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Anal Glands


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Well, the short story is, Nixon is allowed on our bed occasionally - usually the day I'm planning on changing the sheets anyway, because I'm actually allergic to him and can't handle having dog hair everywhere where I'm trying to sleep. Anyway, we were all having a nice afternoon nap yesterday (on our bed). When he woke up, he went to town licking and grooming (as he does) - I kept telling him to knock it off, cos it was annoying but he just kept on licking and licking and licking his butt. I got up to turn on the oven and by the time I got back there was a big wet patch and it was pretty clear from the smell it was anal gland fluid - gross! It was all over my down quilt which isn't meant to be washed, but guess what - it went straight in the washing machine!! :)

Anyway, apart from the hilarious anecdote, is that a normal sort of thing to happen? Does he need to see the vet, or should he just be all fine and dandy now he's relieved things for himself?

I wrote in another thread a little while ago that he'd been scooting, so I took him to the vet to get his anal glands checked. The vet said they weren't unusually large at the time, in fact he couldn't even find one of them, and only expressed the other one a little bit.

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Guest crazydoglady99

Oh i shouldn't laugh, omg!

I used to have to joy of empty my own little white fluffy girl's anal glands every fortnight as she was constantly scooting and licking.. But once i figured out chicken and some grains were causing the "allergy/response" its not been an issue since.

Maybe increase bones or other hard foods in his diet to help make stools harder, which will of course push on the anal glands and help to release any build up of fluid.

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I'm glad I gave you a giggle anyway :)

That's really interesting about food allergies causing trouble for your girl, thank you! We're still searching for an adult food I'm really happy with, and I'm just about to switch to a new grain free one (hopefully in the next day or so if it gets delivered soon!).

The vet actually said something similar when I was there last time about the anal glands (suggested a mild food intolerance), but to be honest he didn't sound like he was that convinced given my boy is a slightly overweight very healthy looking lab. Will just keep an eye on it I guess. And I think he's lost bed privileges for quite some time!!

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Guest crazydoglady99


Yes, we had a tonne of other symptoms relating to a food intolerance so it is quite possible that your boy just had soft foods that weren't applying enough pressure on the glands.

Dry food is a funny thing.. They have some good and some not so good ingredients..

There's a great book (you can google and just read a snippet online) called "give your dog a bone". It completely changed the way i think about (and feed) dog food.

Good luck!

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Thanks Pers, he's on our bed as more of an exception, than a rule and usually just for a cuddle/nap - never overnight. If my doona comes up ok after the wash then I'll be able to laugh about it and move on! I suspect he will not be invited up again anytime soon though :)

Maybe a waterproof picnic rug might be a good failsafe though next time we relent... either that or he'll get booted as soon as he starts licking anything!!

Edited by aliwake
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I've actually had the same thing with Abbey, her's were expressing on there own every now and then. I asked the vet cause we were there last week as she had been paying particular attention to her rear and they hadn't expressed that I had smelt in a fair while. The vet said as long as they are emptying that is the main thing, if it's the normal way (when they poop) or like your instance as long as they empty. Abbey has actually developed the vet feels a narrowing on one side which means it is having trouble expressing. I've got some stuff from our naturopath for her and we just have to see how she goes.

But yes not nice when they express when your not prepared.

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