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Everything posted by pipsqueak

  1. Okay - I'm back with a bit more time, though I still can't find the link to the video that I want. I am frequently disappointed in the demonstration teams that I see... but then I ask myself if I have a different expectation of a demo team than the general public would. I *want* to see precision heeling with multiple dogs either offlead, or with totally loose leads - but that would probably bore Joe Bloggs senseless. Also, I am frequently disappointed when I see demo teams who, when they do their heeling, are strangling their dogs with the lead/collar in order to keep in formation. Joe Bloggs probably wants to see flashy tricks, agility, and "doggy dancing" to music. If you were to ask me to start a demo team, it would probably be a compromise - precision heeling to music. There was a Golden Retriever demo team at Crufts, and from memory, all they did was heeling and turns and stays, but in pretty formations like marching bands do. If you have reeaaally stable dogs, you could add individual recalls, which always look effective.
  2. in a rush at the moment and cannot find exactly what i want. if you go to youtube & search on dog demonstration team, there are a lot of videos which might give you some ideas... for example... this one would have to be my all time favourite demo team - video quality is exceptionally poor, but the quality of the work from dogs and handlers is worth persisting...
  3. Waggle.com.au also do first aid kits http://waggle.com.au/dog-supplies-m2/dog-f...fety-c78/page-1
  4. I haven't finished reading all the thread yet, but I thought that eucalytpus & tea tree oil were "no go" with dogs??? (sorry, I see now others have suggested it) Oh, and how about a couple of clean bricks on top of the crate to stop him walking around? Also, might be a dumb question, but what presents were under the tree on Christmas eve? He became sick on Christmas day??? Just thinking that it might be something that triggered it and could still be in the house? Also, is there any new furniture, like from Ikea - some have been known to give of toxic vapours... just random thoughts...
  5. can you explain what this is? i haven't heard of it before.
  6. I just wanted to say what a lovely offer.
  7. I've been lucky and only ever had "minor" reactions - a lump at the injection site (C5). Lump come up 1-2 days after the shot and disappeared in about a week.
  8. Just another oddball idea from a newbie.... how about setting up a ring or mock trial, where you don't obviously have food on you. However, when you get to the start post, wait her out until she decides to pay attention to you, treat/jackpot and leave the ring. Then, work on shortening the amt of time you will wait for her attention - too long, you leave the start post, within x secs, she earns a reward... or will this be setting you up for more problems later?
  9. Any takers on what to try for this one? Okay, total newbie here, with many of her own problems! But, what happens if you leave the ring if she isn't paying attention? I'm assuming that she wants to work, or finds work rewarding (???) so wouldn't you be taking away an opportunity to earn a reward by leaving?
  10. Dumbell is wood, and haven't tried plastic with her. I've tried a rolled up face cloth (thinking something soft might be easier) but it also went flying across the room. She doesn't naturally carry much in her mouth. She's probably about 4y/o now and doesn't play much with toys anymore. I haven't tried getting her to hold any of her old toys, as I thought she might associate them with playing, and more likely to launch them. Someone suggested getting to the dumbell before she launches it... sorry, I'm not that fast... you have about 1/2 a nanosecond before it goes flying.
  11. Apart from duck for cover? I've tried a few things, but with limited success. At the moment, I normally just call it quits, without any fuss... although, part of me thinks that me quitting training is what she wants - she isn't that "into" training. I've also tried gently holding her lower jaw, to try to give her the idea, but I meet with a lot of resistance in the form of mouthing and trying to spit. It pretty much becomes a missile as soon as she takes it in her mouth and I release my grip on it - still at the point of me holding the dumbell. Not sure if this makes sense, but it is like her whole attitude changes when she throws it - she is normally a fairly calm dog, but when she throws it, she just looks wound, or wired, or something... Oh, and I've also tried going back a step, meaning I keep hold of the dumbell, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
  12. We're not trialling in obedience yet, but can I jump in? I have a sighthound mix, who for quite a while I have been trying to teach her the start of the retrieve - just to hold something in her mouth. We gradually "shaped" it up from look at dumbell, touch dumbell, take dumbell in mouth.... at which point, she launches said dumbell across the room!! I've tried different items, but for her, she always sees them as either a toy, or something that needs to be killed Any suggestions on what I can do about it???
  13. Just spoke to a rep yesterday and it was a definite NO to splitting.
  14. Just my 2 cents worth - just remember that stays can also bore the brains out of both dog and handler . With lower classed, my best advice is to give each dog and handler as much space from other dogs as possible - decreases excitement level and makes concentration a tad easier.
  15. I have had a similar thing happen with one of our dogs (but not such a severe reaction) after using Revolution. Lost hair at the site of the application and it took at least 6-12 months for it to grow back. This was with a dog that we had regularly used Revolution on. We have also returned to using Revolution with no further problems - the vet advised to apply the product to three separate areas instead of just one. I'm guessing that we were just unlucky in getting a bad batch.
  16. I'm trying to get my hands on some more i-clickers but would rather purchase them from a store (where I can try them & choose colour) then on-line. Does anyone know anywhere in Sydney that sells them, apart from obedience clubs???
  17. Booktopia is a good Australian source for all sorts of books. Reasonable postage too, from memory. Are these the books that you're after??? linky
  18. Hi All First off, apologies this is about fish, but thought I might have more luck in the training section than Off Topic. I am thinking about getting a couple of goldfish and also thinking I might want to train them. I've come across this "fish training kit" and was wondering if anyone might know anywhere in NSW that might sell them - really don't want to order from overseas.
  19. add me to the list of people who have emailed, but not received a reply. But, then again, that has usually been my experience with NDTF.
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