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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Good news, Greentea!! I was thinking..with him being a lively pup & all..you may benefit from attaching a bell to his collar ;) I have always used one on the house dogs..I can be watching tv or in anither room, and I can tell by the bell tone exactly what is going on-scratching, chewing, racing around, etc !!It's handy also for elderly folk..so they can anticipate WHERE the dog is . I use one of those bells sold to attach to fishing rods so that fishermen know when they have hooked one! These are not LOUD..but distinctive, and VERY movement sensitive.Our household's lost if a bell breaks, now
  2. ..Not exactly flaming..it's YOUR dog, but why buy a carnivore if you are not wiling to feed it the food it is "made" to eat? I agree that much commercial food isn't wonderful,that people do well on vegetarian food....but dogs have ENORMOUS canine teeth...no third stomach vor special bacteria for digesting cellulose...are very well adapted to meat eating I hope you and your dog find a suitable diet.... Happy researching ;)
  3. ;) We sometimes use a horse shampoo for OUR hair ! Does a good job, too if our dogs are bathed, it's in Velvet (laundry) soap.
  4. Ishaytana..please phone your vet! This is NOT normal behaviour, and needs checking, in case there are problems internally. -------------- Walking around the block a couple of days after a spey?? Not really recommended . Our vet recommends very restricted exercise for 2 weeks!! Seriously...it is a BIG op....even if the dog feels ok...there are only a few bits of thread holding all the "insides" behind the skin!!Stitches inside can also come loose..& then there are all sorts of problems. over reacting? maybe...but i have seen bitches whose stitches gave way..picking up intestines off the floor is NOT nice Please rest her...& no running around the back yard, either, for a week or so....
  5. It's just an erection, for heaven's sake jdb,he probably did get a shock...and would've been a bit uncomfortable.your family need some training on how best to manage him, so this doesn't become a habit . It is not ideal behaviour. he needs a check-up as well, and maybe something to assist with re-training.He is a teenager, and needs to know his boundaries!!
  6. Couldn't post the first time...couldn't see very well Little Cricket had a marvellous reprieve, and was a happy pony!! Well done. You gave her such a good life..now she's standing up to her little knees in carrots
  7. Our dogs rarely get bathed, and when they do it's plain ol' velvet laundry bar soap!!
  8. If you can find anything else..please do! http://www.ffp.csiro.au/wft/wpc/ccafact2.html#9
  9. speaking as one who has never laid hands on a dumbell... don't know if this would work ..but try this have your dog sitting....give him the dumbell...ask him to hold..if necessary, tickle him gently under the chin, so's he doesn't open his mouth..then after a minute, say give, or whatever, take the dumbell, as SOON as he starts to release his hold. Lots of praise, treat, & do it again, & again & again.....having a little less tickling, so he holds it himself, a little more time in his mouth, a little further from him..THEN start calling him to you....
  10. ..There was nothing else you could do... thinking of you, Fido
  11. My flatmate used to feed dogs smarties etc, till they threw up...
  12. Rozzie..thinking of you..what a gorgeous boy
  13. Gee..after all this , he'll be one special boy!!! Found this word, Booie...maybe a name for him? booie - more pleased, victorious; victory, triumph
  14. Thanks rappie!! I always tell owners just to CHECK first...here "in the bush"..often dogs are just given a dose of whatever..& I figure it's better to be safe than sorry.
  15. Mites are a bacterial infection and will need to treat with antibiotics Dru, I think when dogs scratch/break the skin, then bacteria get in.. ;) Mites come with the dog(and us)..usually co-habit , but when immune systems are low, they multiply & cause trouble. someone can correct me, but I think IVERMECTIN is NOT indicated for use in some dogs-Koolies for one.Metabolism of it is slow, and it can accumulate in the liver, & cause problems!!..That's what we were told by our vet YEARS ago..& have never used it, or HEARTGUARD..for similar reasons sarcoptic mange is seen in our dogs, who hunt foxes..usually fixed up with a couple of good ol' malawash or diazinon based washes.Way back when..we used to put sump oil & sulphur on the bare patches It worked, but must've felt dreadful..it looked horrible, too
  16. Fido...it will be a hard time for you, waiting, Thinking of you and Jessie
  17. What tests did the vet do? has he checked a faecal sample, done blood tests or xrays or anything? A week is a long time to be "off"... could she have swallowed something smallish but indigestible which is still rattling around in there? could be any number of things...I would be asking for a bit more searching to be done. hope you find her problem soon
  18. Hope he's OK. years ago m y old Mitchell(adult) was fine one day..asked to go out (to vomit) that night, & was in hospital on drips etc next day with hepatitis! he was in hosp a couple of days..can't remember the treatment, but he did fully recover.Best of luck to your puppy.
  19. I have used the roll-on aerogard on dog's ears when mozzies were bad...just a tiny bit on the tips! Our outside dogs are all sprayed weekly with permoxin..ears/feet..helps with flies :rolleyes: caution..POISONOUS to cats!!!!!
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