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Everything posted by indigirl

  1. Are they even in the country? I've never seen one? If this was a sloughi he would be imported I'm guessing, and worth a ton, so can't see one sitting unclaimed in a shelter somehow!
  2. Oh no I think quite a few of those dogs are IG crosses. A traumatized IG will be VERY timid and may never be any different. IGs are very sensitive dogs emotionally and harsh treatment can break their spirits. My suggestion is you get these dogs into foster care with ppl that are familiar with IGs as they are quite different to other breeds temperament wise. Someone with no IG breed experience is likely to find these guys extremely challenging and almost impossible to rehabilitate. Good luck!
  3. I tend to wonder if the reason they won't release the body is because the dog was in such bad shape when he died. Same Reason why the family wasn't allowed to say Gbye. I think there's a heap of ass covering going on over there.
  4. I'm horrified they kept Lennox contained in a concrete pen for 2 yrs and allowed no contact with his loving owners. The condition of the dog deteriorated so much, it must have been a living hell for him. Shame on Belfast Council, hope Karma comes back to Bite those responsible. RIP Lennox
  5. My boxer happily ate the tray in the floor of his crate I just got a piece of masonite cut to size, works a treat. Other option is to buy a crate with a metal tray, but they weigh heaps and are very cold for the dogs in winter.
  6. One of the first shows I ever entered a woman (different breed) was rude and condescending to me for no apparent reason. The next show shes all smiles, waving to me and chatting LOL. She obviously remembered me but forgot she had been a complete cow to me. Six years later she still greets me and is all smiles hehe. I find the ppl who get all bent out of shape when they are beaten hilarious ... Oh the venom they direct at the clearly incompetent judge who couldn't see how superior THEIR dog was. Cracks me up every time.
  7. I'm in BH and the pound dogs were freezin so I asked Nina to request coats be donated.
  8. Wow Ruth some fabulous prizes there!
  9. I used a bedsock as a coat for my first baby iggy LOL I could not find any coats small enough to fit her. Nyx wearing my bedsock ETA the sock opening is around her neck, the heel area is where the leg holes are and I just cut the toes off the end of the socks. Took me 5 mins with a pair of scissors and she had 2 matching coats heh
  10. I just want to add sometimes ppl buy stud dogs because of where they are located. I live in a remote area, if I lived near or in a major city I wouldnt have bought my own stud dog. Unfortunately due to my location purchasing a stud dog was the most practical option. I have 3 IG btches and 2 dogs plus a baby bitch puppy. It just makes my life so much easier. I've also had a stud dog owned by another breeder living here this year so I could use him with my girls. Sure I could fly my girls around the country to be mated, and I may have to do that from time to time, but I didn't want to have to do it every time as the cost and stress involved would wear me down. So I wouldn't necessarily be telling the OP buying a stud dog is a bad idea, it depends on her situation. However I have to say having stud dogs is a royal PITA. I would suggest to the OP if she is able to access proven stud dogs owned by other breeders, then that wild be a far easier and much less costly option overall.
  11. I would send the dog back, or keep him as a pet. The harsh reality is that you cannot breed quality pups from a crap dog. This dogs scores means he is a very poor choice as a sire, and given the breeders attitude there may be other hidden health problems that have not yet come to light. It's unfair and costly, but that's how it sometimes goes in the world of dog breeding. I'm thinking you need to research more thoroughly and speak to experienced lab breeders to find a quality stud dog
  12. My pups are fed raw roo, raw beef mince, raw chicken mince and chicken necks along with dry food from a very young age. Chicken necks are initially sucked by the pups until they learn to chew them. They are also given lamb flaps to chew on. Roo is a rich meat so you would need to introduce it slowly or the pup may get the runs etc. I've only ever fed tinned food to assist with weaning for a few weeks. Personally I think tinned food is a crappy and lazy diet for dogs,but that's just my opinion :)
  13. It would almost be worth the 12 hr round trip to take my herd of Iggies down to have a go at lure coursing.. They would love it I'm sure.
  14. Winter Solstice Winter Wonderland Winter Song
  15. Words cannot describe this article adequately .. You need to see the pics for yourself Linky
  16. The dry version of FIP can seem to improve before declining agsin. Horrible disease
  17. Iggy rescue uses wayrod for all our transports, great service and prices.
  18. I'm drivin to sydney at the moment so will post updated pics tomorrow night hopefully.
  19. Never. I don't trust anyone else to know my dogs as well as I know them, amd the same for other ppls dogs. It only takes a moment for a fight to break out and the results can be disastrous. On the rare occasions I've boarded my dogs I take their own bedding, food, toys etc to help things seem a bit more familiar. If I'm boarding more than of my dogs I always have them sharing a run.
  20. They were both abused as puppies as i understand it, the elderly owner (who died) son rescued them from an abusive home and two family members took them. Some time later they were both given to the father where they stayed until he passed away. So i think they had a terrible puppyhood, i assume they are littermates.
  21. Both dogs wearing the lovely jackets provided mt Stan's mum :) Ella says they are really warm and they are a great fit. Thanks so much!
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