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Everything posted by Danois

  1. Cannot answer that but I have been advised that oats warm the blood so you should be cautious of feeding porridge to dogs.
  2. Come into the dane thread and ask all the questions you want! We have a couple of melb. based members who will help with breeder names - a lot turns on the colour you are after. You live on a farm? Useless for a dane! They are very lazy dogs and prefer the bed! Have not heard the mitt thingy. Food - food is critical with a dane because of controlling growth and also because of bloat - lots of do's and don'ts. A dane is not a medium sized dog (re kibble question!)
  3. Sorry - was not clear what I meant when I asked about sublimits (I know the insurance industry well) - question was more aimed at what ones were in place on the polices as I had not come across them. The only limit on my policy (other than specified exclusions) is $6,000 per each illness for the life of the dog.
  4. Not sure what sublimits you mean? I pay $45 a month for mine. I get back 80% of my bills. I could not have forseen necrotic issue in the tongue ($1200 surgery) or that my dog would develop an immune mediated condition at less than 12 months of ages (over $2500 spent on bills and medication). I just figure that I insure my health, my car, my assets, my income etc - why is it any different for an animal?
  5. Hey! Personally I think it is worth it. If you do a search (button top right) for insurance there will be a heap of threads!
  6. I remember looking at the prices when I got Angs done and it seemed that the difference in price was a GA administered by injection or using the gas mask which usually involves an extra pair of hands from memory. The gaseous is a safer option than the intravenous I was told especially for breeds which are known to have problems under GA. The other additional/ optional cost was the full blood work up.
  7. I was there recently and saw Dr Anthony Chu/ Lu?? - yes the first bill is a bit step but it includes an accupuncture or chiro session. Am waiting to see whether there treatment is working. I wanted to see Dr Fougere but she was not really around much.
  8. Storm - I am with the RSPCA policy. They refund 80%.
  9. Sorry - still confused! I pay $500 a year and get up to $12,000 a year in cover ($6k accident/ $6k illness). This would mean me paying $1,000 a month into an account to equal the level of cover that my insurance provides.
  10. The best 2 things I found were lamb flaps and human grade cheap mince (with lots of white in it). Be careful of those satin balls - they are incredibly rich. My vet was not impressed with the contents of them.
  11. To me - this approach has never made sense. I pay $45 a month for Angs' insurance which would give me a little over $500 a year in an account. I have claimed back over $3,000 in the last 12 months. I have always been refunded within 5 days of the claim being submitted and have never had any problems with the claims submitted being accepted.
  12. I think the 5 years relates to the maximum age that they must be at the time you take out the policy. All policies are available from 8 weeks of age. With Pet_Plan - you will potentially void your insurance if you do not have annual dental check ups and vaccinate. I remember now why I did not go with them - they were one of the few that penalised selected breeds through excesses or premium loading.
  13. There will be caps! im confused lol, is the cap per year ie restarts each year/when premium is paid? ie $6000 for one illness for one year. If in the next year the illness continues, are you eligable for a further $6000 in claims? or $6000 and thats it for that illness? I get $6,000 per year for illness cover generally - regardless of how many illness issues arise - this year we had immune mediated polyarthritis, necrotic tongue tissue and surgery, a hot spot, an abcess and damage to feet after getting out - I get reimbursed $6,000 maximum (at 80% of actual costs). If there is an ongoing illness then this is capped at $6,000 for the life of the dog. Another thing to note with Insurance is that it does not actually cover treatment for ticks which can be very costly.
  14. One thing to take into account StaceyB is that the insurance will not cover any pre-existing conditions that Gypsy had prior to taking out the policy. I am a fan of Insurance as I got it for Angs when he was only 10 weeks old so everything is covered - I have claimed back around $3,000 in the past year. It is worth noting that most of the policies have a per illness cap - so while I am covered for $6,000 of illness every premium year, there is actually a $6,000 limit on each illness for the life of the policy.
  15. Maybe Mondo Cane (sp??) in Drummoyne? Oscar used to like it there.
  16. Hey Pappy - I have been feeding it as an occasional treat too - both the beef and the chicken. I think the chicken one has kelp in it which is good. Angs absoluely loves it and when he knows it is in the fridge, sits in front of the fridge whenever I go in there. The cat is known to devour it too if I leave it on the bench momentarily!
  17. happie - look in the pinned topic at the top of the health forum - there is a list in there. IMO everything depends on the dog and its size etc. I have had a poodle x spaniel eat a family block of dark choc and was fine. Same dog used to eat cooked onions and also devoured a large tandoori chicken pizza with mango chutney and made an attempt at greek lamb. Angs gets brocoli in his mixed vegetables. Ham is fine provided it is small quantity and very ocassionally - it is salty.
  18. My parents are on a avocado plantation and there are wild cats there - they eat the fallen avos as do the now tame ones.
  19. Danois


    I always have a soft soft for GSDs having had them growing up. Asher was absolutely gorgeous and I am so sorry that he was not able to spend more time with you and your family. Without a doubt he will be in your hearts forever. Take comfort in knowing you have been selfless in letting him go to the rainbow bridge but let the tears flow as they are here on DOL tonight. Another one of our special friends taken so soon. Sarah
  20. Thunderfire This is a good article from one of the leading dane breeders in Aus.
  21. Sardine in vegetable oil is great for the coat - good source of omega 3. I buy the Coles home brand ones - $1.80 for 3 tins.
  22. Try one of those soft teddies with the ticking/ heart beat to soothe her. I am wondering about leaving the things with her littermate/ mum's smell on it - would this not be confusing her - can smell them but not there. Better leaving your scent with her. They get used to it quickly. Try do a short training session with her in the morning to tire her out and also leave her with interactive toys like kongs, treat balls etc.
  23. Sorry - was not clear there probably! I meant that Angs' has acted in the same manner as the dally specific rather thats what it was.
  24. Hey Sas - this is interesting reading - Angs has come up all lumpy after his night out camping last week! What is described in the dally bronzing describes it! Pimply lump which has icky discharge when squeezed, scabs up and then flakes off with the hair! I have Pyohex lotion to try.
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