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62 days pregnant


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We have a German Shepherd bitch, 62 days pregnant, first litter. One tie on the 23rd of February. 

Pregnant with 6, possibly 7 pure bred pups. 
She is currently day 62, with limited signs of labor anytime soon. 
She is accustomed to her whelping box and sleeps in it for most of the day. 
Her puppies are very active and they seem they are keen to get out as soon as possible but mum has not yet started nesting. 


Temp checked her this morning and temp was at 37.4 and then again at 4pm it was 37.5. It’s been fluctuating for a couple days but today being the lowest so far. 
She is still eating small amounts but has had a bit of diarrhoea today, she is also doing a lot of wees.
She has clear stringy discharge which she cleans up herself and occasionally is grooming her teats and vulva. 

She seems to have been in a bit of discomfort for the last couple days and will not lay still for very on and will always sleep on her side. 

How long after 63 days should we wait until we contact her vet? 
Or does it sound like she will be whelping soon?

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I’d make a visit to the vet. We let one of my girls go a few days past 63 and it resulted in a caesarean. My vet had checked her and said she seemed fine etc but my gut was telling me different but I decided to go along with what he thought best and as it turned out we lost 2 pups and almost lost mum dog as well. 

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Sounds like she's very close to showing you her pups... and she'll probably pick today (a public holiday of course) to whelp... just my feeling here...


If you have plans on doing anything away from home today, I'd suggest you change those plans and stay home where you can keep an eye on her.


If nothing happens today or tonight, I'd be contacting your vet first thing tomorrow and possibly taking her in for a thorough check.


Don't fuss over her unless she actively "asks" you for comfort... go about normal routines but keep an eye on her from a bit of a distance if you can... she may be reacting to any fussing and is uncertain about letting her body do what it needs to do... they can be very sensitive about things when it's their first time.


Have you ever assisted a whelping before? If pups are born with the sac intact, you are going to have to tear it open and make sure their airways are clear. The placentas will sometimes take a second contraction/push to eject after the pup/sac is out, do not try to hasten that process. Allow mum to eat at least a couple of the afterbirths as it will stimulate good milk production... I've never had issues with bitches eating all afterbirths, but some advise that it could be a bit rich for them. Pups may arrive in quick succession once the first arrives, but could also have a decent gap between them (I've had them come 1-2 hours apart with no issues). If she is actively contracting and pushing, but nothing seems to be coming after 2 hours, you will need to contact your vet asap for advice on your next steps.


Be advised that she may choose somewhere other than the whelping box to start having her pups... go with her instincts and let her do what she needs to do where she chooses to do it... make sure you have a stack of clean towels handy for that eventuality. You can move her and the pups to the box once she's finished whelping.


If she does have the pups today/tonight, still call your vet tomorrow and book in an appointment asap for a post whelp checkup of mum AND the pups, OK?


Oh... and once the pups are born, we will be expecting some photos of the new little family... it's kind of an unwritten rule around here... *grin*



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Bitches vary in whelping behavior, especially with the first pup.  I had one Labbie girl who showed little nesting behavior on the first litter.  When the first pup came out she seemed to think she was pooping... went to the place for it.  She was terrified of the pup.  I eventually got her settled and got the pup sucking.  After that she pumped out 8 more with no trouble and was a model mum.  A neighbor had a bitch who hated pups and would eat them if she got a chance.  Fortunately this is rare.  I've never found temperature a good predictor.  In short, you can't always read behavior.  

As others have said, the day of the tie isn't necessarily the day eggs were fertilized, so the day count is not always reliable.

If possible find a vet who has reproduction experience.  Sometimes an experienced breeder is more help than the vet.  Many go through vet school without ever seeing a normal whelping.  But if a Cesar is needed, or diagnostic x-rays, yes, the vet is the only option.



Edited by sandgrubber
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