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Everything posted by Lhok

  1. Okay, well that is pretty clear on the pointer front, I've never met a pointer to be honest I was just told that maybe a quieter one would be something I could consider. I certainly don't want to be pulled under a bus :laugh: As for exercise my hubby walks Treble in the mornings and afternoons if I can't manage to do it so there is a chance for the dog to be just a dog :) I hadn't thought about Sammys either. So far the list is looking like Leonbergers German Shepherds Poodles- Standard Rottweilers Samoyeds possible a bully breed Airedale Terrier --Lhok
  2. Hairy isn't a problem, Treble is quite hairy :D I just can't handle drool, I know I'm a wuss but I gag when I see the drool lines. Miss used to drool when I held a treat sometimes and it just grossed me out :laugh:. I hadn't really had much of a think about bull breeds as I thought they might be a bit on the small side. I have never actually seen a well bred Am Staff though just heaps of mixes and crossbreds. Also thanks Melzawelza I'm having a look at the links now. --Lhok
  3. Hi all Since Treble has been diagnosed with Addisons he will no longer be able to continue his training to be my assistance dog so I am now having to look for another suitable dog. The dog in question would have to be able to pull in a harness sometimes as I have trouble walking some days. Large enough that I can hold the harness (nothing under 30kg) be trainable and be able to get along with Treble who is a quite bouncy desexed male Akita. I also have a 2 year old daughter so I would like a dog that is gentle around kids (Treb is never left alone with her). I also don't like super drooly dogs. Labs and Goldens are out as I am still not quite over losing Missy dog who was a retriever mix. I'm also in the research phase so any info as to why they would make a good choice is greater appreciated. So far some of the suggestions made to me have been Leonbergers German Shepherds Standard Poodles Pointer GSP --Lhok
  4. Just went and picked up my buddy boy. Got the results when I picked him up, Treble has Addison's disease which is pretty upsetting as he will have it for the rest of his life, but the good news is that it is treatable. This means however he won't be able to be my assistance dog He made me smile when I entered the vets he was out the back and couldn't see me but I sneezed and he heard it and I heard his "Woo Yoo" in reply :) --Lhok
  5. Good to hear he is back home and that it all should heal up on its own. --Lhok
  6. No word on the results as of yet, they are thinking they will be here tomorrow as we have had a bit of a problem. As Treb is an Akita, if the bloods don't get spun down straight away the phosphate levels go up in the blood which can give a false positive to Addisons. The vet I spoke to day and the one who is doing the test again to make sure does believe it is Addisons but we won't know for sure until the results come back. The worst thing is going to the vets and getting him weighed, since his hernia op he has lost a lot of weight he started at 44kg and is now 38.8kg. We just can't get him to eat enough to put on weight so he is staying at the vets for monitoring. Thank you for thinking about us. I hope everything when smooth for Nova it is so worrying when they are at the vets. --Lhok
  7. They own, but it is their guests that bring the dogs and cause all the problems. The last time they were here was over the 6 week christmas break. Another neighour did bring up the issue to them but they lied and said they had no dogs as the dogs were out at the time with their owner at the local leash off beach. They also told the guy who was complaining that it was my dog that was causing all the problems.. Then we had a huge problem with council. I have told council about them coming and going before and I did manage to get the ranger to go over there while the dogs were in the yard, but again they tried to blame my dog however Missy had passed away by that time and I had informed the council that she was no longer with us. --Lhok
  8. I was left shaking though when I went over there, and have been suffering panic attacks due to having to say something. The tone I used with them probably wasn't good but yeah something had to be said, after 4 years of them coming and going and the huge council mess they blamed missy dog with to the point where we were getting harrassed I just couldn't take the risk of Treb getting blamed for it. --Lhok
  9. The good news they have decided to go home. While they were here the dogs charged the back fence after the neighbour while he was working in his yard. Then they went over to the corner and barked and lunged at the fence at the neighbour there who was having a BBQ. After that they decided to pick on Treble twice to which the owner was watching and when I yelled at them to get away and intervened the owner stated that the dogs were only barking. Enough was enough and I went over there and told them to lock the dogs up on the balcony and block it in so the dogs can't see anything to react to. We also think they have went home due to one of the other neighbours loudly stating that they were going to call the council on Monday morning. Apparently it is ok for your dogs to be a nuisance if they are only going to stay a short while. --Lhok
