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Everything posted by grace

  1. This is very sad. Beladoza I wish your puppy a speedy recovery. Diddles you were lucky that you never picked up your pup. Shame on the breeder who has done wrong knowing they have a sick pup in sending them to their new homes. I hope the virus has not been spread to other dogs that may have been on the same flight and you are both are fully compensated for all your expenses.
  2. I am with Pet Plan and finally got my cheque this week it only took three months.
  3. What a wonderful man. Don't let him out of your site chain him up if you have to.
  4. I think if your fiancee has some allergies to dogs they that will greatly limit your choice of dogs. Maybe find out what breeds are suitable for people with allergies.
  5. I put in a claim with Pet Plan three months ago and am still waiting on my cheque. Will not be insuring with them again.
  6. Pure bred dogs and guinea pigs here. Cats are rescue dumped and a hand raised feral.
  7. If you ring the police they should be able to give you the phone number of the local snake catcher.
  8. My dog had an infected anal sack a few months ago. I to panicked and rushed him straight to the vet and he was operated on immediately. It was caused by him getting a prickle stuck there so not always caused by diet. The vet put a drain in and has healed really well. I would have much preferred to go the antibiotic way (would have been much cheaper) but that wasn't how it went.
  9. I have a policy with pet plan. Sent in a claim beginning of November and am still waiting for it to be approved. I sent all medical history of the dog as requested. They somehow think there are gaps in the history so I must have taken the dog elsewhere. I have told them the dog hasn't been to any other vets but they don't believe me. They have contacted all the vets round my area to see if I have taken my dog there. It is only a $500 claim. I am now looking into other insurance companies.
  10. There is no way I would use one of those things that say they are pet friendly. I know of people who have cavies and have used them. They were getting animals aborting as well as grossly deformed babies and animals dying. These were different studs from different areas. Once they got rid of them they had no more losses, abortions or deformities. So as far as I am concerned it also has to have form affect on dogs and cats also.
  11. Good news Eddie is doing ok and will be home tomorrow. I hope he has a speedy and pain free recovery.
  12. I always let mine have at least one season before I desex them. Always felt they need those hormones to complete their growth to mature them. I have never had any problems with mess or with male dogs.
  13. I have had a claim in with PP for two months now. Spoke to them the other day and they said it would be fixed that afternoon but still no refund into my bank. I was told when sending in the claim to send in the full vet records as well. I did this and last month had a letter from them stating the records were incomplete as there was a gap. How they work that out is beyond me and I have assured them the dog has never been to another vet. Oh well will be ringing them again next week.
  14. Very cute little puppy with a lovely name. I hope he brings you many years of pleasure.
  15. Good to see that you are going to get him desexed but why the hurry. I leave all mine till they are well over 6 months before I even think about desexing. They need time to mature and I agree with the others that desexing will not stop him lifting his leg, I had a puppy lifting his leg at 6 weeks.
  16. I feed my chihuahua's chicken necks, wings and lamb breast. They also have human grade mince either cooked or raw with some sweet potato and pumpkin mixed in. Sardines and scrambled egg are fed once a week. I would be careful feeding mince with bone in it as I had a puppy get a sharp piece of bone stuck in his gum. They are fed Royal Canin kibble as well.
  17. That is really odd, wonder how it happened. Poor bee.
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