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Everything posted by harley

  1. They are both so adorable! I love your photos!
  2. I am glad he ate his dinner, I hope he (and you) has a good night
  3. Oh what a creepy man. You poor thing, I hope you are feeling ok now. Thank goodness you had Shyla with you, even if she has not acted aggressive before for someone who doesn't know her she could be seen as intimidating??
  4. Hey poochmad!! Thanks for those great comments He does have a good home now - I'm a total dog slave. hahahaha I think you're right re the previous owners! I'm so glad he's not still stuck with them because with his smarts he would have gone slowly insane in that little back yard and probably ended up with all sorts of problems. Hmmmmmm. I don't think him going under the bed is a comfort thing tho LOL If you saw him doing it all the time you'd know what I mean. He is definitely having fun and playing a game. He has started doing it to other bits of furniture now - I think he'd love to have a tunnel because he'll go from one to the other. He is just about the most sassy dog I've ever met so I don't think he's looking for comfort. He'll actually do it most often when everything's all quiet and he's bored hahahahaha Thinking about it he doesnt do it when he's unsure - he'll run to me when he feels insecure which is probably good. He also barks at anything he doesnt like the look of (but runs back to me!!). He was going off at some innocent calves today. Poor wee things. BUT he has now realised that he can tease Tango and then escape under there and Tango wont get him. Tango follows and looks at the bottom of the bed barking etc so Dylan peeks out from under the bed and bashes him in the face like a cat would, then darts back under hahahahahahaha I swear that dog has a sense of humour. So great to hear that Spottychick, so when are you going to add that third ticker????
  5. My guess about the separation anxiety is that she got used to you nursing her "around the clock" and now expects this as she sees it as normal behaviour. In her world you have spent so much time with her and now you want to go out on your own and she does not like this! Start by leaving her in another room for a couple of minutes and then walking back in. Only praise and reward her if she is quiet and settled. Gradually increase the amount of time and then progress to going out of the house for a small length of time. Once again only praise her if she is quiet and settled upon your return. Maybe some rescue remedy to help her feel more secure? Maybe you could leave a piece of clothing that you have been wearing in her bed so she has your scent on it. Good luck, it can be exhausting and frustrating. Hopefully in the long run, it will be worth the effort though.
  6. Hoping your boy Chase gets better quickly
  7. and me!!!! If you start at one then I can come for an hour, yipee!
  8. Beautiful photos Lisa. The dogs all look so happy, especially Kiya!
  9. He sounded like a very special boy, with a special place in your heart. RIP Eric
  10. I love reading about your dogs. You have a way with words that make things so interesting!!
  11. Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous little man! I bet his previous owner is smiling down on him and his new mum!
  12. I would love to know how the OPs dogs are too.
  13. Thanks Ker, but that's ok. Whatever suits the majority is best!
  14. He sure is cute! Boomer! Sad that a pregnancy can come between friends, but I know what you mean.
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