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She's Eating :)


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We think our lil girlie is constipated. There doesn't seem to be much of her poop around, and what poo there is it's quite rock solid.

She left half her dinner yesterday and she left it all tonight... It's not like her.

She will however eat the cat food :rofl: but wouldn't touch it tonight even.

We'll keep an eye on her, and if she doesn't eat dinner tomorrow we'll book her in to the vet

Edited by Vizsla_Girl
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When one of our pups had trouble pooping and it was starting to cause concern so I rang an a/hours vet and they said a tablespoon of olive oil. So we gave her that. Vet said if nothing in an hour - give another and then if nothing then we would have to see the vet. She pooped just on the hour. One releived pup - very relieved people.

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We gave her some olive oil. She might have done one poop, but it looks too big too be hers. I called her to come out of the kennel and she didn't want to get out. Also when she stood her back legs were kind of splayed to the side... I thought her stomach felt kind of hard, yet when i pressed on it gently it didn't seem to hurt. I did this earlier and she started shaking a minute or so later :rofl: but it didn't last for too long, she just asked to go outside and went back to bed... I think we should probably get her to the vet, she's just not right. She ate but she only had one or two bites, this is not like our garbage guts!

Will let you know if I can talk Mum into going or not... they think its just constipation so we shuld just keep giving her oil until she feels better, but I don't think thats the right way to go... better to be safe than sorry, she could be hurting and not telling us.

Edited by Vizsla_Girl
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You could boil up some chicken and mix it with some rice (if you haven't already tried it?)- it's easy on the stomach and most dogs seem to love it. You could also try mixing in a little chicken stock powder (but not too much as it's very salty) - it smells like 'people food' and will often encourage dogs to eat.

Another thing you could try is cottage cheese mixed with some food.

Both are recommended by vets I work with to owners with dogs recovering from illness.

I would avoid feeding too many liver treats as they are very rich and can cause diarrhea.

I hope your vet can find out what's wrong.

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