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Everything posted by MonElite

  1. No not really. Dogs rocks did absolutely nothing. I have resulted in fencing off the whole grass area and not letting the dogs on it at all. Basically a weeks since I have started this thread. So there were no dog on it until about 2 weeks ago. Grass started to grow back and it was doing ok, with some patches that were completely gone, but the rest was getting better. I watered it heaps at least twice a week and put seasol on it twice. And 2 weeks ago I let a litter of puppies and their mother on it. Mother has burned out new patches. I have now decided to just let it go till the pups go. After they go I will be top dressing it with some new soil mixed with seeds of kikuyu. (the one I have is shademaster bufflo) and fencing it off completely from the dogs until the grass is very well established and growing properly. Even if it meas it will be moths before they get to go on it.
  2. Police? SAR? Not that I know of. Not heard of one in the last 10 years, make it last 5, just in case Im wrong Apparently there are people using dobes in security, so Im told.
  3. I know Natasha from Anamist and Dave from Seareach personally and they are lovely people with some very nice dogs. But I wouldn't call their dogs working line dogs. Both of them used Federicco Moravia Heart as a sire of some of their recent litters. He is a European import and a fantastic dog but he isnt a working line dog. The dog Natasha used on her current litter is also an import form Europe but again not from true working lines. In Europe dogs to be bred from must have an IPOI title, in my opinion that title is an indication of dogs abilities but not necessarily a true working dog. And if someone knows anything about training they will know that its possible to train a mediocre dog to perform the move of the IPO requirements on its own train filed, yet it will not pass anything, including simple heeling with distractions on an unknown field. Im in no way saying that that dog is of a substandard quality. I just dont think tht seeing IPO title here are there in the pedigree means that the dog is working lines. All dogs in Europe have those titles, yet over there peole still split the breed into show and working lines. And if people call Anamist kennels working line kennel I will start the same about my dogs (only kidding) as I also used Ricco - he is a sire of my current litter. And I used Garrison Moravia Heart that is more of a working dog then Ricco, yet far from a lets say WL malinois.... As to the other working line kennels - I am yet to see any of their dogs be titled in anything........ As Jeff said if you want a working dog dont get a dobermann ;-))
  4. Mine drip as well, my water bowl is in the laundry on a towel and I dont go to the laundry that often. If I had it the kitchen Id have a indoor swimming pool
  5. I own dobes. I love love love them. I also have a ridgeback cross, super dog. The cross is relativelly lazy comparying to dobes. He also learns a lot slower and gets bored with training a lot quicker. My boy (RIP Rexy) was super human friendly, and a social butterfly. My girls are not so social, but once introduced to people they are fine. The recall on the dobes is a lot better then the riddgie cross. Of course this is a lot to do with training. When we take the dogs for a walk (and just let them do what they want, not call them) dobes follow, riddie x goes of on his own trips often and forgets we are together. One of my dobes does my head in sometimes ( well most of the time ) she is super energetic, she can rest too if need be, but definitelly wears me out. I looked after many dobes for friends and none of them was as energetic as my freak, so its not a norm. She is on another hand tip top entertainment, learns really fast and steals anyones heart. I guess I shouldn't have named her Fury she lives up to her name.
  6. One of my puppies is going to live with a lovely young lady and her OH. They are very active people, and from what I understand he is in the Army. They are getting a brown boy dobie and want a musculine preferably army related name for the pup. Suggestions welcome. One of the possible names is Trigger. Her OH suggested Weapon but she hates it ;-) BTW the litters theme is Chocolate, and his pedigree name will be MonElite Chocolate Chip
  7. If you were thinking about the livestock guarding Polish breed (rather then the herding dog) you though of a Owczarek Podhalanski (sorry dont know the name in English, perhaps its called a mountain dog) its a dog size of a maremma, and also white.
  8. Almost 7 years for me as well... I learned A LOT about dog training and behaviours. Met A LOT of wonderful people, some became my closest friends. Added 3 dogs to my household and said a sad good bye to one. Titled one of the dogs in the show ring and did ET with her. Competed in obedience. Got my own prefix and started breeding.
