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Everything posted by puggy_puggy

  1. Thanks so much k9. Fantastic prices. I buy my fur kids human grade diced meat that it at least $8.00 a kilo. Will be good to add a bit more variety to their diet and at a cheaper price. I have been looking around the Knox area for kangaroo and rabbit and there is only the really crappy prepackaged preservative filled pet food stuff. Will be making a trip to Belgrave soon. All pugs are adorable. Maybe I am just bias.
  2. I suppose that dogs, like people, can have teeth that don't errupt. I like many others I had my wisdom teeth removed because they never erupted, grew through. I am sure that other teeth for some reason don't errupt either. Is your vet going to remove the tooth or just let it be? Love the xrays btw.
  3. Hi Puggy Puggy, not sure where you are located but if you are anywhere near Tecoma, then Belgrave Pets Supplies have fresh roo tails and also fresh diced and minced kangaroo available. Thanks heaps k9katz. I am in the east and have friends that live up the hills so will drop in next time I am up that way. Do you have any idea on the pricing?
  4. Wanting to source some kangaroo meat and also bones here in Victoria. Am really looking for tail bones as I want to mince them. Anyone have any ideas? I am pretty sure if I went to the Vic Market they would have some but would rather not to have to make the trip in. Also not sure if they would have tails and bones available, possibly only the meat.
  5. I would be also trying a doggy chiropractor first.
  6. Have tried Aloveen. Works fine on my pug without skin issues, doesn't seem to work on put with skin issues. Have been through all sort of shampoos, with my skin issue boy, and have landed on organic baby shampoo which seems to work the best of them all. Looking at it's ingredients it does contain evening Primrose Oil so I am about to purchase some of the Groomers Products EPO (Evening Primrose Oil) shampoo because I think that maybe it might be better to use something that is formulated for dogs rather then babies. As well as the Groomers Products EPO (Evening Primrose Oil) shampoo I have been considering the Plush Puppy shampoo but will give the Groomers a go first. You may want to look at the diet your dog is on as well. Do you feed dry food?
  7. 'SpikesPuppy' has just had a similar problem. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=127455 Maybe you could try a poultice as well?
  8. I buy the 10kg to 20kg Revolution and divide it up between my two pugs. With the boy getting a bit more then the girl. I have my doubts that only one dose of Advatix is going to get rid of the flea problem but I suppose it is a start.
  9. Maybe you guys should change brands and see how another brand goes?
  10. You are supposed to part the hair and apply it to the dogs skin. Do not just apply it ontop of the dogs fur. It needs to be absobed through the skin to work. I just don't touch my pugs on the neck for a while after I have applied the Revolution. You will find that the hair in the area of application will dry like it has hair gel or hairspray in it.
  11. Looks at the syringes I have here (for dosing out Revolution). Jesus it would have had to be a bloody big syringe for 50ml to fit in it.
  12. I use Revolution (a spot on product) once a month which does heartworm, fleas, mange and ear mite. Every three months I use Cannex tablets for intestinal worms. I find that Revolution does have a smell but it's not to bad and I don't find it messy.
  13. Does Prednil help at all? I will give my pug boy 2 tablets just for one day every month or so to keep his itchies under control. Having tried everyting else, elimination diet etc the vet and I descided that the Prednil in such small dosage every now and again was not going to harm him. Prednil is a tablet that is half cortisone/prednisone half antihistamine. What about trying to take Chelsea to the beach and having her submursed in the salt water once a week? Maybe Phisohex would help? (Human acne face wash you can buy at the chemist. I use this to wash crusty nose rolls, yucky ears and any rashes that appear in groins of the pugs) What about Curash (the baby powder) that contains zinc? Panalog is an ointment from the vets that I use if my pug boy gets any crusty outbreaks in his groin. Someone mentioned Evening Primrose Oil in a shampoo and as suplements being good for problem skin.
  14. Capstar Spot on products every two weeks Wash bedding in tea tree or eucalyptus wash Wash bedding in malawash or similar Add eucalyptus to pets baths Vaccum every day and throw away bag/ empty vaccum every day Flea bomb yard with malacide
  15. Um what's with splashing water on your dog to wake it up? Wouldn't you just shake it rather then go to the trouble of going and getting the water?
  16. I wouldn't be feeding your dog your scraps, that's how dogs get fat. Um I don't know of many dogs, only fat ones that aren't looked after properly, that get sausages, roast meat and roast vegtables once a week or more. All of this is full of fat and totally inappropriate for dogs. If you want to feed your dog vegies then either blend them up in a food processor the BARF diet way or chop them up and steam them in the microwave for a few minutes. As for meat. Chicken necks are great if you really can't handle your dog having red meat bones. I don't eat red meat but eat chicken and fish.
  17. As Nekhbet suggested maybe she is playing up more because you are around. Next time have the vet take her into another room away from you have the needle. My pug boy plays up more whilst I am around so the vet always takes him out the back to clip his nails.
  18. Who knows what else she might have. Poor dog. They certainly don't look like hot spots that can be cause by the humid weather. Could be flea bite sores. Looks similar to a rescue that I had.
  19. I think that Kangaroo is actually quite expensive no matter where you get it from.
  20. I think there is a kind of mouthwash product that is pretty new on the market that actually will clean the teeth of tartar. It think it is pretty expensive. Will ask my contact about what it is actually called.
  21. Glad to hear there is some improvement.
  22. Have you thought that she might have a digestive enzyme deficiency? I pug sit a pug that has this and she has to have enzyme powder sprinkled on all her food and is restricted to what she can eat. Is your dog underweight? Does she eat her own poo?
  23. Has it been diagnosed as an upper repiratory problem? If it hasn't then maybe it's Congestive Heart Failure ie fluid on the lungs etc. Just a thought seeing that she keeps relapsing. Have a foster dog here that had an upper respiratory infection. A course of anibitotics (vibravet) and a injection of Dexone fixed her.
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