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Everything posted by Parkeyre

  1. Clean up the mess and give him a towel for the night. Going by what he's thrown up; it doesn't sound like he's eaten any. He should be fine for his desexing tomorrow, depending on what time his dinner was. PS: spelling is allowed to suck at 2am in the morning.
  2. Hey Michelle. Last year during the summer months we had a small issue with the ears when camping. Weakend Listerine worked wonders for us. I used it for my tattoos, and found it works a treat on the ears for doggies too. Best thing I think would be to buy some fly traps and keep on top of their ears while they heal. Hope you get it all sorted out. Your aussies are just beautiful.
  3. Do you realize Pitbulls are illegal in Australia? Not that your boy looks pedigree; but if he is, I hope you register him on your state and councils special register and declare him for what he is. And desex him.
  4. Can you flush her eye with saline? Then reapply her drops afterwards?
  5. And I'd also be asking that particular breeder if he actually bred the puppies himself, or if he bought them back from a BYB then registered them with a fake pedigree and a jacked up price... THIS is exactly my thoughts.
  6. I'll put my hand up and say this is one of my bitches (passed puppy eye test but DNA affected, no obvious signs). I'm sure there are others (tested and untested) too, but many don't make it public. Same as HC affected dogs in the ring, I've heard about plenty! I'd rather DNA test and know what I have than stick my head in the sand. I show because I enjoy it and it's the best way for me to learn. I learn more about the breed at shows and talking to breeders and other showies (within my breed and others) at shows than reading about them. If I wasn't showing I wouldn't be getting up at 5am to spend my day talking about lines, faults and conformation. By showing said bitch I am improving my understanding of the breed and structure, which will (eventually) make me a better breeder. I don't plan on breeding any time soon, I'm happy to sit back, show my girls and learn as much as I can. My bitch's success in the ring meant another DOLer became interested in her lines and ended up taking a bitch pup from my girl's dam (after DNA testing her and breeding to a DNA clear dog), that bitch is CEA clear (as well as for everything else) and has been just as, if not more successful than my girl. She will be bred from with the aim to improve the breed. Had it not been for my girl in the ring, she would have been pet homed and never bred from. I wouldn't show a desexed bitch as it is against the rules. But it isn't against the rules to show my girl, so I will continue to do so and learn as I do it. It doesn't give her an advantage in the ring (that a desexed bitch can have due to coat, no seasons) and everyone in my state who show know her DNA status. ETA: Her DNA status was also put on an Australian breed specific email list so many interstate breeders also know. She's a very nice bitch, I've met her personally (not the other DOLers pup though) and I think she absolutley deserves to be shown. She looks like she enjoys it and it's obviously doing the breed a favour by getting positive attention for Lyndsay's girl's conformation, temperment and attitude. I don't think that dogs that are HC and CEA affected should be barred from the ring. I don't think that's what showing is about at all.
  7. Ohhhhh. I saw the thread in my New Posts page, and thought it would be updated with pictures so clicked on it straight away. :D
  8. if your keyboard is locked on caps, you can go into your Keyboard program on windows and take off the caps lock. :D Start, Programs, Accessories, Onscreen Keyboard. or just search keyboard. You're welcome.
  9. I believe the QLD Et's are held in Mackay, Kingaroy and Ipswich. Not sure if any of these are close to you. M YEH ITS NOT FAR FROM ME AT ALL I LIVE IN IPPI. THERES ONE ON THE NORTH SIDE AS WELL. THE BIKE THING DOESNT WORRY ME AT ALL. IF I COULD FINISH THEN GO BACK TO THE START AND TAKE SOMEONE ELSES DOG I WOULD:-) On your keyboard; to the left hand side usually next to your A key is the caps lock key. Yours seems to be on.
  10. Toy Poodle, Whippet or perhaps the mini bulldogs?
  11. Re: CEA Affected dogs in rings.. Here in SA; there is a lovely bitch who is a ch. who is CEA affected. I still think she still deserves to be allowed to be shown. Breeding CEA affected dogs is much different to showing them.
  12. I don't have children, and I only have two well behaved adult dogs. I think in the even of an evacuation emergency; I could very quickly pack up what we need and get the hell out of there, but I would be more inclined to leave early "just in case" rather then "wait it out and see". I feel sorry for every single person who is ever put in the situation of possibly leaving their beloved pets behind. I feel sorry for every soul who is pts or starved, drowned or otherwise. It's just sad every way you look it. :D
  13. If No underwear = less pain and more comfort; then I'll bite the bullet and do it.
  14. Hell for $50 I'd be buying it and just giving it a shot. If it's no good, then just sell it for $20 to the kids down teh street.
  15. My Alice grins on command. youtube Australian Shepherd Grinning, dalmations are also big grinners.
  16. After having to pull out last year due to an injury to my darling dog; we'll be reattempting this year to do the ET in Adelaide. I'll be riding with Millie, and Ross will be riding with Alice, who will be two years and a few months old. Excited, nervous and not looking forward to the training all over again. So who's going in SA this time around?
  17. Go with what it is. The litter was born on the 31st of December, 2010. The first pup was born then, that's the date to go with. Congratulations.
  18. I would get a crate for the back of the ute. Much safer.
  19. My first choice was Bonaus. Looking back now I am SO GLAD they decided Parkeyre was a better choice. :D
  20. This is the reason I find having 1 or 3 dogs is easier then having 2.
  21. We've had aboriginal men trying to outrun police jump our property fence to find retreat, only to find they've landed themselves locked in a yard with very protective dogs. The police knocked on our front door asking us to call back the dogs that had cornered the man. I've been out walking my older bitch offleash along a very quiet road on the outskirt of town and had a car follow me asking to take me "home" I said no way in hell and as the man in the backseat opened his door, my bitch came sprinting toward the car teeth showing and all heckled up. Millie is very loyal and protective. She's sweet as sugar, but knows no boundaries when it comes to protecting her owner.
  22. At the minimum; I would be wanting to double that space. Triple it if you plan to have anything in there like kiddie tents and tunnels etc. But the height it fine IMO. I do - they would be playing in poo
  23. What about: Peachykeen? As in, Peach your dog, and aussies being keen to work? Also Pointers are fairly keen on their jobs too eh? ...I'm terrible at this!
  24. Mine is Parkeyre. My last name is PARKer, and I was raised on the EYRE peninsula. This links me to my childhood and home forever. Even if I marry and move. I love it.
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