  9. They can have mine if they want, their pick, I offer different colours LOL
  10. Husky I thought you wanted to get a dobermann as your next breed, they are off the list?
  11. I only ever really owned one breed - dobermann. I love the way they look to me there isnt a dog that is better looking then a dobe, would like to ahve them cropped and docked, or at least docked. Then there is the public perseption about the breed, and I like the fact that people are affraid of a dobe. I want a dog that can protect me, or at least look as if it will. One of the ones I have is the intense, start up in a split second type of a dog. Needy and rude, barks just this little bit to much, steals stuff and jumps in the least appropriate moments. Yet if she is corrected she is the most suck up dog ever and I love that in her. She is also always happy, has a smile and wags the tail basically non stop. The others I had were not as intence as her, but just as needy ;-) I like that they are loyal to me and want to be with me all the time. Then there is the cross bred I also have. Ridgy bullmastif pitty? perhaps. He is a absolute sweetheart, good with everything, yet wil bark at the gate and pretend he is guarding. But he looses intrest in doing something very quickly and is overal lazy. 2km run and he slows down where the dobes start to warm up. Besides that I absolutly LOVE PAXs malinois. Just love that dog.
  12. Kylie I think you expect WAY to much of the pup. Just let him play tug and let him win 99% of the time. To teach the dog a sit command takes 5 repetitions, they get it really fast, you dont have to do it NOW. And you dont have to teach him to give NOW, and targeting NOW. Just play with him and get him addicted to the game. Even if it means locking him up in the crate for a while after and before. He is just a baby that you had for a week. Would you start teaching a 1 year old child to write?
  13. I just got 10 of them. Bargain!!! I got ten as I have a litter of 10 pups and those callendars will go in my puppy pack. They are so beautiful!!!
  14. Divani is doing fantastic, I had her desexed as well, so a major thing. But she is looking great, feeling great and is a super mum. The cut is looking good, some fancy stitching by the vet, but oh so nice and healing very well. She is doing a milion times better then I have ever expected. Has plenty of milk too! Pups growing like there is no tomorrow, I have one that is a huge monster and oh so very cute.
  15. On the 23rd I had a litter born. 6 were born naturally, 7th was huge, blocked everything and damamged Divanis uterus. We ended up doing c-section and desexing and got 1 dead pup out and 4 live ones. So I have a chocolate litter 8 browns and 2 blacks. They all pretty much have homes already And here is a pic
  16. First one out. 505g monster brown girl.
  17. Im on night alert, Divani is nesting, panting and it is obviously coming soon. Looks like a sleepless night...
  18. Make sure you are actually going to get Pedigree Registration papers with the puppy, as some tend to say the dog is pedigree but the papers never turn up. A pedigree does turn up but not the registration of it. Big difference! Thank you Ruthless for your recommendation mcsenna good luck in your research, I hope you will find the right dog from the right breeder.
  19. Divani is pregnant and due to give birth around Xmas. Yesterday I have heard THE BEST gossip about myself. Apparently I have not been around much recently, as I'm totally flat out. Flat out because I had a litter of 18 puppies. And 18 puppies is a world record for dobermanns. :rolleyes: ;) I asked all the dogs where did they hide the puppies, I asked my BF, there is no conclusive answer, they all deny knowledge of any puppies
  20. Waratah Sportdog Club Herr Rott. Tonight last training session for the year, resuming in Feb 2011
  21. Its not unusual for them to have over 10. I looked through some old photos of previous litters she had. She is now at 6.5 weeks the size that she was at 8.5 weeks when she had 8 pups. I feel sorry for her.... its almost 3 weeks to go and she is already so big!!!
  22. Its Divanis 6 weeks, she seemed to double in size in last 24 hours.
  23. The pup will have to spend min 6 months after rabies shots in Slovenia, be tested for a variety of other deseases, and then a month in quarantine here, so you will not get a dog younger then 9 or so months. Check AQIS website, all info there, you are looking at 10-15K cost if not more
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