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Everything posted by indigirl

  1. Thanks so much meggie. Iggy rescue is a very small rescue, run by dogmad and myself with a few fantastic foster carers and others who help us. Thankfully there are ony a small number of Iggies needing rescue. When we have room we take on other sight hound breeds, hence the 2 whippet boys. We were not prepared for their terribly poor condition though. Its jut been a diffiuclt month vet bills wise as we took in Leopold (an iggy) 3 weeks ago that has since been diagnosed with a terminal aggressive cancer that required surgery to make him more comfortable. He is receiving palliative care with one of our carers, amd will remain Little Leo has soaked up any excess funds we had so we are so very grateful for your donations for these 2 boys,
  2. Thank you so much to those who have donated. It's very humbling to come on here and witness the compassion and generosity of other dog lovers. These whippets are currently with the lovely Ella who we know will put her heart and soul into making sure they have every chance of a full recovery. phoenix under a blanket on Ella's bed :)
  3. Will get vet details from dogmad or you can just donate using PayPal thru iggy rescue website. Can I post a cheque? Yep will PM you dog ads details
  4. Will get vet details from dogmad or you can just donate using PayPal thru iggy rescue website.
  5. Kirislin their coats aren't shiny, was a trick of the light Eta cos posted wrong pic initially
  6. If you would like to donate some money for their vet bills that would be a huge help. Doest need to be much, every bit helps!
  7. Yep Kirislin that's them. I believe the vet has instructed 4 feeds a day of super premium kibble initially. They are on antibiotics for the ulcerated pressure sores.
  8. I suspect their owner was in hospital for some weeks before he died, and the Neighbour was meant to be feeding them the entire time. These boys are lucky to be alive. We were told they had seen a vet prior to being transported but we are guessing this isn't true. If dogmad had not persisted with these dogs I doubt they would have survived much longer.
  9. Least fav is GSD I've been bitten by a few during my lifetime and I am afraid of them. Only breed I won't go near no matter what. Favourite are hounds and gundogs. Love the way gundogs are so responsive to training and so steady temperament wise. Also think they are beautiful looking dogs. Hounds rock cos they are so easy to live with. Also love kelpies amd shelties.
  10. Yoummightnget more response of you post this in the show forum..
  11. Great pics Kirislin! Always love your photos :)
  12. The huge amount of grooming would no doubt put ppl off.. ive seen them at shows are they are stunning looking dogs!
  13. No its not a baby whippet its an italian greyhound, they are about half the size of a whippet and yes he is fully grown.
  14. I agree ppl seem to be quite blasé about quarantine these days, maybe there hasn't been many scary stories of parvo of late. Not sure what it is but ppl seem happy to move dogs from multiple pounds around in their vehicles. Scary stuff! You also see pics of the dogs that came from the pound that day sleeping on ppls couches, mixing with their family and their own dogs. A dog from a pound does not set foot in my house or mix with my dogs until I know it is free from disease.
  15. Heading home on the Saturday
  16. She has greyhound ears, bull Arab type is my guess or "bullion" as they call pigging dogs with ridgie in them out this way. Beautiful dog :)
  17. Alternatively I could pick the dog up on the way back to BH and put him in a plane to you so at least Ypu could have him collected for next time You want to use him.
  18. I'm probably driving through Cobar and going to Sydney on Anzac day (I live in Broken Hill).
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