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Everything posted by fiveplusone

  1. I thought I had it bad when Hugo trys to get on my lap while I'm typing but he's never managed to get on the table. Thats hilarious!
  2. OMG Macka, Archie does this too !! Sometimes he stays in that position just watching what's going on around him. Front legs on floor, back legs still up on the couch. Must be a lab trait, Mason does it too, OH finds it hilarious! my GSP does this too
  3. must be a GSP thing. Hugo walk in the rain........don't be silly, he'd get his paws wet! He's more than happy snoozing on somebodies lap thank you very much
  4. $45 sounds like a great price even adding $10. Let us know if you find out where they got it from.
  5. I love dogs that do this! It is adorable! You'd never get any work done though Yep, I have one of those too. I also love it when Hugo goes around the side of my bed during the day and there is a patch of sunlight on it and he just stands there with his head on this warm patch of sunlight and stays there for ages ;) He also squashes ants with his nose....it that a dog thing or a Hugo thing???? He's not trying to eat them, he just sort of bops them with his nose ;)
  6. When I take Hugo for his last toilet break at night he always gets to end of the porch and stops and turns around as if to say "you are coming out with me into the dark aren't you?" and as soon as I laugh and say yes I'm coming he trots off to the garden, but will only go so far as to get himself actually weeing on the grass and not the pavers....he doesn't like getting his feet wet in grass! And yes he used to come to the bathroom with me too....but now he's older and I can trust him I shut the door, but he's always right up against the other side of the door so that when I open it he falls over into the bathroom!
  7. What do they do when they get to the end, do they turn and go back the way they came or do the jump onto the floor and up onto the beginning the lounge again???
  8. ;) ;) I am so glad I don't work in an office with other people as they would think I was seriously strange laughing at the computer like I am right now! What a bunch of hilarious dogs we have. Keep the posts coming......I'm really enjoying this (I really should be working....I really should be working.....I really should be working )
  9. I'm fairly sure my family and friends get tired of hearing me rave on about how gorgeous and funny my dog is so thought at least DOLers would be happy to share So what things do your dogs do that make you laugh out loud? I can waste a lot of my day just watching my boy and the funny things he does and the funny looks he gives me, so I figure I may as well waste a bit more of the day reading the silly things that other peoples dogs do! This morning he is spending time outside as OH is home and doing stuff in the garden and I keep watching him from the desk by my window (when I should be working!) and a little while ago I looked up and there he was sitting in the sun with a small stick poking out from the side of his mouth so that he looked like he was relaxing there smoking a cigarette! It cracked me up wish I had a camera handy. He's so goofy sometimes
  10. After reading about the snugglesafe disc and how many people use them for themselves as much as for their dogs I wish I had invested in one of them instead of my recent purchase of a heated throw rug Anyway, when funds allow I want to get one so that on the rare occasion I leave our dog outside of an evening I can put one in his crate and keep him extra warm (he usually pulls his bedding out so hoping the snuggle safe would make it more warm and inviting for him). I've done a bit of a google search and there is some variation in prices so was wondering where most people have got them from and what the cheapest price someone managed to find?
  11. I didn't know there were different brands. I got them from a place that puts them in small packs so they don't have any ingredients on them, they are just in plastic. um, yeah I guess maybe he did get a few extra calories that needed to be worked off! He's a 7 month old GSP so not small but maybe it was a bit like giving him some red cordial Perhaps try giving them in the morning then so he's got all day to work it off. There are quite a few different brands, just give the store that you bought them from a call and ask what brand they are then you can look the ingredients up on the net. We get the Dog Pro brand (I think that's what it's called) which is preservative free but I think some of the others do have it so might be worth investigating. Or perhaps the energy burst was him just showing you how excited he was about his new biccies Thanks, I'll find out what brand they are, I'd much prefer to give him a preservative free one, glad I only bought a kilo bag to start off with. Yes, he was pretty excited about the biscuit. The second one he got he played with for ages, dropping it and "chasing" it as it slid around the floor boards. He does the same thing with pigs ears and whole carrots....hilarious to watch, its almost like he thinks that its going to run around and play with him!
  12. Hmm, I'll just keep an eye on him whenever he gets them and see if it happens again. Hugo is unlike the GSP's I've had before, he really is a lounge lizard and to see him not settle last night was very strange. He slept overnight though and is back to his usual self this morning, sleeping at my feet while i work. OMG, I'm jealous. I want a lounge lizard, especially today, the last week of rain has been unpleasant. She has a drizabone to go walking with (I don't)! I know, I really should keep it quiet, its not fair is it really I think its because I work from home, so he is rarely without human company and spends most of his time cuddled up on someones lap (well not when I'm working...although he does try (very hard to type and work on the computer with a 20 odd kg dog on your lap!) and he is just happy and content as long as he is with someone. Thats not to say he doesn't do zoomies and get bouncy, he does, and everyone who isn't GSP savvy thinks he's completey nuts but thats because no one see's him settled at home with his humans, they only see him when they pop in and of course he is excited to see them and bounces all over them! But I do think he is pretty special :D
  13. Hmm, I'll just keep an eye on him whenever he gets them and see if it happens again. Hugo is unlike the GSP's I've had before, he really is a lounge lizard and to see him not settle last night was very strange. He slept overnight though and is back to his usual self this morning, sleeping at my feet while i work.
