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Everything posted by indigirl

  1. Today's pic fest! Both boys seem to really like little Digby Ella's young son. He is extremely gentle with the dogs. Awake pics as requested :)
  2. I had just tried to send you a PM but it wouldn't send.I got yours though so will hopefully have them made and posted off by the end of the week :) Thank you. Oh.. Wierd. If you want to MSG me you can always email me on [email protected] or thru the iggyrescue website. Thanks heaps!
  3. Lol OSoSwift I hear ya! I lurve collars My fav sight hound collars are from Here - http://www.karenskollars.net/collars/collars.html You need to check out the photo album to get an idea of how stunning these collars are. I own about 6 of them and want more. Eta: I get my half martingales for my larger dogs from a company in Japan. The collars are made in the US but they won't ship to Aus but the Japanese company will. This is them http://northernhund.com/. Very well made collars, lots of styles plus they make harnesses, matching leads etc.
  4. What's to bet we get a pic of them asleep.. Surrounded by teddy snow! LOL
  5. I think Fluke and Brock are long lost brothers indigirl. I fear I'm setting myself up for failure. Oh yeah.. They have very strong jaws don't they? For reasons known only to himself yesterday Fluke decided to open the small cupboard I keep all my hardware in and he dragged out a heavy tub full of screws, drill bits etc and spread it all over the place. He then ate my electric stud finder .. Thanks Fluke! I keep threatening to file down his teeth until they are stubs if he doesn't stop destroying my stuff lol
  6. I should add ther sizes are hugeeee so check the sizing as you can prolly buy a smaller one than you think.
  7. eBay cheapest by far. I have 3 of them.. Not game yet to give Fluke one lol he has a piece of carpet and a hessian sack as its the only thng he doesn't destroy! Eta he actually does destroy the carpet but it takes a while LOL it just gets smaller amd smaller week by week until I have to throw it out and replace it
  8. Oh stans mum I have their measurements for you. Phoenix is 55cm long, 23 cm from neck to elbow. Dusty is 58cm long and 23cm neck to elbow. Those measurements include 5 extra cm for length on both dogs as you suggested. Will PM you Ella's address details.. Thanks so much :)
  9. They are sleeping almost all the time right now. They need to sleep amd eat amd not much else. They are not allowed any visitors or any kind of excitement, they need to be kept as quiet as possible. They came so close to dying that it's imperative we get some condition on them ASAP. I'm sure once they are feeling better there will be lots of awake pics. Phoenix is the shy one, so it's wonderful to see him lapping up the cuddles and attention. Seeing him under the doona Ike that makes me melt too. Ellla says they are both very sweet natured and really lovely dogs. ETA I'm sure they will love the teddies .. Wonder how long before they have the energy to unstuff them?
  10. I have 3 ruthless leather collars, love them. Also like the look of rogue royalty but waiting for my boxer to be fully grown before I buy him one.
  11. I agree. I have big dogs - bullmastiff x, boxer, and golden and I also show and breed iggies. The only issue is making sure that I have 2 seperate yards etc so the iggies dont get trampled. Plus I use toddler gates abd crates indoors to keep the iggies seperate. I feel I have the best of both worlds. I have dogs I can take out for an offlead run, and to obedience and so on. Plus I have my little lap Warner's. It's great, love it.
  12. Just got these pics through. Ella has the central heating off so she took the boys jackets off. I think they may have already put on a little weight. We think they were also quite dehydrated when they arrived as well, so rehydrating them will help them look better too. They have some special rehydration mixture in their water bowl to assist with keep them sufficiently hydrated.
  13. That would be wonderful! they will need to be coated constantly so another coat each would be a big help for when the others are in the wash. What measurements do you need? They are on 4 feeds a day with super premium kibble plus doggie meatballs, also getting probiotics and another doggie multivitamin type thing. They are on antibiotics and the ulcerated sores are starting to clear up already. Basically all they are doing is sleeping and eating. They are being kept very quiet and are only going outside to toilet then coming back in to bed. Ella bought them a great bed with high sides that stops any drafts plus we are getting them those microwavable heating pads to put under their bedding. The bed is large enough if they get too warm they can move away from the heating pads. They also have plenty of soft pillows and warm cuddly blankets. I believe she has hession covered cushions underneath the bed to stop any cold coming up from the floor. As you can see from the pics they are pretty content and hopefully in the coming week we will start to see significant improvement.
  14. Iggies love soft toys, but ive never owned a whippet. One if the whippey ppl could msybe answer ? Think Dusty is looking relaxed much? Getting the last of the afternoon sun
  15. Sorry missed your post. You can donate any time you wish. These boys are going to be in foster care a month or two and will be going thriugh huge amounts of good food and multiple vet visits I'm sure. Thanks heaps :)
  16. Awww great vid! My guess is min pin x iggy
  17. Ella sent these pics through today Ella told me Phoenix (who is the one with the white on his face) has decided her bed is the place to be and spends most of his time under her doona :) Both dogs went back to the vet today, as PHoenix had coughed up some blood and both dogs had very pale gums. Phoenix has a very sore throat hence the blood, we think maybe he was barking to go our while locked in the garage as both dogs appear to be house trained. We are so grateful to everyone who has contributed to the care of these two dogs. They are both lovely natured boys I'm told. They respond very well to Ella's young son amd have tried to play with him on several occasions. So looks like they are used to children too.
  18. In rescue we change dogs name quite often, also any dogs that come from a pound we have to name as we don't know their names. The digs adjust very fast and it doesnt see, to bother them.
  19. I think Dusty is a little timid and Phoenix more outgoing. Ella emailed today to say Phoenix is being talkative and nudging her for affection :)
  20. The son who had them retrieved them from his fathers house approx 3 weeks ago, he said they had put on weight since he hadthem. We suspect the son wasn't feeding them a great diet due to ignorance. Also he lives in a unit so he was keeping the dogs in the garage. They were on a blanket on the concrete garage floor. The dogs had been living in Qld so I'm sure being cold and without coats meant they put on less weight while at the sons. Combined with a crappy diet and the stress of being in a strange and cold environment you can start to understand why they didn't put much weight on while with the son. When they arrived here they did normal number 2's so they had def been fed by him.
  21. Thank you so much everyone who had donated to help these boys. We really appreciate it. Here you can see some of Phoenix's pressure sores that have ulcerated Both boys this morning Dusty takes up about the same amount of space as the cav
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