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Rescue Remedy


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What are ppls thorts on this product, can you tell me of your methods of usage and how you feel it helps?

from wot ive learnt its primarily a human calm-er, but very useful for animals also.

am i right in generalising this product as a sort of anti-anxiety kind of thing???

what kind of situations would you use it for your dog?

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I never found it did zip for my dogs, and there's not enough brandy in the bottle to do me any good either.

I know some people who have had terrific results with homeopathy, but I'm pretty sceptical ... perhaps the efficacy is in the mind of the beholder. I can certainly imagine that if you believe something is working, then a reduction in your anxiety level will have a flow-on effect to a dog.

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I have used it with my dog. A few times as a puppy for settling those first few nights - don't know whether it was the RR or the fact we didn't go to her at all, but she settled like an angel after the third night. :thumbsup: Use it occasionally if we have to drive for a couple of hours before she's had the chance of a good run or walk. However, she travels really well now so don't use it much for that anymore.

HOWEVER, I have found it wonderful stuff for me for getting a good night's sleep when the mind is still racing at midnight (with all those things that need doing tomorrow). Have also used it when travelling overseas, when time zones are out of whack. It just seems to settle me enough to relax and sleep.

I'm usually a major sceptic of alternative treatments, but I can recommend this one! :thumbsup:

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Placebo effect or not, it works for me. I have used it before things like job interviews and exams and it seemed to get the edge off my nerves. I'm with Bindo - it is great for when you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. :thumbsup:

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I used it on my Samoyed bitch who used to hate the show ring and now absolutely adores it. I used RR and found it had great results. Just putting a few drops on the tongue usually really helped, these days though I don't use it for the dogs as they are now hyper enough :thumbsup:

But that reminds me...I should use it more often on myself!!

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I have used a couple of drops in my dogs water and it was amazing, he was calm when we left when usually he screams at the door for hours.

I spoke to my vet who told me it was safe to give him, but I am only keeping it for emergencies.

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As with any medicine or remedy it only works if it is what is required.

I have had alot of experience with the flower essences. I personally would NOT use the Rescue Remedy but the Emergency Essence. The reason?? the RR is based on the Bach Flower Essences which is made for English/European ppl/aniamls. The EE is The Bush Flower Essences and it is made for Australian ppl aniamls. Not saying it wont work...but the EE will just be more efficient and is specifically suited for us Aussies.

The Essences ONLY work if the essences chosen are CORRECT. ie EE won't work or be as efficient as it could be if used in a situation where the effects needed don't match the indicated used for the remedy.

"I know some people who have had terrific results with homeopathy" - Sorry RR is not homeopathy. It is Flower Essences. They have SOME things in common but are two totally different therapies that are based on different principals.

I have also had great sucess with my own mixes. I make a fertility essence, a travel essence, Show Essences and many more that I have had amazing results with. Even with the sceptics - they come back for more.

I also make individual essences. In circumstances where I am having problems with an individual animal I taylor the essences especially for them.

Last year I had a client who had an animal that had been traumatised. It, along with 3 other animals, had been stolen and severely abused. The sole survivor of the happening left this animal with many hang ups. This included fretting and not eating if its friend was removed. Biting and scratching at any person who came near it, with the only exception being the previous owner.

We individualised an essence to deal with the trauma and after effects. Withing 2 weeks she was back to her usuall before abuse self. She now gets shown.

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Oh, sorry forgot to answer your Q.

I personally use 7 drops in the water - if it a long termish thing - more than 1 or 2 doses. I would make an individual dose for them.

If it is only 1 0r 2 doses - 7 drops under the tounge. I would be using the EE or RR

If it is a calmness thing like b4 a show or during - I like to add 7 drops to the bath water. And I have a spray bottle of water with the 7 drops added to. Or I add the 7 drops to one of their grooming sprays. I would use my show essence in this case.

You can individualise a remedy for any problem you can think of...a good practitioner will know the right things to use.

BTW - The essences are not addictive and cannot be "over used" If you give too much you are only wasting the remedy. More does not give more effect. The seven drops is the dosage (Thought I do sometimes use less). If more effect is needed it is FREQUENCY not amount that needs to be incresed. 7 drops every 15 mins for an hour is more dramatically effective than 28 drops once in the hour. You can use the remedy every 10 minutes in extreme circumstances. I persoanlly use it hourly - but it all depends on the animal.

Also their are NO side effects. The remedy is to balance the body and emotions to a stable level that the body can deal with. Once the remedy has achieved that, the continued use is of no benefit as it will only balance it - not over compensate.



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It simply takes the edge off anxiety - don't expect it to work like a sedative.

Have used it for 20 years on people, dogs, cats, horses, goats, chooks etc - and always have several bottles on hand - stables, kennels, etc.

