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Everything posted by baifra

  1. You are not a bad owner at all. It sounds like you are very diligent. Poor little fella. Hopefully he will have a good sleep tonight and be his normal self in the morning. ;)
  2. RIP Diesel ;) Don't blame yourself. Diesel wouldn't want you to feel guilty. ACD's are such a tough dog. My cattle girl is the same. So sooky in some ways but such strong buggers in other ways. My girl is amazing with children as well Diesel, look after your family while playing at the bridge. Such a handsome boy. Rest easy mate. Take care.
  3. Love that toothy grin in the first shot!! Just gorgeous.
  4. I work 12 hour shifts and OH is away during the week so they spend a lot of time alone when I'm working. I only work part time so it's only 2 or 3 days a week. I leave the tv on ( it comforts me so surely the dogs feel the same way ) They have access to the whole house and outside with a doggie door. I leave the aircon on during summer and heat the house up for them during winter (really hope OH doesn't read this thread!! He would NOT be happy!!)
  5. Gorgeous!!! Love the pose!! She clearly loves the camera.
  6. Gorgeous!! What a character Katie is proving herself to be. Typical cheeky cattle dog
  7. Beautiful post dogslife. Wonderful to hear you are getting better Jed. My thoughts are with you everyday. Take care.
  8. Poor darling. She looks very cosy in her crate and I love the photo of all the girls together. Dogs are amazing creatures. So in tune with each other. Probably more than we will ever know. Thanks for the updates and photo's.
  9. Oh poor Astro. She is just beautiful!! Healing thoughts coming your way. Hope the little darling is comfortable tonight and pain free. Take care. You must be beside yourself.
  10. Hopefully now thanks to you that poor dog will now have adequate shelter from this terrible weather. Good on you. It has clearly been upsetting for you and hopefully now this can have a happy outcome. Sometimes people just need a push in the right direction.
  11. baifra


    RIP Kira I'm so sorry for your loss. Poor Sasha missing her best friend
  12. baifra


    RIP Leo. I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a very handsome man.
  13. I had a diabetic dog for three years and I took her blood often. I bought a glucometer from the chemist and tested her when she was a bit 'off', lethargic or drinking a lot of water. To start with I took the glucometer to the vet and compared their readings to mine to find out how comparable they were and went from there. I took her blood from her 'elbows' where the skin was rough. Dogs usually have blood taken from their gums for Blood Sugar readings but I didn't like the thought of that so experimented and found the least painful and most convienient spot was her elbow. She was fine with it.
  14. Thank you everyone again for your kind words. I will show my parents this thread when they are coping a little better. Things are still a little raw at the moment. Phoebe will be home where she belongs at the end of the week.
  15. Thank you all so much for your words and thoughts. They mean a lot. Mum and Dad got a bit of sleep last night and Belle is a little more settled. I know deep down it's not anyone's fault but I just can't stop the tears. Ive lost all confidence in my self and I'm petrified of looking after Belle in the future. Trisven13... how awful for you. I just keep going over everything again and again. The Spotted Devil.... I'm so glad your Cattle dog survived, the waiting must have been terrible. Corvus... I know how your Mum feels and my Mum is also very disressed that I'm feeling so guilty. Mum and Dad keep apologising to me for what ive been through. :D Mrs Tornsocks... your poor little pup, you didn't even get the chance to watch your pup grow. Devastating. Thanks again everyone.
  16. My parents have spent the last three weeks on a holiday of a lifetime overseas and I was looking after their two dogs Phoebe the Rotty and Belle the Stafford. I would go over to Mum and Dad's place twice a day to spend time with them and feed them in the afternoon. Everyday Phoebe, 9 years and I would curl up on the couch together and watch tv while she shared my cushion and enjoyed her belly scratches. On Friday afternnoon I was rushed and didn't get time to feed them at their regular time so My OH went over there at about 7pm. Five minutes later he rang me in a panic asking me for the number of an after hours emergency vet. Phoebe had ingested a lot of snail bait and was in a bad way. There was blue pellets everywhere. Belle was fine. They were both rushed to the vets where Phoebe deteriorated quickly. Vomiting was induced and and she was sedated. Things didn't look good. Friday night was one of the worst nights I have ever endured. I went and visited her in the morning. She was still alive but couldn't move but looked peaceful. Phoebe died at 4.30pm on Saturday afternoon. I was absolutely guilt ridden and shattered. That beautiful girl tried so hard to wait for her Mum and Dad but she had just ingested too much poison. I'm so glad I went and saw her, cuddled her and told her how much we all loved her. Saturday night was awful. I had been looking forward to Sunday for weeks as that was when I was picking up Mum and Dad from their holiday. Now I had to tell them that Phoebe had died in my care and ruin everything for them. The look on my parents face when I gave them the news will live with me forever. I broke their hearts and my guilt was overwhelming. They blame themselves but the what if's just keep coming. What if I had fed them at the regular time? I may have been able to save her. It appears that the bait may have fallen from a very high shelf in the wind and Phoebe found it. We can punish ourselves wishing it had been put away in the shed but the bottom line is it wont bring her back. Yesterday my parents had to go to the vet and say goodbye to their darling girl instead of showing us pictures and telling us stories of their adventures and I hate myself for taking that away from them. Belle has been looking for Phoebe and lying on her bed crying. It is heartbreaking to hear. My heart is broken. Phoebe I'm sorry baby girl. I let you down and it hurts so much. Be at peace lovely lady. You fought so hard.
  17. RIP Magnus. There are many hearts broken a little bit more tonight. What shattering news.
  18. The 'girls' and I are thinking of you tonight Jed. Please come home to your loved ones.
  19. A candle will be alight here tonight for Jed and her beloved dogs both over the bridge and here waiting for their owner to come home.
  20. I don't have a copy but I saw it too. He was a very well behaved boy And very handsome. While I was watching it I had a rottweiler draped accross me
  21. Thinking of you Jed at this devastating time. RIP to all the beautiful dogs that crossed the bridge. :thumbsup:
  22. It is absolutely none of the butcher's business why or who you buy the meat for!!! What a hide!! I'd find another butcher who gives his customers the time of day. Whatever happened to service with a smile. I'm sick to death of being served by smart arse, snide, rude and grumpy people. They give the impression that you are wasting their time. I'm always polite and friendly and I expect the same in return.
  23. So true. It must be a heartbreaking decision but the right one to make for the dog. He is such a gorgeous boy!!
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