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Miss B

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Everything posted by Miss B

  1. My boy had similar symptoms. He would frequently cry as he scratched at his head and neck (he didn't have fleas). He would shy away if you went to pat him on the head, and yelp when you picked him up. Took him to the specialist for an MRI scan, he doesn't have syringomyelia but he does have Caudal Occipital Malformation Syndrome. He is on daily corticosteroids, and will probably remain on the medication for life.
  2. Just dug out my gazebo walls and one of them is filthy! Will it survive a cycle in the washing machine??
  3. We had two Sibes, then I stumbled across Jap Spitz and fell in love with the breed. I liked that the JS still has the big Spitz personality, but bonds more closely with it's owner - my Sibes are are very independant. The JS have stolen my heart and I don't think I will ever be without one.
  4. DOTY was GR CH Somanic Up Up N Away (Imp UK) and POTY was his son Voila Onwards N Upwards.
  5. I'm not particularly impressed by Hills T/D. Can't say much about the other brands as I've had no experience with them. Personally, I prefer raw meaty bones.
  6. I have just added my boys details to the MDBA breed survey, he has Caudal Occipital Malformation Syndrome.
  7. Why not? Of my three dogs, the Jap Spitz is the only one who really spends any great deal of time inside the house. The two Sibes are mostly outdoors - suits them fine, suits me fine.
  8. I've entered this year for the first time. All this talk of extreme heat scares me a little though
  9. Woohoo!! I think Kyza will LOVE it ;) I think so too
  10. We don't know what stage the treated dogs were at. If people don't know the dogs have eaten the bait or only seek treatment after they start bleeding it would be quite possible for them to lose them all. But to say that the vet has seen "a lot" of cases and hasn't managed to save a single one?? My clinic has also seen a lot of ratbait cases yet we haven't lost a single dog. I also find it weird that the vet is preparing her "for the worst" and telling her she may only have 10-14 days left with her dogs... it just doesn't add up to me.
  11. Congrats to everyone who has achieved their goals for 2010! ;) Whoops, time for an update I guess Early last month my boy 'Kyza' gained the final points for his Australian Champion title I couldn't have asked for more from my first show dog, at 18 months of age he is a multi Runner-Up Best in Group, multi Class in Group and Class in Show winner. He and I are now taking a break from the conformation ring to concentrate on some dog sports. The Junior boy I was campaigning is now up into Intermediate and maturing beautifully. He has gone back to his mum and is very close to his title with some lovely wins under his belt including a Runner-Up Best in Group. Aaaaand, all going well, we have a bitch puppy joining the family in November or December. It has been a loooong wait for this special little girl! Her first show will be January 1st 2011 - can't wait
  12. In all honesty, after hearing that - I'd be switching vets!! Given that you've caught it this early, this is very little reason why your dogs should not survive, given the proper care.
  13. As others have said, you caught it early and I think your dogs will be ok. My Sibe got into a packet of ratbait when my OH and I were living with a relative (who cleaned up the chewed packet and didn't tell us about it... long story ) . A week passed before we discovered her collapsed in the backyard one night. Rushed straight down to the emergency clinic, ACT test revealed that her blood was not clotting and her packed cell volume was 15%. She was treated immediately with blood and plasma transfusions, iv fluids, koagulon injection etc. She spent 1 day in intensive care, a further 2 days in hospital and then 6 weeks on Vitamin K tablets but she made a full recovery. Hugs. Keep us updated.
  14. Great pics! Does Rod take photos at every meet? Hoping to bring my boy along to the next one
  15. The paralysis can affect their gag/swallow reflex.
  16. Personally I would not spend $25,000 on a pet, but hey - it's their money, their cat, their decision. If they are happy then good for them
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