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Everything posted by Flaves

  1. If you were close by E i would say bring the little man here
  2. Rousing at a terrified dog doesn't stop if from being terrified, it makes it more terrified! My little dogs have been lunged and accosted at by all kinds, big and small! I didn't get apologies either. There are crates holding large breeds where they fling themselves at crate walls to get at you and your dogs. You can stand pointing at the Toy ring and ignore the fact that there is ignorant and lazy owners elsewhere. I recall a poor stressed out Ridgeback at a royal who had a sheet draped over their cage but was still making unpleasant aggressive noises and "rocking" the cage. Dog really should not have been at the Royal and certainly not had it's cage in a walkway. I felt sorry for it and could see it was an accident waiting to happen. Maybe I can make a diary of walking my well socialised small fluffy and the things he has to deal with, with dogs that are 10 times bigger than him. Sorry that was not directed specifically at you, it was a general comment to anyone that has dogs like that. I was commenting directly to the fear based line. I should have edited it better If a dog is that terrified of other dogs at dog shows, unless you can do something to ease that fear, leave them at home
  3. Then get out and SOCIALISE your dogs. Cover their crates so they cant see any other dogs or people when they walk passed. Myself, my dogs and other exhibitors and their dogs should not have to put up with dogs lunging at crate walls at us walking passed and carrying on barking, snarling etc. You wouldnt accept it from a larger dog, a GSD or Rotti or Dobe so it is not ok from smaller dogs. (i dont care which would cause more damage if they connected) - it is not acceptable for the dog walking down the street to behave like that and it is not acceptable for show dogs either
  4. (snipped) This used to irritate the hell out of me (owning/ showing a giant breed) - not being able to walk near the toy ring without dogs going off simply because he walked past. My giant actually did have an issue with the trolleys full of abuse but many toy owners seem to have no issue with their dog's behaviour. In my breed your dog gets roused on pretty damn quick if it barks at another. I could not agree with you more!!! Yep i agree with this also.
  5. :rofl: :rofl: That is why Daire is known as Doodle or Doody!
  6. Did you report them? Hope so Hope Sway will be ok
  7. BIG 5 was Gazza vom Tamaraspitze (Imp.Bel) Owners are Daryl and Cherylyn from Grandwest Kennels in WA, he is standing at stud in Vic with Alastair Henderson
  8. I know :cry: :cry: he did grow up! I miss my baby i have to say He is a doll, such a good boy
  9. I am finally, thanks. 4 courses of antibiotics later - has not been nice. But today i got out with the camera and it felt great Week 18 Week 19 Week 20
  10. great pics, i am planning to head out tomorrow to get some Have been sick so have not been out and about with the camera
  11. You would think so wouldnt you? My first time in the ring, i did that, said it was my first time in the ring. The judge was very rude, however the steward was lovely. In fact, if i had been a differently minded person, that would have been my first and my last show.
  12. What does/did your breeder suggest? That would be my first port of call Other wise there are a few foods that i know people use and their dogs do well: Artemis Royal canin Blackhawk Holistic Advance Eukanuba You need to find one that works for your dog RC is good because it has age specific foods, however often Vets suggest a food that they sell So do your homework and speak to your breeder
  13. Where it counts for us is in the All Breeds ring. Our choice, no disrespect to those who chose to exhibit in the Speciality ring. We don't and have never thrown stones at the 'speciality' type and would appreciate the same consideration. PP - each to their own really on how and what ring people show in. It counts for you it seems in the specialty ring as it does me, and it counts for Kezziah in the all breeds ring, there is nothing wrong with that
  14. I like this one u blue my mind blue bayou
  15. I think i am a week ahead but i just took this on my phone and i love it CC - i think he has lovely eyes too they are so expressive
  16. Try Leonie from Dlarah in NSW and Amanda from Trendam Kennels in QLD
  17. Usually when i head to bed, i say 'lets go to bed' and they get up and follow me However the JRT will often put herself to bed if i am up late or it is cold, she just toddles off and when i go to bed she is in either her bed or on mine
  18. I dont have an issue with someone having a squeaky My dogs would ignore it anyway, even when i have it, but bait for food I prefer someone using a squeaky to throwing food in the ring
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