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Everything posted by LDR

  1. Oh they are both just gorgeous!!!!
  2. Cough, cough .... Pictures?
  3. We had our mini foxie boy in an apartment for the first year and a half and I swear by this -> Doggy Dunny lined with pee pads. We tried a Pet Loo (bulkier and hard to clean), litter trays, synthetic grass on towels etc and this just worked a treat. Even though we have a yard now we leave it on the deck and he uses it when it's raining. You could probably find one on EBAY? I thoroughly recommend lining them too (we use pee pads but newspaper would work too).
  4. Toilet training was hil-ar-i-ous! "Good wee! Good WEE!! Good wee good wee good wee!!" .... Then there was my conversation with Timmy when I thought we were the only ones on our walking track as we passed a black kitty that particularly loathes Timmy and takes great acception to him walking near "her" house ... "I know I know Timmy, cats suck, but hey, she may be bigger then you but I would fully take her down for you bro, fully, yeah I'd whip that cat's ass for you bro ..." ... ... you get the picture. I think the lady who overtook me thought I was quite loopy.
  5. ditto. I think they are trying to tell you something. I have them mostly on RAW.. so you think stopping kibble would be best? I have about 3/4 left!? Our boy is the same, BARF patties, sardines in olive oil, raw eggs, chicken necks and ox tails ... but we had a bag of premium kibble for emergencies (ie when we forget to defrost a patty or run out of raw) ... he literally turns his nose up at it. And he's normally *very* food motivated. I donated mine to rescue ... And grizzled at Timmy that "Lord Muck can't eat what the plebs do ... grumpy grizzle, would you like a knife and fork for your patty sir?". :D
  6. Yep, my boy wakes at six on the dot and sits patiently on the bed *staring* at me - until I either a) feed him or b) walk him. He'll remain vigilent in his pose for 20 minutes max then crawl back under the covers for sleep - up to midday on a weekend! ;) He knows exactly where his "things" are and gets confused and hunts and puts them in a right spot if out of order (toys, blankies etc). He also barks and is skittish when strange new items bought in the house - a Dora The Explora doll left on the dining table for my niece, my new umbrella, an exercise matt. He'll bark twice then skirt around the object. We just bring him to the item and encourage him to sniff then he's sweet. I think quite a bit of our issues come from getting him so young (please don't flame, we knew no better) from a BYB, he is velcro dog and very feline like - almost as though he didn't learn the ropes properly? efs
  7. When we were in high rise we had a fire audit done once a year, people from some fire safety mob came and checked all our front doors, internal sprinklers etc and had a list of number of residents including pets. I assume the info would be given to the fire dept somehow? ;) We had two other flats on our level, if they were going to rescue the neighbours and we weren't home I'd imagine if they could safely get our dog they would've.
  8. Wheat doesn't agree with Timmy's coat so I'm slowly educating Mum that Timmy LOVES cucumber, snowpeas and carrots so he gets those too now which is less of an issue. It's just weird that people's neighbours throw food over the fence! That is so rude!!
  9. My Mum is the worst, she will literally put the toaster on for Timmy. But I have simply stopped feeding him breakfast before visiting her and she takes great delight in making him sit first now. So at least I'm making headway ... Actually come to think of it, she's always trying to feed *me* too! Here have a biccie, you want a scone with your cuppa? We have cake ....
  10. Lovemesideways, that bed was *perfectly made* when I left for work and that bag of clean laundry *perfectly stacked*. I love the tiny tips of the ears between the two white pillows though. That's how I knew he was in there. I said "where is doglet?" and these two little ears pricked up ...
  11. To all the people with neighbours throwing food over the fence, maybe a stinky chicken neck / dog treat / PAL over *their* fence might give them the hint! We are so lucky that all that comes sailing over our fence is the odd tennis ball (much to Timmy's delight).
