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Everything posted by karly101

  1. My GSD (white) has grown up with Molly an 8 year old Jack Russell.. and he just adores her.. she is the BOSS! But nature wise he is quite 'soft' and gentle (fearful and dog aggressive with other dogs he has not grown up with though which we are still working on) ...I think it can definitely be done with the right breeder and right pup... for boisterous play we always gave him plenty of it with my friends dogs and he just seemed to work out how to play with Molly.
  2. I feed Evo to my ferrets - and dog food to the dogs when I've got it from a friend.. It is expensive.. And it is from Pets Paradise.... I find it difficult to buy food from them but for ferrets there aren't a whole lot of choices and I want to give mine the best available.. I'd agree with above on the other brands ...also Artemis..
  3. I don't think you can compare human ACLs and dogs.. as I understand the joint is quite different.. I'd perhaps seek the advice of a specialist surgeon...but at the minimum an x ray to see whats going on in there before you jump the gun..
  4. Eucalyptus oil isn't great for the skin.. very drying plus you wouldn't want the dog to ingest it either.. consider getting some aloveen conditioner instead.
  5. You could try buying Revolution in larger dosage size (and 6 months then you get the free Cannex wormer so pretty much everything is covered) and dosing it out but the amount for a small dog .....the amount you'd give would be very small so you would have to be very careful to be accurate ...you can read through the manufacturers product info sheet and it gives all the dosages and concentrations of each pack and with a little maths you can work it out. A lot of ferret owners do this to save on costs. Sentinel you can buy packs for about $120 for 12 months (of 3 months for all your dogs) from pets megastore as another option. Unfortunately with Sentinel/Interceptor they don't recommend breaking the chews.. interestingly with Drontal (just wormer) you can.
  6. I think it just depends on the vets fee structure.. a lot of vets I've gone to the dispensing fee is added to the medication cost and not a separate fee on the bill. For those with cheaper meds the costs have to come from somewhere else such as higher consult fees etc.
  7. My ferrets and dog love the treats (and they smell so lamby too!).. I haven't tried the normal version due to price and I'm not sure how good it would be as a diet anyway.. even the treats were quite expensive. I didn't think much of reconstituting it either (nor did the ferrets). I was imagining it would absorb the water (it didnt!) and become more palatable to them.. but they really preferred it dry.
  8. Is this a place in Springvale? Good on you for reporting...another way is also to report to the council on things like smell, cage sizes, etc.
  9. I think it is more genetics that comes into determining lifespan.. plus all the advances with medicine. Our old dog lived to 19 on canned food and dry food (all supermarket). I can't say anything on the 'premium' foods that the dogs are on now cause all mine are now young!
  10. Yes no guarantees... just saying what I've seen in the cases whilst I've been there, I'm sure there are cases of dogs following all vaccination protocols and still getting parvo, vaccination does not provide 100% protection. Not implying that anyone did anything wrong just in most cases that I've seen there the dogs were all not vaccinated according to recommended schedule, there's no way of truly knowing if that was the reason or whether the vaccines did not have effect unless they did do titre testing, we haven't done that in my workplace generally for cost reasons (if they can barely afford to vaccinate they are not going to be able to afford titre testing) - and yes I believe that is correct is the puppy C3 series and then booster at 1 year old then onto 3 yearly/titre testing. We haven't switched to 3 yearly schedules but will be doing so soon. The 3 year old was put to sleep once confirmed parvo, the owners who only recently acquired the dog didn't have the finances to continue to treat, they were still paying off their friend who they purchased the dog from
  11. We had a client ring us at work very concerned about the recent parvo 'outbreak'.. that they heard about on the radio... We are seeing parvo cases (no increase just steady) mostly from poor breeders who haven't vaccinated and a couple from clients who did not complete the vaccination course. We had one confirmed in an older dog who had only had the initial puppy shots (3 years old at time of diagnosis). I can't speak for other areas but Parvo is always a threat in our area and we try to remind clients of that.. many are still choosing not to vaccinate or fully complete the puppy vaccs...unfortunately we had an owner of a 10 week old Rottie puppy learn the hard way the other week about parvo
  12. Have a white gsd and jack russell.. LOVE our dyson, just bought the cheapest model but added the turbine brush...the attachments also gets the hair out of the couches.. makes vaccuming a good job
  13. I used to feed supercoat and occasionally optimum (just buying a smaller bag fortnightly) but I noticed he (GSD) was needing lots and it seemed to be going right through him. I made the switch to Hills due to the fact I can get it through work.. regardless even without any discounts it works out a much cheaper food as I buy the big bag and it lasts us months with 2 dogs. Check prices and feeding amount carefully and you may find other 'premium' foods are the same.. I was giving like 4-5 cups of the supercoat versus 2-3 cups of the hills.
  14. they're great.. I stop after about 20 minutes...when i first got it I was too enthusiastic and my poor gsds coat started to look a bit sparse in patches!
  15. have you contacted the company? I have heard of this happening.. have used revolution for the past 2 years with no problems but would be interested to know if this is a bad batch?
  16. I've only tried the treats so far on my dog and he loves them! I actually bought it for my ferrets (who love it too). Not sure if I will try the normal packs or just stick to it as a treat. Just a note on the irradiated part.. I was talking to the guy at the pet expo and he absolutely promised that the food will not be irradiated and that is only why it has just become available in Australia..it took him a long time to get it through without.
  17. I bought the Ring for turbo when he was going through a destructive toy phase... it survived very well.. now he loves all his stuff toys and doesn't chew them so I haven't tried anything else from the range! They do seem to be quite strong compared to the other stuff on the market.
  18. Dr Nicole or Dr Muller at Prahran vet.. I had my doubts about acupuncture but I did work experience at this clinic and was impressed with the results and Nicole explained a lot about what she was doing which was great as well.
  19. Ok I had a negative with the ferrets lol.. it took them approximately 1.5 seconds to chew through the fabric and start consuming the nice spongy beads inside I gave it a quick sew up (I didn't loose too much to ferret ingestion) and its now hanging on the line - for anyone interested its been out there for 2 days in 30 degree heat and is still cool! Whilst I try and think of any possible ways to ferret proof it lol. If I can't I think I'll use it myself when driving :D
  20. Thanks for posting this, I'd never heard of these! I just ordered a cool mat for my ferrets
  21. Dr Muller or Dr Nicole Hoskins (sp?) are both very good.. I did work experience at that clinic (years ago now) and saw some fantastic results with accupuncture.
  22. We had a dog on exelpet come in with a bad case of worms.. I think with these products.. its very much you get what you pay for.. that being said.. a lot of the better products from vets can also be found pretty cheaply online.
  23. I think the main problem here is you have to find a new vet! No vet I've ever been to will vaccinate a sick dog... its why they do a thorough consult beforehand! Neither would any I've been to vaccinate a dog that has cancer or another illness.
  24. I'd actually be more worried if they weren't drinking that much on a mostly dry diet...mainly because dry food is REALLY low in moisture so you want them to be drinking enough to fullfill their requirements. I heard about problems with cats on dry foods who don't drink very much. I guess an easy way of solving the problem (ie. if Advance is the issue) is to try another brand with Fletcher and see if he still drinks just as much water...but if he has stomach issues and is otherwise doing fine on the Advance I'd be reluctant to do that. You could try upping the raw componant of the diet (if that doesn't stress his stomach) and seeing if that alters his drinking...the barf patties would be great to do this as they are nutritionally complete.
  25. We tried no plucking for our old dog who got frequent ear infections on advice from a vet.. made no difference compared to plucking he still got frequent ear infections.
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