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When Is A Puppy Not A Puppy


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It seems that in many things, 18 months is probably considered no longer a puppy. eg The dog must be 18 months or over to have a registered litter, and also to compete in agility. I guess that means that generally, they're fully grown at 18 months.

However, my girl is 18 months old, and at times she is still very much a puppy.... and then there are some breeds that have the reputation of never growing up (like boxers).

I'd like to hear what other people think....

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My Dane was still growing until he was 3. He was puppy-ish in his behaviour until he was about 2.8 years old.

My smaller dog however - I'd say he'll stop the puppy type behaviour when he's around 18 months.

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My 2 Hamiltons stopped 'growing' at around the 18mth mark but they are 3 this year and even though have had a litter (Mum & Dad) they both still carry on like big babies (30kg babies) !!!

Our Siberians settled down around 3-4yr old mark but being now 6 they still have their moments when you look at them think 'OMG - you daggy little puppy'

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Shelties generally stop growing at about 7 months, as far as feeding is concerned I keep them on puppy food for 12 months.

As for temperament then my youngest who had a litter last Oct has now decided to be the baby of the family again and has reverted to many of her puppy traits and she just turned three.

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Shelties generally stop growing at about 7 months, as far as feeding is concerned I keep them on puppy food for 12 months.

Wow 7 months Kasper is already 5 and he's still quite small the Jack Russell next door who is the same age is bigger than him...should I be concerned :thanks:

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Dont worry sheltis rule connor just had a growth spurt at twelve months he is now a tiny 13 and half inches but its half an inch more than he was

as for maturity i thin somewhere between 18 months and three is when they bcome adults

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Hi sheltiesrule,

I just measured Lucy and she's 13 1/2 inches which is about the norman.. Kasper may have a growth spurt and grow a couple more inches. How did you go with his eyelashes? Females usually finish growing before males so no need to worry just yet.

It would be more of a concern if you are going to show Kasper

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Gracesmum is right my dali Jake is nearly 4 and he is still very much a puppy though he doesn't display the destructa dog behaviour much nowadays thank godness :banghead: He is certainly more mature than he was at 6 months old (when I got him) but I think he'll retain his puppiness until he is an old man :banghead:

Can't wait for puppy girl to get here but she will just grow up so fast

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