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Everything posted by Parkeyre

  1. Kinta says "NOOO mum camera over here with MMEEEEE."
  2. you dont want to put her off her hygiene. is she desexed? she could be coming into season if she's entire. I wouldn't really worry about it. - she needs to keep down there clean.
  3. My aussie is a year old and still does this; although its more of a single bark/moan
  4. It looks like there are 3 blue merles in this pic - is it just the lighting? the third puppy in is a black tri.. its the gorgeous mismark. The "blue merle" we are seeing is her white fur folding in an oppisite direction to the "whiter" coat. lol. I had to go and look really closely ata each puppy. BTW: the mismark is my favourite
  5. It looks like there are 3 blue merles in this pic - is it just the lighting? thats what it looks like???
  6. LP! How is everyone today? Are you getting much sleep?
  7. how are they babies todayLP? I'm off to my bone specialist at 2.30 so I'd love some photo updates tp come home too. lol Has Leo touched them yet? How are He and Kinta with the puppies? Any differences?
  8. Millie (in the sig) thanks you! =]
  9. Haha. I still havent got me blue boy. Can't Leo be him? rofl. Red merles are my least favourite colour but Cooper won my heart. He's so handsome
  10. Had they been born one day earlier; they'd be birthday puppies!! (for me) lol
  11. actually; you keep the puppies - i'll take Leo =]
  12. my aussie girl eats grass all the time. i used to worry; and i talked to my vvet about it. he says she is fine and ealthy. i wouldnt worry too much. if it's constantly in your head and you are worried; give your vet a buzz?
  13. Dad is here: http://www.dykinta.com/aussie LOL Bonnie - I think I'm in trouble Rather than replacing my favourite with another each day, I just keep adding to my list Do you think anyone would notice if I keep all 6?! Shouldn't be a problem right?1 To go from 2 dogs to 8?! lol you'd love it; how many dogs are you allowed in your area? Is there any limits? so do you have people calling up about them yet? any one interested? they're gorgeous. OT; but just conversation. I LURVE talking 'bout aussies
  14. I'm in love. they are just gorgeous. you should get us all a video of them squeeling =] I'll take the black tris. all of em lol and i'll smother them.
  15. Leo is desexed; or on limit register. shame though; i love his temperment. His brother is a stud boy that you could look into down te line though?
  16. thats good about the theme. =] as for the pics!? No way; keep em coming - this is the thread all about them =] Do you have a favourite today? =]
  17. LP. Congratulations on the safe arrival. =] they are all looking really healthy and Kinta is just glowing as a mother. Looks like she was meant for it. Tough break on the "less then perfect' whelping, but for her first time; and yours too, you both did excellent. I am already looking forward to the photo updates and the stories about all their firsts and how Leo takes to them, I'm sure they'll all be wonderful examples of the breed and you'll have the best fun coming up with six names for the first and original Pawsitive Australian Shepherds. (Gosh that prefix looks good in writing). All the best for the next 8 weeks-ish and sending the aussies lots of love. =] Especially Leo.
  18. go for it. i have the two in my sig + another and would not rule out a 4th ETA: more. having a 3rd dog depends on your financial and mental stability, whether you can provide it all the love it needs, the nieghbors should be okay with the current noise level at your property and should be fine with you having another. Will your dogs appreciate/accept/adoe another dog? is everyone in the house wanting another? theres a lot to ask yourself, but in your situation you'd be fine
  19. is her nose wet at all? she might have it blocked. my puppy did
  20. a huge congratulations!!! wel done
  21. oh that face; how gorgeous! Rest in peace wonderful.
  22. the link didnt work fr me, that sucks. i'll reload it in IE =]
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