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A Question For Those With Large Double Coated Breeds


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lol I think I'm definatly going to get a dryer now. Plus I love the look they get after they are bathed and fluff dried :laugh: hehe They look all "plushy" hehe AFter looking around there are some slightly cheaper dryers around. I had a look at the oldfields that kaywoman mentioned and thought they were very reasonably priced, not as expensive as I had thought.

A grooming table is on the list of things to get to :laugh:

Thankyou all for advice, it is much appreciated! :rofl:

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We don't use a blowdryer to dry our dogs. We towel dry them then chamois them. It is surprising how fast thier coat dries. They are supposed to have a course coat and I found that when they were blow dried, thier coat was too soft and also too fluffy.

We have a grooming table that we made for the Afghan but haven't used it yet. We tend to sit on the floor to grrom the Afghan and just bend down to do the Elkhounds because they don't take any longer than 5 minutes each to brush. I will use a dryer on the Elkhounds only when they are blowing thier coat.

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oh I saw that post by freyssmum and didn't even think to ask her where she got it, will go do that, thanks :laugh:

Norskgra, I usually just sit down to do the toy poodle to. I have whiplash in my back muscles and can't bend down for long so figured a grooming table will be alot easier :rofl:

Interesting what you say about the elkhounds coats after being dryed though.

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There is a towel that you can purchase at the dog vendors that absorbs massive amounts of moisture, it's specially made for drying dogs and only costs (I think) about $15. Only trouble is that I can't remember the name, sorry.

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That's ok Miranda, I've seen them around before and I can't remember the name either lol We've got a small one that we use for Holly, the toy poodle but for the life of me I can't remember where we got it from lol Might have to do a search ;)

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I looked into the sports towels, from camping outlets, and they are $$$, better to get some chamois for the excess water.

I used to sit on my toolbox to dry the bigger dogs and it would kill my back, but then I was probably doing 5/6 big dogs per day.

Its all about what suits you the best.

Re the vacuum cleaners, yep tried one, but not as effective as the airforced K9 dryer, but then again being a groomer I had multiple dogs to do.

i got a chamois when i bought the buisness, it came with the package you get, and they do soak up a fair ammount of water but the wetter they got the less affective they were, dats why i got a sports towel, becos even when they are wet they manage to continually soak up the same ammount of water, just wringe it out and go again. your right in the fact that they are big dollars, but their worth it, i mean mine is all shaggy now but still goes and goes and goes!!

Edited by sammy_ballerina
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I've got two long stock coat GSD's (1 black, 1 black & gold) And i use a hydrobath and dryer on them otherwise they take forever to dry ;) The dryer i use is an oldfield but i couldn't tell you what model it is. My local pet produce type store has hydrobaths and dryers available for DIY use 7 days a week at a very reasonable price. I've considered buying a dryer etc but at the moment it's just not worth it. Once i have my own home i might look into it again....but i'll see how it goes...for not it's much easier and cheaper to go to the produce place.

Perhaps look around and see if any places near you have something along the same lines? And that way you can keep an eye out for deals and pick up what you need as you go...it may also give you a chance to check out some of the different models?

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As far as I know there isn't anything like that around here :eek: Just my luck ;) I'm just looking at it that it is something that will last me for a while, so may as well lay out the expense now :rofl: Figured I'll save the money while I'm in money saving mode otherwise I might not have a chance after that :rofl:

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When you move to Canberra, veanna :rofl: you can take your future white GSD to Dog World and wash and dry it yourself pretty cheaply. We did this with Jack recently for the first time (who is double-coated) and couldn't believe how much fur came out! He lost half of his "mane" around his neck, and he went down a pants size or two ;)

Previously we've used a combination of an undercoat rake, a Kong Zoom Groom and a slicker brush. They work OK but he's a wriggler and we don't have a grooming table, so I can only give him a good brush when he's chomping on a recreational bone. :rofl:

If you're going to lay out money for a dryer, I'd suggest chasing local DOLers and asking to try their personal hydrobaths, dryers etc before choosing your own. It'll probably only cost you a bottle of vino and could save you from buying the wrong thing!

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When you move to Canberra, veanna :eek: you can take your future white GSD to Dog World and wash and dry it yourself pretty cheaply. We did this with Jack recently for the first time (who is double-coated) and couldn't believe how much fur came out! He lost half of his "mane" around his neck, and he went down a pants size or two :rofl:

:rofl: When I move to Canberra Mooper you're more than welcome to come and use my dryer :eek: I really want one for home as I'll be doing most things when my daughter is occupied ;) I can't always find someone to watch her in the house so I want one at home so I can use it whenever I get the chance lol

Oh never thought about asking in the show ring, will put up a post today thanks! :eek:

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LOL Thanks Hazz :rofl: We'll have to have another DOL meet after all her shots then you can cuddle her to your hearts content :rofl:

How's that gorgeous little viszla going? (oh I hope I have the right person, sorry if I'm thinking of someone else ;))

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Yep right person :rofl: She's going great, and growing up unfortunately only physically at the moment still as dumb as a door post :rofl:

A DOL meet featuring your new baby is definately a must ;)

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Phew LOL Thought I had it right ;) Oh you gotta love puppies like that, that are just a bit thick :rofl: Good thing she has her wonderful good looks to get her by :eek::rofl:

Oh definatly! This time we'll have hopefully more people turn up LOL Then it can be cuddles all round :eek:

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When it comes to dryers you cant go past the Double K Airmax. It is a twin motor dryer ideally suited to large long coated breeds and is equivalent to the Oldfield twin motor dryer but is about half the cost. They are now installed in Kings Fibreglass mobile dog wash trailers and have had rave reviews.

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