Saved the life of a young horse who had gone down with stress colic, and no vet available. Half a dropper squirted on the gums, and she was up off the floor in 60 seconds, shook herself and started eating her hay! She started to show signs of pain an hour or so later, and a second dose sorted it. Considering she had been down for an hour while we were frantically ringing vets, we were very impressed!

We also use it every 15 minutes for clipping young horses who are terrified of the clippers - helps enormously! Same for dogs not used to hydrobathing or cats/dogs with blowdrying.

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thanks all for your responses!!!

i have been thinking about getting some for O-ren has she stresses when we go into town etc, shes a country dawg afterall, and she always needs reassurance when we go there, i thort it might be effective in just settlein her nerves a bit.

whislt reading about it, i think i might benefit more then her but who knows!!!

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You can't actually be a sceptic with using scents to cause different states of mind because scientificaly it is proven using mind maps to show the areas of the brain reacting to different scents.

I think it is hallarious that some people are sceptic about using batch flower remedies and natural remedies because over 70% of commerical medication contain these items, very few commerical medications are 100% synthetic.

There's no doubt that there are weird ass people in the world promoting cocktails of natural remedies to do amazing and unbelievable things, general rule of thumb, if it's too good to be true, it is.

2nd rule of thumb, natural medication are 'complimentary' they should be used in conjunction to taking prescribed medications and not instead of in any case higher than a mild level and any complimentary medication that is being taken with commerical medications should be okayed by your DR as sometimes they can clash ie. forget about taking horny goat weed or red bark extracts when you're on the pill unless you want to render your pill usless just like the affect anti-botics has on the pill.

RR is a good product for mild aniexty, anything more than that you need to speak with your Vet/behavioirist.

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There's no doubt that there are weird ass people in the world promoting cocktails of natural remedies to do amazing and unbelievable things, general rule of thumb, if it's too good to be true, it is.

Not so! AIDS has been totally cured to the stage of patient being HIV negative, but you won't see it in the media cos drug companies can't make money out of it. As is the case with cancer. Many people have been sent home to die with terminal cancer and have been saved thru alternative therapies over the last century, but as this is routine, I guess it doesn't qualify as amazing or unbelievable!

2nd rule of thumb, natural medication are 'complimentary' they should be used in conjunction to taking prescribed medications and not instead of

Beg to differ here - have had cases where standard vet treatment has almost caused the death of an animal, which has then been saved and healed thru immediately stopping ALL vet treatment and substituting alternative treatment.

Have also undergone standard medical treatment myself, both in and out of hospital, which has totally failed to help, and only been cured thru alternative treatment.

NB - I still use a qualified practitioner for advice, not into prescribing for myself in life and death situations!

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I implore you not to reccomend peoplpe take their dogs off prescribed medications to try natural medicines unless you can provide a commercial clinical trial report, this is completely irresponsible & dangerous. Having studied in this field no Accred. Practioner would EVER reccomend this unless the patient was terminal and commerical medications were no longer of any benefit.

So AIDS can be cured through natural cocktails but the world isn't allowed to find out yet because the drug companies won't make any money.....well that's an interesting one, can you share with us the link to that clinical trial report?

Anyhow thumbs up to RR for slight aniexty issues.

Edited by sas
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There's no doubt that there are weird ass people in the world promoting cocktails of natural remedies to do amazing and unbelievable things, general rule of thumb, if it's too good to be true, it is.

Not so! AIDS has been totally cured to the stage of patient being HIV negative, but you won't see it in the media cos drug companies can't make money out of it. As is the case with cancer. Many people have been sent home to die with terminal cancer and have been saved thru alternative therapies over the last century, but as this is routine, I guess it doesn't qualify as amazing or unbelievable!

2nd rule of thumb, natural medication are 'complimentary' they should be used in conjunction to taking prescribed medications and not instead of

Beg to differ here - have had cases where standard vet treatment has almost caused the death of an animal, which has then been saved and healed thru immediately stopping ALL vet treatment and substituting alternative treatment.

Have also undergone standard medical treatment myself, both in and out of hospital, which has totally failed to help, and only been cured thru alternative treatment.

NB - I still use a qualified practitioner for advice, not into prescribing for myself in life and death situations!

I agree with you Morgan. Conventional medicine is definately not always the best way to go. Conventional medicine has given one of my dogs all the problems she has and only natural therapies have helped her in any way.

I think some people dont have success with RR because it has become so popular that it is used as a 'cure all'. If the flower essences in the RR are not the exact ones needed at that time - they wont work. For instance if you are trying to calm a dog who is very fearful you would be much better off using Mimulus or Aspen (depending on whether the fear is unknown or known to the animal). Flower essences do work - but you need to choose the right one, or combination of essences.


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I didn't have success with RR, but the lady at the health food shop suggested I choose up to five of the essences that suited my dog and she would make it up for me. I researched the essences on the net in relation to dogs and picked the ones I thought were most suitable for Bob who is an extremely stressy dog. I feel they worked really well. It was $6.95 well spent.

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