  12. Some interesting replies, thanks guys. It must be difficult with neighbours tossding anything over the fence Kelly Louise - that's plain rude! And yeah, I don't feed Timmy from my plate at all yet OH does ... and OH wonders why he gets a sooking, whining brat whenever he tries to eat in the lounge room. Sigh! I'm pretty cool with it given it's the Mums and they refer to Timmy as their Granddog and would never give him anything to harm him (plus he has a cast iron gut too). I never offer pats / food to other people's dogs without permission though.
  13. I guess I'm lucky as Timmy knows the people to stare at and is not a beggar with strangers. He literally has about half a dozen people wrapped around his paw ... one of our friends who refers to Timmy as her boyfriend takes him on dates to dog friendly cafes and they share a little bit of muffin or cake. I've tried to use praise rather then treat based training primarily so I guess it's a bit different for us.
  14. Kids, that would tick me off big time! I don't blame you! But yeah, I sort of watch it all unfold with Timmy and think "Meh, good luck boy, you aint getting nothing from me at home!".
  15. I've learnt that both OH's Mum and my Mum are suckers for Timmy's hungry eyes so now when we visit I cut back his previous meal. Last night OH's Mum "dropped" some roast lamb on the floor "accidentally" to call Timmy over to help clean up the mess ... My Mum, well she'll make toast if Timmy stares at the toaster long enough ... And my two year old nephew "shares" everything with Timmy (much to my brother's disgust - total clean freak ) Then there's the little old ladies we see occassionally on our morning walk (complete with walking frames and football jerseys) who carry dog treats in their pockets to divvy out to the dogs they pass. Needless to say they are *very* popular with the local dogs! Generally I'm not bothered as it's a) all safe food (not quite the raw diet we adhere to at home) and b) it's only occassionally, not very often in the scheme of things. Am I right to be so relaxed? I hadn't thought about it much until I realised just how much food Timmy can score ... he even got to lick the cheesy cauliflower bake and gravy pans last night at OH's parents .. efs
  16. My littlie (4.2kg mini foxie) seems to be a target for being bothered, I honestly think sometimes that larger dogs think "oooh a moving squeaky toy!!" as the other littlies walk straight past. I have found stopping and engaging with the owners / dog very useful - a simple "Can you heel your dog please? Mine's a bit scared". Then we "meet" the other dog on equal terms and generally the outcome is great. Timmy now has a Whippet buddy, a Whippet "girlfriend" (Oh how he hearts Rosie), quite a few Border Collie friends and his favourite, the big mixed breed boofa Benson who play bows to get Timmy to chase him. Other dogs that I know to rush us, well I cross the street / leave the park. Bummer but worth it for my sanity!!
  17. Dear Original Poster. It'd *ok* to feel worried / guilty / sad - you're dog is going under GA and having surgery, that's daunting. To all the knockers, lay off, poor gal is just feeling a touch upset about impending surgery on her dog, heck I felt bad when my nephew broke his elbow recently. Sure he's two and on enough kiddie panadol that he isn't feeling pain and heck, I hsrdly pushed him off the slippery dip but I *feel* awful for him. Logical? No. But that's just moi.
  18. I cried like a baby, actually called OH to come home from work early when we picked Timmy up as he was so groggy. It was the fact of the surgery rather then the fact of the de-sex, he was 2kg at the time and watching his groggy little tail try to wag broke my heart as he came out of his crate at the vets. But. They bounce back like you wouldn't believe! And the best part about dogsis they don't bear grudges!
  19. Oh and when I did venture out in the rain along the lovely creek foreshore (houses backing onto it) he kept running and standing under people's awnings to keep dry!
  20. Same here. It's just water! Tell that to Timmy! He loooooves the bath - all the warm water, suds and attention. But when it rains, he makes it perfectly clear he is *warm wash* only. Lest he shrink any further!
  21. This cracked me up - our garden bed is like a retaining wall around the edge of the grass. We've planted herbs and some vegies and Timmy (aka Lord Muck) luuuuurves it ...
  22. Oh isn't she just adorable!!! Ringo looks like he'll make quite the "big brother" too. Keep up the pics! :D
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