  14. I didn't know there were different brands. I got them from a place that puts them in small packs so they don't have any ingredients on them, they are just in plastic. um, yeah I guess maybe he did get a few extra calories that needed to be worked off! He's a 7 month old GSP so not small but maybe it was a bit like giving him some red cordial
  15. Anyone find that their dogs are unsettled after giving them a 4x2 biscuit? I bought a small bag of them to try, mainly for a treat every now and again, like if we go out and can leave a few nice things for him to chew on. He had two this afternoon to see if he liked them and how long it would take for him to eat them but I've found this evening that he just hasn't settled. I don't think he's had a stomach upset but he's just been more active than usual, walking from one room to another between the different family members, where as usually he'd just pick a lap and climb up and sleep contently. Anyway, wondering if something in the biscuit has made him a little hyperactive?
  16. My first GSP loved irrigation piping....I don't know how much of the stuff we went through. Never did stop him from chewing it though, just too irrisistable I guess! Like VJB our new pup doesn't chew the things he steals but loves to stand quietly behind me until I notice he's got something he shouldn't and then the game begins. We used fritz (he'll do absolutely anything for fritz!) to "trade" for the stolen item but I think he also started to realise that he would get something yummy when he stole stuff. Now I find that if I just ignore him when he goes to his "I've got something I should have" spot (which is under the dining table) he loses interest and goes on to something else and then I can retrieve the stolen item. If its something that could hurt him though (he had a battery the other day!) then we still use the fritz as a quick way to get the item away from him. Like others have said it sounds like its turned into a game for her, and she's enjoying you chasing after her. As for the digging I have heard that putting their poo in the holes stops them digging. While we haven't had to do this with our pup (he has a digging patch in another part of the garden that he is allowed to dig in) we have found that he has never pulled up plants in the garden bed as thats where we bury his poo and even when a favorite ball has gone into the garden bed he refuses to retrieve it he just stands at the edge of the garden bed and looks at the ball! Maybe you could try that if your irrigation piping is somewhere like that?
  17. sorry, I can't help either. I have a GSP who loves chewing sticks and he also loves eating crispy leaves and usually picks up a crunchy jacaranda tree pod to crunch on when we go for a walk too. Our street is lined with jacaranda's and the first part of a walk is hilarious as he goes from one pod to another, he thinks it's heaven!
  18. unfortunately no. I don't really have family or friends that I could send my boy to and I don't think he would cope in a kennel. I like the sound of 'don't fret pets' but for the 3 weeks we are going to be away for at the end of the year would just be so expensive. I so wish there was a sort of "swap" doggie-sit situation where you look after someones dog in return for them looking after yours. I guess thats what friends and family do but in my situation everyone is either dogless, has little dogs or just aren't GSP savvy
  19. Hugo loves his kong (black extreme one), a big knotted rope, and soft toys. He had a lovely purple rabbit, which eventually became earless, legless and handless (the arms survived though). My kids would say "mums doing surgery again" because of the multiple times I was stitching up the rabbit when limbs were detached! Unfortunately the rabbit is now in soft toy heaven after it was used for tug of war between Hugo and his BCxKelpie "cousin". Interestingly the soft toy that has lasted the longest is a rat from IKEA. They are only about $2. He found it in the bottom of a cupboard one day (where all the kids old soft toys are) and we decided to let him have it. so far it has all its limbs still attached, even its tail is still there! The other thing which amused him was a clam shell full of dried leaves from the garden. He loves to "throw" them around and dig in them and eat them too. Unfortunately all the rain has spoiled his fun now because they aren't dry and crisp anymore, just sort of soggy and boring! ETA....went to IKEA and the rat isn't $2 anymore it's now $5.95 (admittedly I did buy it a good few years ago!)
  20. My pup is the same. when its raining he looks at me as if to say "yeah right, you think I'm going out in THAT!" Thankfully now he is a bit older (7 months) he's worked out that if he goes under our big tree he can stay relatively dry, but he does it really quick and he gets as close to the trunk of the tree as possible! when he runs back he lifts his paws as high as he can to try and stay dry!
  21. Thanks for the warning Ness, I'll run in and out as quick as I can then!
  22. I hadn't seen them at Petstock, but I'm probably staring right at them every time I go there totally forgot there was a petshop on Goodwood Road (I've never been in it). Thats close so I'll go there, thanks!
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