  10. Wow Nova has had a big day. Glad to know that the dove might make it the pigeons around here don't I hope the ear doesn't cause Nova any problems. --Lhok
  11. Oh dear.. I think we need to hear the story about that. --Lhok
  12. Just went out to intervene, as the golden retriever was lunging and barking at Treb through the fence. All the owner of the golden did was yell out the window. I more worried about Treb because any stress, at this point in time can do so much damage to him as it is suspected he has Addison's disease. I can't really bring Treb inside all that much because it stresses him out, He loves chilling out in his kennel run during the day which the other dog can see into through the tiny slits of the paling fence. I will set up a video camera though we have a go pro that I could set up on his collar not sure how long it would last though. You also can tell the difference between the barks the golden has a high pitch grating bark whereas Treble's is deep and loud. --Lhok
  13. So I have had this on again off again problem with the neighbours and the dogs one of their family members bring with them for holidays. These dog always bark no matter how long they stay for be it a week or over the entire school holidays. They charge the fence and are a nuisance. Last time they came, I was spoken to by the ranger and a noise dispute was undertaken against my dog because the neighbour lied and said they had no dogs. The last school holidays the dogs didn't come and I am pretty sure it is because they couldn't blame me for my dog as Miss had passed away and we didn't have Raiden at that point. What can I do? I really don't want the council on my door step again blaming me for these damn dogs. --Lhok
  14. Treble hasn't bitten anyone however he is a serial birdurer. Rip pigeons.. --Lhok
  15. Ooooh! I thought you would pick her when you showed me those photos! She is adorable! Congrats.. when can I come in for cuddles? --Lhok
  16. Gah.. I just got off the phone from Hills pet food after calling the vets to see if giving him the AD food will cause problems. As it is suspected he has addisons his phosphate levels are high ( not neccessary an indicator for addisons in akitas as he is a pacific rim dog and if the blood doesn't get spun down straight away the phosphate levels can actually increase for some reason) any way after doing my own research on the AD food i.e reading the can after I had fed it (I know I am stupid) I noticed that it has a increased level of phosphous in it. So I rang my vet and they basically stated that I should only feed it if I think it is not going to cause more harm.. I had a slight panic over that information so I called Hills to see if they had any more info for me and they are going to get a vet tech to call my vet and see what they can do as he needs to eat and the AD seems to be the only thing he will wolf down straight away. I just feel stupid, and worried and now I think the vets I go to will put me into the crazy basket. --Lhok
  17. Treb had a bit of a vomit this morning, but he then followed it up with eating all of his breaky which had earthborn holistic dry food and some A/D which is what he got at the vets. After speaking to the vet this morning when I went to get the A/D we think that the vomit was because he had very little in his tummy over night after refusing tuna and rice which was last nights dinner. Thank you for thinking of us. Monday/Tuesday for results can't come fast enough I just want to know what is wrong with my buddy boy so I can try to make him better. --Lhok
  18. Just spoke to Treble's breeder who is incredibly understanding. It is looking like Treble either has Addison's disease or something going on in his kidneys. Monday I will be getting further testing done to see if it is Addison's or not. While I am crying now I am so proud of myself for being able to get all the information over to her without breaking down and making her feel worse then she already did when I told her (if that makes sense) I also am feeling incredibly cursed right now. --Lhok
  19. Had some bad news from the vet today.. once I have had a chat to Treb's breeder and we have a plan of attack I will let you guys know. I want to say stuff but I think I have to wait till I have spoken to his breeder first. Wish me luck --Lhok
  20. You would love Treble too he has his daddy's smoochy lovebug personality :D --Lhok
  21. Treble's Dad http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=59973 Treble's Mum http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=68339 --Lhok
  22. When you meet an Akita, you should ignore them. They seem to like to be able to make their own mind up about you. Usually if you ignore them they will come up and lick you and lean all over you. My guy likes being patted on the chest and will duck and avoid you if you try to pat him on the head. I am not sure if this is typically of the breed or not but Raiden wasn't a fan of being patted on the head either. Some can be overly interested in other dogs like Treble is others couldn't care less like Raiden did. From chatting to other owners it seems if the handler isn't comfortable around you then the Akita is more likely to be wary of you. --Lhok
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