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Scarlett Dog

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Everything posted by Scarlett Dog

  1. i knew what kind of story this would be and yet i kept reading. Now look like a raccoon from crying! I know it's all too common but it still breaks my heart
  2. hmm... maybe. Again- would need to see what's happening closer to the day. Can pencil it in. I know someone who went last year and didn't have a great time (i guess you assume at events like these dogs aren't DA!) I'm sure it'll be fine.
  3. Good on you Panto- I wish there were more landlords like you. We are lucky to rent privately and the next time we move it will be into our own house. It is not easy with a dog
  4. aww love the pics- looks like it was fun! Love the lifejacket- i wanted one for Scarlett Whites Hill park is nice and big, but happy to go where ever is easy for others. I like to try and find quiet dog parks (if they exist). We have had a few 'interesting' experiences where people take their dogs and the owners don't pay any attention to their dogs. Scarlett doesn't mind, I get kinda annoyed! http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/facilities-...parks/index.htm has a list by suburb.
  5. a cover made a huge difference when we were crate training. We also found that with the cover on it gets a bit warmer so make sure your puppy isn't too hot/cold. Have you done much in the way of closing the door besides when it's bed time?
  6. i think regardless of whether you go for a puppy or rescue you'd need to take some time off to help them settle in. I got my puppy at 8 weeks, I took 2 weeks off to help her get settled before i went back to work. I just slowly got her used to being by herself. We haven't had any problems and me and my OH both work full time. The most she is ever alone is about 8 hours, most times it's 5. I did look into doggy daycare as an option but it's pretty expensive if you do it 5 days a week
  7. my OH is paranoid about someone stealing Scarlett. We have people across the road who kinda creeped us out with their interest in her. We have locks on out gates and keep our garaged locked. The only way someone could get in/out would be to jump our 6ft fences. Scarlett is crate trained but where she goes depends on the length of time we'll be gone as well as time of day, weather etc. If it's less than 4 hours or night time, she'll stay in her crate (which is in our bedroom). If it's longer during the day she goes in her run outside which gives her access to the laundry and under out deck in case of bad weather. If it's stormy we rearrange her run so she has access to the deck.
  8. Anyone keen for an impromptu next Saturday? It seems to be a day people are free. Not bothered where. Suggestions if you're keen. On a side note is the Whites Hill dog park closed? I'm at Tarragindi and drive past most days and wasn't sure if it was open.
  9. aww the poor darling. Glad she is ok. Must of been worrying
  10. Oh dear. My dog has the potential to be destructive. She tends to get this way after we got back to work after holidays etc but she soon gets back into the swing of being by herself. We have found most of her bad behaviour happens when she is tired and overstimulated. Here's what works for us (may or may not work for you). In the morning she gets walked for about 30 mins. We also some clicker training for about 10-15 minutes. This leaves her pooped. She sleeps for about 2 1/2 hours then! She had her own dog run in the yard as well as access to under the deck and laundry if she likes. All her food for the day she has to work for- she doesn't get fed from a food bowl (which some people think is odd)- read about NILIF. Here's what keeps her entertained and fed- 3 (puppy sized) stuffed kongs a bone numerous busy buddy toys (www.busybuddytoys.com)- bouncy bone, tug a jug Bob-a-lot food dispenser The Jalna yoghurt containers are great for stuffing too.
  11. Obviously I love Bull Terriers. I've always had them (when we have two dogs we also had a lab & a dob x rotti). I pretty much am a dog fan so like all breeds. I'd still like a miniature bull terrier at some point.
  12. great. I had someone mention a lady at Many vets too. It seems there is a long waiting list for her
  13. sorry we didn't wait for you! We decided to get there for 9am so parking wasn't an issue and we only stuck around for an hour or so- it was so hot. Scarlett had a ball, she met lots of friendly dogs and people (why people are shocked when she see a well behaved bully is beyond me). Maybe next time!
  14. *sigh* Sorry, no suggestions from me. I have a friend who has a SBT who is an obsessive licker of people. You cannot distract her with anything- for her it's a mental thing (i guess like OCD in dogs).
  15. Has any come across a good dermatologist &/or allergy specialist in Brisbane? Scarlett came up in a rash after she was desexed. The vet initially said it was a minor skin infection from 'puppy pimples' (probably from the stress of the surgery) that would clear itself up. Since then (about a fortnight) she's come up in more bumps. Being a bull terrier I suspect it's an allergy, just not sure if it's something she's come in contact with or food related. We're keen to find out what the cause is. Any recommendations?
  16. We bought a Kramar crate that had a removable divider that can make the crate smaller. You can move it as they grow
  17. we had our pup in her crate in our bedroom where she could hear/see/smell us. We did the blanket that smelled like mum, plus we also got a dog plush toy (kind of looks like a pound puppy) that smelled like mum and stays in her crate (even now it's her special crate toy). As hard as it was we ignored her cries as best we could (if she was fed, warm and not needing to go out she was crying for attention- it did make me cry though!). We took her our every 2 hours for the first two weeks, then once she was settling and going to sleep in her crate and not crying, we let her wake us up to go outside (she went from every 3 hours to going from 10pm-4am in a week or so). People think I'm talking about a baby, but we got her into at routine from day 1- same bedtime and wake up time everyday. Now at 7 months she takes herself off to bed at 7:30pm, goes out to toilet at 10pm before we go to bed and wakes up at 7am. I don't have to set an alarm- she is like clockwork (and huffs at us if we accidentally wake her up before 7!) Good luck!
  18. Hi. We can't make the March meet. We have plans. We used to head to Highgate Hill dog park because it was a bit quieter on a weekend (5pm was always a winner and still allowed a couple of hours play time). I also had someone mention Anzsac Park Toowong as being ok too. I'd bee keen to check out Colmslie too- if anyone ones a doggie playdate in the interim PM me.
  19. I was watching Dogs 101 on foxtel and they were talking about 'designer hybrid dogs'. I laughed so hard when i heard about the Chiweenie (Chihuahua x Dachshund) being known as either a Mexican Hotdog or a German Taco
  20. I was using the Snooza pet futons for a while, they did still seem hard. I switched to a Snooza D1000 which is super comfy and soft, plus it fits in a crate perfectly. You can get extra/replacement stuffing which is handy
  21. Just make sure you ask for a quote of all the costs- not just of the surgery. Some places quote differently.
  22. Me & the husband are planning to be there at 9 (to avoid any parking dramas). If we're still there at 10:30 we'll swing by.
  23. I got Scarlett desexed a fortnight ago. It was Just under $400. It seems a lot but with the breakdown the surgery itself was about $250. The rest was fluid therapy, blood work etc, pre-anaesthetic testing, pain relief for 5 days, cone/collar and follow up appointment after 7 days.
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