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Everything posted by Kirislin

  1. Taken through the window again. It's the first time I've seen a baby being fed here. Shutter speed 1/1600 f 1.6 ISO 400 lens 50mm
  2. Wow, this is great, it's turning out to be "a day in the life of DOLers" Do we start a fresh thread for Jan 2nd or continue on here? I have a pic, not very good so I might wait to see what the rest of the day brings.
  3. this is the only thing I've photographed today. Canon 400d shutter speed 1/8 f 3.5 ISO 100 lens 50mm Ashanali I like the colouring on yours. I reminds me of colour picture books of the 1950's.
  4. is Live view where it comes up on the screen as you're taking the pic? if so, mine doesn't have it. Just stick your eye to the viewfinder and start clicking! come on show us what you've taken.
  5. Just took this through the window with the 50mm. Probably not what I would've chosen but I've only ever seen lorikeets 3 times before in the 11 years I've been here so I just took a pic with the lens that was on the camera. Taken through the window and cropped alot so it turned out better than I expected.
  6. blow me down if those geckos aren't smiling!!
  7. Yep the pink and grey ones are galahs. You should buy yourself a bird book, you can get smallish field guide ones.
  8. Great shot dieseldog, another quasimodo shot. Hey KJA when I headed this thread I didn't mean only using 1.4 or 1.8, I just meant the lens. Just wanted to see what everyone could do with it. I'm loving the pics so far.
  9. Have fun with it and be sure to post your pics in the photography section.
  10. What a great Christmas present. somebody loves you! It's a great portrait lens and will cope indoors even this late in the day, come on, start snapping.
  11. I'll go back and put the shooting info on the photos. I am not shooting RAW yet, I really must figure it out soon. I am not in Auto though, haven't used it for months. mostly AV
  12. C'mon c'mon, more pics!!!! It's been sunny and hot here most of the day but it's clouding over now so I just went out on my newly mowed lawn ( a rare occurence here) and took some pics of my handsome male models. I like it when there's no shadows. First up is Tag "get my good side mum" TV 1/250 AV 3.5 ISO 200 F/L 50mm and my darling Puck "sigh, when's dinner" TV 1/250 AV 2.0 ISO 200 F/L 50mm
  13. I used to find frogs occasionally when I was gardening but it's only been in the last two years that I've had taddies and that all started because the frogs bred in the dogs wading pool. That lead me to buy those pretty china bowls as water gardens and it's all gone from there.
  14. here's a little frog in my garden this morning, taken with my cheapie 18-55mm kit lens I think it might be a Litoria ewingii, but not certain cause it's got a bit of green on it.
  15. can you buy waterproof housings for your existing camera.
  16. I dont think I'd be noticed. Actually I have noticed the absence of one person but I cant say I've missed them. :rolleyes:
  17. Have a great Christmas and New Year Luke and come back soon. We want you!
  18. Its probably because you have a cannon :rolleyes: we need an axe murderer or machine gun emoticon on this forum. Must ask Troy
  19. NOpe cant do the border, I am such a bloody computer dummy. I tried it and it said I need marcomedia flash so I did what it said and clicked the buttons and it said it was done but every time I went back and clicked on the photo it just kept saying I need macromedia flash. I hate computers, I just dont get them. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  20. This really is a lovely portrait of Ringo. Oh, meant to say Ripley, I dont have PS and I couldn't work out where Ruger said to use create in Flickr either.
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