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Everything posted by bertie

  1. :laugh: Yes, there's that zone, I forget now what it's called, Samman had a topic on it once & it's seriously irritating to be dragged out of it by someone trying to interact with you, that's just interference
  2. which is why we have : dogs who are good at , and enjoy mustering dogs who really are only at their best in the yards dogs better at goats than sheep dogs who are terrific in working away from human control ..and the ones who think they are doing a terrific job ..but are really only being given a day out ;) they usually have an area in which they do best - so, that's what they will be given to do..... ..that's what good handlers do, Perse. Sadly not everyone is a good handler.
  3. As a person, I find myself most content when I am doing a job that I am good at. If I was a dog full of beans & good at working sheep/people, I would be happiest doing that. As a person, I take risks. I can choose whether my love for the activity at hand, outweighs the risk. The activity I choose to expend this on might not look smart to other people, but then their choices might not look smart to me. There are people that abuse working dogs, for sure, or don't look out for signs the dog doesn't enjoy the activity. I think that behaviour should always be targeted. But I think if I was most police/customs/bomb detection dogs & I could talk, I would say "Wtf, leave me alone, I love what I'm doing" to people opposed to me doing my job.
  4. I would try treats in the crate, not feeding as such, but yummy chewy stuff. Not sure what would be safe treats for mini dachshund though sorry. And make sure older is separated, with their own treat. Don't forget the dachshund thread, they'll be more knowledgeable :D I wouldn't personally be interested in taking a mini anything to a dog park with unknown dogs.
  5. Good on you, Rosetta, for setting the record straight. The whole business was captured on film It was thigh-deep in pounding surf. In the night, only lit up by a police helicopter hovering above.. The dog handler & 2 other officers (who jumped from their jet ski) were wrestling with a huge offender who was throwing punches viciously. He'd already defied police for a couple of hours & was determined not to be taken down. So with 3 officers & the police dog struggling in pounding surf in poor light ..... all in a heaving mass of bodies.... the dog latched on to the wrong limb. It was not a focused attack on its handler. If it'd been a few inches in another direction, it would've been the out of control offender who would've been bitten. And the dog praised for doing its job.... as it was primed for 'work'. Pepe, I have to disagree with you, especially calling the officers names... 'idiots'. The police had been trying to hours to get this bloke. They didn't choose the circumstances he fled to. They did their best in a rotten situation.... Thank goodness for you two.
  6. I would want the breeder to ask me questions & choose for me, as I am completely inexperienced. If I was highly experienced & been training for a long time, I would want a fair bit of input, but I don't think I would want complete free rein. I wouldn't like to buy from someone whose opinion I didn't have a lot of trust in. (Misplaced or not).
  7. Sweet! Sending Nigerian Credit Card details as we speak
  8. Mita hasn't appeared to mention Tibbies yet. So I'll throw their names in the ring. :laugh: They sound like a lovely little dog but with a big dog personality. I believe Mita used to keep BC's prior to falling for the Tibbies.
  9. I would like a quiet, house-bound breeding pair, please.
  10. Magnificent photos, CC. And SM as usual :D
  11. I'm fairly confident you can't video some else's property? Not 100% clear but told when I set up security cams to make sure they were only recording my property.
  12. Hallo & welcome :D Sorry I know very little, but have a look here at the Dachshunds thread, I bet those people will be expecting pictures of your new baby :laugh: (Although some here would be nice too).
  13. Go Wilma Clever idea for 'panic' buttons, Perse!!
  14. It was clear :) I think the words 'element of' may have been skipped over when read.
  15. In that case, very nice work SG & glad your little fella is all good It is definitely an interesting thread :laugh:
  16. Simply Grand, I'm sticking with my original assumption & I'm highly amused & puzzled your lesson hasn't got through. But nice try
  17. :laugh: Just thought it may have started as an intentional one. Ok.
  18. That's helpful, thanks. I couldn't see it on their 'what we will consider' & thought it might slip straight to the 'dismissed' basket.
  19. Good idea. Thought about this & instead I have sent a polite email to their media department explaining how the ad comes across. Hope they take some notice but there are bigger things in life to make a huge ado about if I was more motivated to kick up. I looked at the ASB website & couldn't see it fitting into their criteria, so this is probably the better way to go. Especially if a huge group of polite people write in. :)
  20. Haven't seen it but sure you're right. Fear is a known successful marketing tool. Sounds like this one's definitely crossed the line.
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