, as you need to use it every 2 weeks to protect from ticks. Oh and if you have a cat you need to be especially careful with it as the ingredients are toxic to cats.

Edited by dee lee
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Very clear explanation. I just checked the vet gave cookie a tablet "paratak plus 10kg tab" and I check it works for tapeworm.

From the puppy pack, cookie's first heart-worm product is heartgurad. Will wait until 8/8 switch to advocate :laugh:

Thanks guys.

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we no longer heartworm treat our dogs BUT when we did we where big believers in giving the right product for the job.

All wormer for worms

Heartworm only tablet for heartworm

Flea/tick treatment if it was ever required (never used the stuff) .

We prefer the less is more approach & unfortunately get dogs in boarding whos owners are double dosing there dogs as they don't understand the product or even worse the vet has given the yearly heartworm injection & they not no (how is another story ) & are also giving a monthly heartworm tablet

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Use an ordinary worming tablet to treat for worms. I wouldn't use heartworm meds until the pup is 6 months old. Heartworm is transmitted by mosquito's, the weather is not right for mosquito's at this time of year. You would need to ask your vet about ticks. No need to treat for ticks unless you are in a tick area. Same for flea's. Be careful of using all in one's, it's overkill in my opinion, way too many chemicals at one time, and often for things that do not need treating.


ordinary worming tablets (eg pyrantel) do not treat tapeworm. . . . you need something with praziquantel, which is relatively expensive. This isn't a big problem. Tapeworm isn't common in most areas. (I'm now living in an area where it IS common, and I treat it if and when it shows up).

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Hello, it's time for cookie's monthly heartworm flea and tick prevention. What kind of product do you guys recommend? I heard advocate can do multi-things. So is it a good product for the prevention? Thanks.


Advocate is the closest thing to a vaccine for parasite protection.

It covers all intestinal worms, all larval stages of worms, all fleas, flea larvae and HEARTWORM. Also covers all mites and lice and ear mites ect.

It s the only complete product that not only kills but then protects against ALL PARASITES including protection against getting intestinal worms.

It does not do tapeworm, however, tapeworm comes from fleas and it cover all fleas. It is the most complete and is the best protection for dogs and cats of all ages (suited for pups from 7 weeks and kittens from 9'weeks) perfectly safe to use and is the world no1. Parasite treatment.

It is not overkill it is proven.

Old wives tales and home remedies are unsafe and leave your pet exposed to dangers.

Hope this helps

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