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Everything posted by Kirislin

  1. From memory the mucus is a sign of stomach irritation. Any changes in diet? Is he stressed? To the outsider he would seem fine, happy and playful but I know he is stressed due to the upheaval. I've got their normal food at the moment, it was something I grabbed and packed as we were leaving for this very reason. The only difference is the water but it hasn't affected the others. Two days ago I bought them a tray of lamb chops as a treat and he was a bit piggy with the bones, he might not have chewed them properly. If they have an irritatoin is there something I can give him or is it a visit to the vets?
  2. I and my 5 whippets are currently staying with a friend to get away from the bushfires. The dogs all seem well enough except for Puck. He is eating fine but for the last two nights he's had to go outside in a rush with soft/runny stools. When they are firmer they have that thick coating of mucous on them. He doesn't seem depressed and his appetite is as good as ever but obviously all is not well. Any suggestions on what it might be and how to deal with it.
  3. Yep, it's close, I feel like crying but it wont do any good, this all feels like a nightmare, I cant really beleive it's all happening. I will go to the sports ground if I have to get out. I will be trying to lead my horse from the car, I dont have any reflective gear to put on her but I will just drive with my hazard lights flashing.
  4. great pics Rocco, you're a real artist. here mine, night lights, I need a tripod. things have gotten alot worse since the smoke pics today this is the view from my backyard. I am ready to go if need be.
  5. fantastic dieseldog sadly these are my pics for today. Look Up!
  6. OLD, rock, the freaky metallic fly was a bonus.
  7. Vegetable: Lettuce. I'd intended giving this to my tadpoles, but Puck is very jealous of them, even though he doesn't know what's really in the water bowls, he doesn't like seeing me feeding them so thinks he'd better eat the lettuce leaves before I do something stupid and drop them in the water like I usually do.
  8. Lea, I love those photos. the other thing he'll leave behind are footprints on that dusty road.
  9. Yum, what was the occasion for all that. surely it's not an every day meal...............is it?
  10. PINK mmmmmmmmmmmm yum chocolate Paddle Pop! bummer I couldn't get these properly focussed, it would've meant eating more paddle pops. as it was I had to have two because in the first lot of photos I didn't get Pennys tongue, so I had to eat another one! true!
  11. I took a tree (actually this is my favourite tree on my block, it's massive) yesterday but I might make this my look up pic. The sky was very foreboding, storm clouds brewing, lots of thunder rumbling in the distance and then we had a power cut which gave my computer a hissy fit and I couldn't get back on until this morning.
  12. I couldn't decide for water so here's one and here's another
  13. I'll go the seafood fettucini please.
  14. Yum!!!! did you make them? yum again.
  15. I would like to thank everyone for your encouragement and say how much I've enjoyed seeing all your photos and thanks to Ashanali for suggesting it in the first place.
  16. Just want you to know I did an audible and unintentional "Awwwwwww" when I saw this one. Oh! yours wasn't there when I posted CM, it's gorgeous, love the waggy tail. How cute is that!
  17. Mmmmmm nipples and a 6 pack! they look like they need a bit of a scrub though.
  18. some great photos. lots of fun. CM he really looks like he's saying "where too?" Iltby I've loving seeing life in miniature over the month, you've taken some amazing photos. I wish I was more creative but mine seem to be more just snapshots of my life, boring as it is. Still, I've enjoyed it. I went to the farmers market this morning. It's held at the old railway station. and then I took the whips for a walk and here's my beautiful Kibah looking her always gorgeous self
  19. yippeeeee congratulations!! I love your early attempts. I reckon Nikon and Canon should be paying DOLers a commission. I bought my 50mm after seeing the photos here and I wouldn't be surprised if others have made their purchases after seeing the fabulous photos people have taken and put up here as well.
  20. thought I'd try to get out before the real heat of the day, I've already walked all 5 whippets in two shifts, gone shopping and been home for an hour or so. this one's a self portrait hahaha. those lumps are elbows not boobs and the lump lower down is my camera bag in case you're wondering. then Chloe copping the third degree. she's a real in your face dog and Penny in not too fond of her. Chloe is looking submissive here but she was allowed to leave with her life. and beautiful Pagan, before the heat sets in.
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